Regulation 2018/1999 - Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This regulation is in effect from December 24, 2018 until August  3, 2024.


Key information

official title

Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action, amending Regulations (EC) No 663/2009 and (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Directives 94/22/EC, 98/70/EC, 2009/31/EC, 2009/73/EC, 2010/31/EU, 2012/27/EU and 2013/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 2009/119/EC and (EU) 2015/652 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance.)
Legal instrument Regulation
Number legal act Regulation 2018/1999
Original proposal COM(2016)759 EN
CELEX number i 32018R1999


Key dates

Document 11-12-2018; Date of signature
Publication in Official Journal 21-12-2018; OJ L 328 p. 1-77
Signature 11-12-2018
Effect 24-12-2018; Entry into force Date pub. +3 See Art 59
01-01-2021; Application Partial application See Art 59
Deadline 01-01-1001; Review See Art 45
24-03-2023; At the latest See Art 43.2
24-12-2023; See Art 43.2
End of validity 03-08-2024; Partial end of validity Art. 51 Repealed by 32024L1788
31-12-2024; Partial end of validity Art. 56 Implicitly repealed by 32023L2413
04-02-2025; Partial end of validity Art. 50 Repealed by 32024R1789
11-10-2025; Partial end of validity Art. 54 Repealed by 32023L1791
29-05-2026; Partial end of validity Art. 53 Repealed by 32024L1275


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

L 328/1



of 11 December 2018

on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action, amending Regulations (EC) No 663/2009 and (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Directives 94/22/EC, 98/70/EC, 2009/31/EC, 2009/73/EC, 2010/31/EU, 2012/27/EU and 2013/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, Council Directives 2009/119/EC and (EU) 2015/652 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 192(1) and Article 194(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission,

After transmission of the draft legislative act to the national parliaments,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (1),

Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions (2),

Acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure (3),




This Regulation sets out the necessary legislative foundation for reliable, inclusive, cost-efficient, transparent and predictable governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action (governance mechanism), which ensures the achievement of the 2030 and long-term objectives and targets of the Energy Union in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change following the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the ‘Paris Agreement’), through complementary, coherent and ambitious efforts by the Union and its Member States, while limiting administrative complexity.



The Energy Union should cover five dimensions: energy security; the internal energy market; energy efficiency; decarbonisation; and research, innovation and competitiveness.



The goal of a resilient Energy Union with an ambitious climate policy at its core is to give Union consumers, including households and businesses, secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable energy, and to foster research and innovation by means of attracting investment, which requires a fundamental transformation of Europe's energy system. Such a transformation is also closely linked to the need to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment and to promote the prudent and rational utilisation of natural resources, in particular through the promotion of energy efficiency and energy savings and the development of new and renewable forms of energy. That goal can be achieved only through coordinated action, combining both legislative and non-legislative acts at Union, regional, national and local level.



A fully functional and resilient Energy Union would convert the Union into a leading region for innovation, investment, growth and social and economic development, in turn providing a good example of how pursuing high ambitions in terms of climate change mitigation is intertwined with measures to foster innovation, investment and growth.



Parallel to this Regulation, the Commission has developed and adopted a series of initiatives in sectoral energy policy, in particular with regard to renewable energy, energy efficiency, including on the energy performance of buildings, and market design. Those initiatives form a package under the overarching theme of energy efficiency first, the Union's global leadership in renewables, and a fair deal for energy consumers, including by addressing energy poverty and promoting fair competition in the internal market.



In its conclusions of 23 and 24 October 2014, the European Council endorsed a 2030 Framework for Energy and Climate...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



Sources and disclaimer

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