
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 545 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
21.10.2010  Staff Working document.
06.10.2010  Regional Policy contributing to smart growth in Europe 2020.
Communication com(2010)553
06.10.2010  Regional Policy contributing to smart growth in Europe 2020.
09.09.2010  State of play and future synergies for increased effectiveness between ERDF and other Structural Funds.
09.09.2010  European urban agenda and its future in cohesion policy.
09.09.2010  Demographic change and its consequences for the future cohesion policy of the EU.
09.09.2010  Objective 3: a challenge for territorial cooperation - the future agenda for cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation.
31.03.2010  Cohesion policy: Strategic Report 2010 on the implementation of the programmes 2007-2013 SEC(2010)360.
Communication com(2010)110
31.03.2010  Staff Working Document accompanying the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the ...
18.02.2010  Impact of the action plan to strengthen the Commission's supervisory role under shared management of structural actions.
Communication com(2010)52
21.01.2010  Report on the implementation of the synergies of research and innovation earmarked funds in Regulation (EC) No 1080/2006 concerning the European Fund of Regional ...
17.12.2009  Contribution of the cohesion policy to the achievement of Lisbon objectives.
17.12.2009  Contribution of EU regional policy towards fighting the financial and economic crisis, with a special reference to Objective 2.
17.12.2009  Achieving real territorial, social and economic cohesion within the EU - a sine qua non condition for global competitiveness?.
17.12.2009  Transparency in regional policy and its funding.
17.12.2009  Good governance with regards to the EU regional policy: procedures of assistance and control by the European Commission.
30.10.2009  20th annual report on implementation of the structural funds (2008).
Report com(2009)617
29.10.2009  Annual Report of the Instrument for Structural Policy for Pre-Accession (ISPA) 2008 [SEC(2009)1443].
Report com(2009)590
28.10.2009  .
Communication sec(2009)1463
15.09.2009  Annual Report on the Cohesion Fund (2008) [SEC(2009) 1159 final].
Report com(2009)465
15.09.2009  Annex 1: Commission Staff Working document - Annex to the Annual Report of the Cohesion Fund (2008).
25.06.2009  Sixth progress Report on economic and social cohesion.
Report com(2009)295
10.06.2009  EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.
Communication com(2009)248
23.04.2009  EU Solidarity Fund - Annual Report 2008 and Report on the experience gained after six years of applying the new instrument.
Report com(2009)193
06.03.2009  Ex ante verification of additionality in the regions eligible under the Convergence objective for the period 2007-2013.
Report com(2009)112
03.02.2009  Report on the implementation of the action plan to strengthen the Commission's supervisory role under shared management of structural actions.
Communication com(2009)42
16.12.2008  Cohesion Policy: investing in the real economy.
Communication com(2008)876
14.11.2008  Annual report on the cohesion fund (2007) [SEC(2008) 2816].
Report com(2008)752
12.11.2008  EU Solidarity Fund annual : report 2007.
Report com(2008)722
05.11.2008  Communication from Commissioners Hübner and Špidla to the Commission giving an interim progress report on the action plan to strengthen the Commission's supervisory role ...
Communication sec(2008)2756
27.10.2008  Annual report of the instrument for structural policy for pre-accession (ISPA) 2007 [SEC(2008)2681].
Report com(2008)671
20.10.2008  19th annual report on implementation of the structural funds (2007).
Report com(2008)659
17.10.2008  The outermost regions: an asset for Europe.
Communication com(2008)642
06.10.2008  Green paper on territorial cohesion: turning territorial diversity into strength.
Green paper com(2008)616
19.06.2008  Fifth progress Report on economic and social cohesion - Growing regions, growing Europe.
Communication com(2008)371
22.05.2008  Regional development aspects of the impact of tourism in coastal regions.
22.05.2008  Urban dimension of cohesion policy in the new programming period.
14.05.2008  Results of the negotiations concerning cohesion policy strategies and programmes for the programming period 2007-2013.
Communication com(2008)301
24.04.2008  Complementarities and coordination of cohesion policy with rural development measures.
07.04.2008  Report of the Northern Ireland task force.
Communication com(2008)186
13.03.2008  Governance and partnership at a national, regional and project basis in the field of regional policy.
13.03.2008  Best practices in the field of regional policy and obstacles to the use of the Structural Funds.
19.02.2008  An action plan to strengthen the Commission's supervisory role under shared management of structural actions.
Communication com(2008)97
11.12.2007  Member States and Regions delivering the Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs through EU cohesion policy, 2007-2013.
Communication com(2007)798
13.11.2007  European initiative for the development of micro-credit in support of growth and employment.
Communication com(2007)708
07.11.2007  Annual Report of the Instrument for Structural Policy for Pre-Accession (ISPA) 2006.
Report com(2007)685
06.11.2007  18th Annual Report on Implementation of the Structural Funds (2006).
Report com(2007)676
06.11.2007  Annual Report on the Cohesion Fund (2006).
Report com(2007)678
25.10.2007  EU Solidarity Fund Annual Report 2006.
Report com(2007)632
27.09.2007  Impact of cohesion policy on the integration of vulnerable communities and groups.