
Legislation currently being implemented

There are 229 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states.
Date Title
05.01.2023  EU position in the EU-Ukraine Association Council updating Annex XLIV to the Association Agreement with Ukraine.
Decision com(2023)6
23.08.2022  Signing and provisional application of the partnership agreement with Thailand.
Decision com(2022)426
22.08.2022  EU position in the Joint Committee EU-Mongolia in connection with the envisaged adoption of a decision concerning the establishment of a Development Cooperation Working ...
Decision com(2022)403
01.08.2022  Signing of the partnership agreement with the Government of Malaysia.
Decision com(2022)354
07.06.2021  EU position concerning the amendment to Annex XI (Electronic communication, audiovisual services and information society) and Protocol 37 (Containing the list provided ...
Decision com(2021)274
12.11.2020  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex IV (Energy) to the EEA Agreement [32015R1222 - Guideline on congestion management "CM"].
Decision com(2020)700
12.11.2020  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex IV (Energy) to the EEA Agreement [Guideline on electricity transmission system operation "ETS" - "SOGL"].
Decision com(2020)704
12.11.2020  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex IV (Energy) to the EEA Agreement [32017R2195 - Guideline on electricity balancing "EB"].
Decision com(2020)707
12.11.2020  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex IV (Energy) to the EEA Agreement [32016R1719 - Guideline on forward capacity allocation "FCA"].
Decision com(2020)706
12.11.2020  EU position within the Joint Committee with Switzerland on the free movement of persons as regards the amendment of Annex II on the coordination of social security ...
Decision com(2020)735
12.11.2020  EU position concerning the amendment to Annex VI (Social Security) to the EEA Agreement.
Decision com(2020)736
13.08.2020  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget Line 02.03.01 Internal Market and Budget line 02.03.04 Internal Market Governance Tools).
Decision com(2020)368
13.08.2020  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget line 12.02.01 - Financial services).
Decision com(2020)367
13.08.2020  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget line 02 04 77 03 - Preparatory action for defence research).
Decision com(2020)370
13.08.2020  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget Line - Company Law).
Decision com(2020)369
13.08.2020  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget Line 04 03 01 03 - Social Security).
Decision com(2020)366
13.02.2020  Signing and provisional application of a Protocol to the association agreement with Central America to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2020)51
14.10.2019  EU position Joint Committee and Subcommittee on Trade and Investment established by the partnership agreement with Mongolia regarding decisions on the rules of procedure ...
Decision com(2019)462
27.09.2019  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement [Extended Climate Cooperation EU - Iceland - Norway].
Decision com(2019)438
06.08.2019  EU position Association Council EU-Morocco with regard to the adoption recommendation on extension of the EU-Morocco Action Plan implementing the advanced status ...
Decision com(2019)364
05.08.2019  Signing and provisional application of a Protocol to the Association Agreement with the Palestinian Authority on a Framework Agreement on participation in Union ...
Decision com(2019)362
02.08.2019  Conclusion of a Protocol to the Association Agreement with the Palestinian Authority on a Framework Agreement on the general principles for participation in Union ...
Decision com(2019)361
15.07.2019  EU position in the EEA Joint Committee amending Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement [RescUE].
Decision com(2019)337
07.06.2019  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget line 12.02.01 - Financial services).
Decision com(2019)265
29.05.2019  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget line 02 04 77 03 - Preparatory action for defence research).
Decision com(2019)245
27.05.2019  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget Line 02.03.01 Internal Market and Budget line 02.03.04 Internal Market Governance Tools).
Decision com(2019)239
27.05.2019  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget Line 04 03 01 03 - Social Security).
Decision com(2019)238
27.05.2019  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget Line - Company Law).
Decision com(2019)241
30.04.2019  EU position in the Cooperation Committee EU-San Marino with regard to organic production and labelling of organic products, and arrangements for imports of organic ...
Decision com(2019)207
29.04.2019  EU position as regards the rules of procedure of the Joint Committee EU-Philippines and the terms of reference of the specialised sub-committees.
Decision com(2019)199
22.02.2019  EU position in the Joint Committee established by the Strategic Partnership Agreement with Japan regarding the adoption of its Rules of Procedure.
Decision com(2019)105
11.02.2019  EU position within the EU-Ukraine Association Council amending Annex XXVII to the Association Agreement with Ukraine.
Decision com(2019)74
04.02.2019  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex IX (Financial Services) to the EEA Agreement [Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and Directive 2013/36/EU (CRD IV)].
Decision com(2019)39
31.01.2019  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex II (Technical regulations, etc.) and Annex XI (Electronic communication, etc.) to the EEA Agreement.
Decision com(2019)31
31.01.2019  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex IX (Financial Services) to the EEA Agreement (Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) and Directive MiFID II).
Decision com(2019)32
31.01.2019  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex IX (Financial services) and Annex XIX (Consumer protection) to the EEA Agreement.
Decision com(2019)33
05.12.2018  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex IX (Financial Services) to the EEA Agreement (Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR)).
Decision com(2018)786
12.10.2018  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex IX (Financial Services) to the EEA Agreement (Omnibus II).
Decision com(2018)682
12.10.2018  EU position concerning an amendment to Annex IX (Financial Services) to the EEA Agreement.
Decision com(2018)683
24.08.2018  Conclusion of a Protocol to the association agreement with Tunisia to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2018)603
24.08.2018  Signing and provisional application of a Protocol to the association agreement with Tunisia to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2018)604
25.05.2018  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget Line Company Law).
Decision com(2018)362
25.05.2018  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget Line 02.03.01 Internal Market and Budget line 02.03.04 Internal Market Governance Tools).
Decision com(2018)333
24.05.2018  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 30 (on specific provisions on the organization of cooperation in the field of statistics) to the EEA Agreement.
Decision com(2018)357
02.05.2018  EU position on amending Annex XI (Electronic communication, AV services and information society) and Protocol 37 to the EEA Agreement (General Data Protection ...
Decision com(2018)249
19.04.2018  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (The Union's preparatory action on defence research).
Decision com(2018)205
19.04.2018  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget Line 12.02.01 Implementation and development of the single market for financial services).
Decision com(2018)204
19.04.2018  EU position concerning an amendment to Protocol 31 to the EEA Agreement (Budget Line 04 03 01 03 - Social Security).
Decision com(2018)207
04.04.2018  Signing and provisional application of a Protocol to the association agreement with Israel to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2018)162
04.04.2018  Conclusion of a Protocol to the association agreement with Israel to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2018)166