
Legislation currently being implemented

There are 107 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states.
Date Title
28.10.2022  EU position within the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Sub-Committee established by the Association Agreement with Georgia on modification of Annex XI-B to that Agreement.
Decision com(2022)561
14.07.2022  Standards of quality and safety for substances of human origin intended for human application.
Regulation com(2022)338
02.03.2022  Transitional rules for the packaging and labelling of veterinary medicinal products authorised in accordance with Directive 2001/82/EC and Regulation (EC) No 726/2004.
Regulation com(2022)76
27.01.2022  Amendment of Council Decision 2003/17/EC as regards its period of application and as regards the equivalence of some products from and field inspections carried out in ...
Decision com(2022)26
17.12.2021  Amendment of Regulation as regards derogations from obligations concerning medicinal products made available in the UK (in respect of Northern Ireland), Cyprus, Ireland, ...
Regulation com(2021)998
17.12.2021  Amendment of Directives as regards derogations from obligations concerning medicinal products made available in the UK (in respect of Northern Ireland), Cyprus, Ireland, ...
Directive com(2021)997
14.10.2021  Transitional provisions for certain in vitro diagnostic medical devices and deferred application of requirements for in-house devices.
Regulation com(2021)627
16.09.2021  Framework of measures for ensuring the supply of crisis-relevant medical countermeasures in the event of a public health emergency at Union level.
Regulation com(2021)577
03.05.2021  EU position in the seventy-fourth session of the World Health Assembly.
Decision com(2021)233
09.03.2021  Amending regulation 2017/625 as regards controls on imports of animals and products of animal origin to ensure compliance with the prohibition of certain antimicrobials.
Regulation com(2021)108
03.02.2021  Extension of the term of Community plant variety rights for the species asparagus and the species groups flower bulbs, woody small fruits and woody ornamentals.
Regulation com(2021)36
23.12.2020  Amending decisions on the equivalence of field inspections and of checks on practices for the maintenance of varieties of agricultural plant species carried out in the ...
Decision com(2020)853
23.12.2020  Amendment of Council Decision 2008/971/EC as regards the equivalence of forest reproductive material produced in the United Kingdom to such material produced in the ...
Decision com(2020)852
11.11.2020  Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 851/2004 establishing a European Centre for disease prevention and control.
Regulation com(2020)726
11.11.2020  Reinforced role for the European Medicines Agency in crisis preparedness and management for medicinal products and medical devices.
Regulation com(2020)725
11.11.2020  Serious cross-border threats to health.
Regulation com(2020)727
17.06.2020  Conduct of clinical trials with and supply of medicinal products for human use containing or consisting of GMOs intended to treat or prevent coronavirus disease.
Regulation com(2020)261
28.05.2020  Establishment of a Programme for the Union's action in the field of health -for the period 2021-2027 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 282/2014 (“EU4Health Programme”).
Regulation com(2020)405
07.04.2020  Amending decision 2003/17/EC on equivalence of field inspections carried out in Ukraine on cereal seed-producing crops and cereal seed produced in Ukraine.
Decision com(2020)137
03.04.2020  Amendment of Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices as regards the dates of application of certain of its provisions.
Regulation com(2020)144
02.05.2018  Methods and procedure for making available the Own Resources based on the CCCTB, ETS and non-recycled plastic packaging waste, and measures to meet cash requirements.
Regulation com(2018)326
11.04.2018  Transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment in the food chain.
Regulation com(2018)179
29.11.2017  Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 as regards the location of the seat of the European Medicines Agency.
Regulation com(2017)735
14.11.2017  Amendment of council decision 2003/17/EC as regards the equivalence of field inspections of seed-producing crops and on seedswith regard to Brazil and Moldova.
Decision com(2017)643
26.06.2015  EU Position regarding the amendment of appendices of Annex 11 to the Agreement with Switzerland on trade in agricultural products.
Decision com(2015)217
15.06.2015  Signing of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (CETS No. 196).
Decision com(2015)292
25.02.2015  Opinion Commission on EP amendments to Council position on amending directive 2001/18/EC on possibility for Member States to restrict or prohibit the cultivation of GMOs.
Opinion com(2015)83
10.09.2014  Veterinary medicinal products.
Regulation com(2014)558
10.09.2014  Regulation on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of medicated feed.
Regulation com(2014)556
10.09.2014  Amending the regulation on Community procedures for authorisation and supervision of medicinal products for human and veterinary use and on a European Medicines Agency.
Regulation com(2014)557
05.05.2014  Repeal of Council Directive 93/5/EEC on assistance to the Commission and cooperation by the Member States in the scientific examination of questions relating to food.
Directive com(2014)246
20.03.2014  Approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to caseins and caseinates intended for human consumption.
Directive com(2014)174
18.12.2013  Novel foods.
Regulation com(2013)894
26.06.2013  Fees payable to the European Medicines Agency for the conduct of pharmacovigilance activities in respect of medicinal products for human use.
Regulation com(2013)472
06.05.2013  Animal Health.
Regulation com(2013)260
19.12.2012  Approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco and related ...
Directive com(2012)788
26.09.2012  In vitro diagnostic medical devices.
Regulation com(2012)541
26.09.2012  Medical devices.
Regulation com(2012)542
21.09.2012  Amendment of Council Directive 2001/110/EC relating to honey.
Directive com(2012)530
17.07.2012  Clinical trials on medicinal products for human use.
Regulation com(2012)369
02.07.2012  Amendment of Council Decision 2008/971/EC as regards the inclusion of forest reproductive material of the 'qualified' category within the scope of that Decision.
Decision com(2012)355
28.06.2012  Extension of the period of application and update of Council Decision 2003/17/EC on the equivalence of seed from third countries .
Decision com(2012)343
10.02.2012  Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 726/2004 as regards pharmacovigilance.
Regulation com(2012)51
10.02.2012  Amendment of Directive 2001/83/EC as regards pharmacovigilance.
Directive com(2012)52
20.06.2011  Food intended for infants and young children and food for special medical purposes.
Regulation com(2011)353
13.07.2010  Amendment of Directive 2001/18/EC as regards the possibility for the Member States to restrict or prohibit the cultivation of GMOs in their territory.
Regulation com(2010)375
23.04.2010  Rules for imports into the EU from Greenland of fishery products, live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates, marine gastropods and by-products thereof Presented by ...
Decision com(2010)176
07.10.2009  Repeal of Council Decision 79/542/EEC drawing up a list of third countries or parts of third countries, and laying down animal and public health and veterinary ...
Decision com(2009)516
30.06.2009  Smoke-free environments.
Recommendation com(2009)328
10.02.2009  Proposal for a Council Decision correcting Directive 2008/73/EC simplifying procedures of listing and publishing information in the veterinary and zootechnical fields.
Decision com(2009)45