
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 558 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
06.10.2016  Promoting cohesion and development in the outermost regions of the EU: implementation of Article 349 TFEU.
06.10.2016  Deployment of cohesion policy instruments by regions to address demographic change.
19.09.2016  Ex post evaluation of the ERDF and Cohesion Fund 2007-13.
30.08.2016  EU Solidarity Fund Annual Report 2015.
Report com(2016)546
27.06.2016  Commission report containing the assessment on the budget of major European funds as required under Art. 24(3) and 120(3) third sub-paragraph of Regulation (EU) N° ...
Report com(2016)414
14.04.2016  European Union Solidarity Fund: assessment.
14.12.2015  Investing in jobs and growth - maximising the contribution of European Structural and Investment Funds.
Communication com(2015)639
29.10.2015  European territorial cooperation - best practices and innovative measures.
29.10.2015  Cohesion policy in mountainous regions of the EU.
29.10.2015  Cohesion policy and research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3).
16.10.2015  EU Solidarity Fund Annual Report 2014.
Report com(2015)502
10.09.2015  New territorial development tools in the cohesion policy 2014-2020: integrated territorial investment (ITI) and community-led local development (CLLD).
28.07.2015  Amendment of Regulation 866/2004 on a regime under the Act of Accession as regards goods covered by quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs (Cyprus).
Regulation com(2015)380
28.07.2015  EU Strategy for the Alpine Region.
Communication com(2015)366
28.07.2015  Action Plan accompanying the document: EU Strategy for the Alpine Region.
02.06.2015  Eleventh report on the implementation of Council Regulation 866/2004 and the situation resulting from its application covering 2014.
Report com(2015)235
02.06.2015  Technical annexes accompanying the document: Annual Report on the implementation of Council Regulation 866/2004 and the situation resulting from its application.
22.05.2015  Results of the public consultation on the key features of an EU urban agenda.
18.05.2015  Annual Report 2014 on the implementation of the instrument of financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community.
Report com(2015)208
10.03.2015  EU Solidarity Fund Annual Report 2013.
Report com(2015)118
15.01.2015  Cohesion policy and marginalised communities.
15.01.2015  Cohesion policy and the review of the Europe 2020 strategy.
30.07.2014  Guidelines on the application of the measures linking effectiveness of the European Structural and Investment Funds to sound economic governance.
Communication com(2014)494
23.07.2014  Sixth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion: investment for jobs and growth.
Communication com(2014)473
23.07.2014  Accompanying the document: Sixth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion: Investing in Europe's Future.
18.07.2014  Urban dimension of EU policies - key features of an EU urban agenda.
Communication com(2014)490
20.06.2014  Enabling synergies between European Structural and Investment Funds, Horizon 2020 and other research, innovation and competitiveness-related Union programmes.
Working paper swd(2014)205
17.06.2014  EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region.
Communication com(2014)357
17.06.2014  Action Plan accompanying the document: EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region.
17.06.2014  Supportive Analytical Document accompanying the document: EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region.
20.05.2014  Governance of macro-regional strategies.
Report com(2014)284
04.12.2013  EU Solidarity Fund Annual Report 2012.
Report com(2013)856
12.09.2013  Optimise the potential of outermost regions by creating synergies between the EU structural funds and other EU programmes.
27.06.2013  Added value of macro-regional strategies.
Report com(2013)468
27.06.2013  Accompanying the document: added value of macro-regional strategies.
26.06.2013  Eighth progress report on economic, social and territorial cohesion The regional and urban dimension of the crisis.
Report com(2013)463
26.06.2013  Accompanying the document: Eighth progress report on economic, social and territorial cohesion The regional and urban dimension of the crisis.
10.06.2013  EU Member States' preparedness to an effective and timely start of the new cohesion policy programming period.
10.06.2013  Smart specialisation: networking excellence for a sound cohesion policy.
30.05.2013  Regional policy as a part of wider State support schemes.
18.04.2013  Cohesion policy: Strategic report 2013 on programme implementation 2007-2013.
Report com(2013)210
18.04.2013  Accompanying the document: Cohesion policy: Strategic report 2013 on programme implementation 2007-2013.
08.04.2013  EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
Report com(2013)181
14.03.2013  Effects of budgetary constraints for regional and local authorities regarding the EU's Structural Funds expenditure in the Member States.
14.03.2013  Implementation and impact of the energy efficiency measures under the cohesion policy.
28.02.2013  Results of the mid-term verification of additionality 2007-2013.
Communication com(2013)104
17.01.2013  Assessing territorial impacts: Operational guidance on how to assess regional and local impacts within the Commission Impact Assessment System.
Working paper swd(2013)3
07.11.2012  Annual report on the cohesion fund (2011).
Report com(2012)642
07.11.2012  Accompanying document to the document Report from the Commission - Annual Report on the Cohesion Fund (2011).
31.10.2012  23rd annual report on implementation of the structural funds (2011).
Report com(2012)633