
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 548 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
06.04.2011  EU’s policy approach to the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2012 (WRC-12).
Communication com(2011)180
31.03.2011  Critical Information Infrastructure Protection ‘Achievements and next steps: towards global cyber-security’.
Communication com(2011)163
16.12.2010  First interim evaluation of the ARTEMIS and ENIAC Joint Technology Initiatives.
Report com(2010)752
16.12.2010  First Interim Evaluation of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP).
Report com(2010)763
15.12.2010  European eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015 Harnessing ICT to promote smart, sustainable & innovative Government.
Communication com(2010)743
15.12.2010  De la Commission au Parlement européen, au Conseil, au Comité économique et social européen et au Comité des régions - Plan d'action européen 2011-2015 pour ...
30.09.2010  SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying document to the Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL concerning the European Network and ...
30.09.2010  Analyse d'impact accompagnant la proposition de règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil concernant l'Agence européenne de Sécurité des Réseaux et de l'Information ...
24.09.2010  Opportunities and challenges for European cinema in the digital era.
Communication com(2010)487
23.09.2010  Ninth Communication on the application of Articles 4 and 5 of Directive 89/552/EEC, as amended by Directive 97/36/EC and Directive 2007/65/EC for the period 2007-2008 ...
Communication com(2010)450
23.09.2010  Document de travail des services de la Commission accompagnant la neuvième communication sur l'application des Articles 4 and 5 de la Directive 89/552/EEC, telle ...
20.09.2010  European Broadband: investing in digitally driven growth.
Communication com(2010)472
20.09.2010  Accompanying document to the Proposal from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council on the "Radio Spectrum Policy Programme" - Impact Assessment.
20.09.2010  SUMMARY OF THE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Accompanying document to the Proposal for a DECISION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing the first radio spectrum ...
Working paper sec(2010)1035
02.07.2010  On the challenges for European film heritage from the analogue and the digital era (Second implementation report of the Film Heritage Recommendation).
29.06.2010  Interim report on the state of development of roaming services within the EU.
Communication com(2010)356
01.06.2010  Market reviews under the EU Regulatory Framework (3rd Report) - Further steps towards the consolidation of the internal market for electronic communications.
Communication com(2010)271
01.06.2010  Sec(2010)659/f1.
25.05.2010  Progress report on the single european electronic communications market 2009 (15th report) SEC(2010)630.
Communication com(2010)253
25.05.2010  Document de travail accompagnant la COmmunication de la Commission au Parlement Européen, au Conseil, au Comité, au Comité Economique et Social Européen et au Comité des ...
19.05.2010  Digital Agenda for Europe.
Communication com(2010)245
17.05.2010  Europe’s Digital Competitiveness Report Vol. I.
Working paper sec(2010)627
11.02.2010  Public service broadcasting in the digital era: the future of the dual system.
21.01.2010  Journalism and new media - creating a public sphere in Europe.
28.10.2009  To theEuropean Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - A public-private partnership on the Future Internet.
Communication com(2009)479
28.10.2009  Transforming the digital dividend into social benefits and economic growth.
Communication com(2009)586
28.08.2009  Europeana : next steps.
Communication com(2009)440
21.08.2009  Final Evaluation of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan and of the multiannual programme (2003-2006) for the monitoring of eEurope 2005 Action Plan, dissemination of good ...
Communication com(2009)432
21.08.2009  ‘eCall : Time for Deployment’.
Communication com(2009)434
04.08.2009  Europe’s Digital Competitiveness Report : main achievements of the i2010 strategy 2005-2009.
Communication com(2009)390
26.06.2009  Implementation, functioning and effectiveness of the ‘.eu’ TLD.
Report com(2009)303
26.06.2009  Seventh Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the ...
Report com(2009)309
18.06.2009  Internet governance : the next steps.
Communication com(2009)277
18.06.2009  Internet of Things : an action plan for Europe.
Communication com(2009)278
07.05.2009  Re-use of Public Sector Information : review of Directive 2003/98/EC - [SEC(2009) 597].
Communication com(2009)212
20.04.2009  Moving the ICT frontiers : a strategy for research on future and emerging technologies in Europe.
Communication com(2009)184
30.03.2009  Critical Information Infrastructure Protection - "Protecting Europe from large scale cyber-attacks and disruptions: enhancing preparedness, security and resilience".
Communication com(2009)149
24.03.2009  Progress Report on the single European electronic communications market 2008 (14TH Report).
Communication com(2009)140
13.03.2009  A Strategy for ICT R&D and Innovation in Europe: Raising the Game.
Communication com(2009)116
12.03.2009  Mobilising Information and Communication Technologies to facilitate the transition to an energy-efficient, low-carbon economy.
Communication com(2009)111
05.03.2009  ICT infrastructures for e-science.
Communication com(2009)108
18.02.2009  Final evaluation of the implementation of the multiannual Community Programme on promoting safer use of the Internet and new online technologies.
Communication com(2009)64
10.12.2008  Legal Framework for Mobile TV Networks and Services: Best Practice for Authorisation - The EU Model.
Communication com(2008)845
01.12.2008  "Towards an accessible information society".
Communication com(2008)804
04.11.2008  Telemedicine for the benefit of patients, healthcare systems and society.
Communication com(2008)689
29.09.2008  Communication on future networks and the internet.
Communication com(2008)594
25.09.2008  Second periodic review of the scope of universal service in electronic communications networks and services in accordance with Article 15 of Directive 2002/22/EC.
Communication com(2008)572
23.09.2008  Outcome of the review of the functioning of Regulation 717/2007 on roaming on public mobile telephone networks within the EC.
Communication com(2008)579
23.09.2008  Integrity of online gambling.
04.09.2008  Ex-post evaluation of the ‘Information Society Technologies (IST)’ Thematic Priority in the Sixth Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and ...
Communication com(2008)533