
Legislation currently being implemented

There are 513 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states.
Date Title
09.08.2021  Amendment of Decision 2009/790/EC authorising Poland to derogate from Article 287 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2021)441
06.08.2021  Amendment of Implementing Decision 2009/1013/EU authorising Austria to continue to derogate from Article 168 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2021)458
04.08.2021  Authorisation of Germany to derogate from Article 193 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2021)445
30.07.2021  Amendment of Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/789 authorising Hungary to derogate from Article 193 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2021)433
30.07.2021  Amendment of Decision 2009/791/EC authorising Germany to continue to derogate from Article 168 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2021)435
15.07.2021  Carbon border adjustment mechanism.
Regulation com(2021)564
14.07.2021  Temporary suspension of autonomous Common Customs Tariff duties on imports of certain industrial products into the Canary Islands.
Regulation com(2021)392
29.04.2021  Authorisation of the Netherlands to apply a reduced rate of taxation to electricity directly provided to vessels at berth in a port in accordance with Article 19 of ...
Directive com(2021)209
29.04.2021  Authorisation of Denmark to apply a reduced rate of taxation to electricity directly provided to vessels at berth in a port in accordance with Article 19 of Directive ...
Directive com(2021)211
12.04.2021  Amendment of Directive 2006/112/EC as regards exemptions on importations and on certain supplies, in respect of Union measures in the public interest.
Directive com(2021)181
31.03.2021  Authorisation of Croatia to apply a tax exemption to gas oil used to operate machinery in humanitarian demining in accordance with Article 19 of Directive 2003/96/EC.
Directive com(2021)152
29.03.2021  Authorisation of Malta to derogate from Article 287 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2021)147
03.03.2021  Dock dues scheme in the French outermost regions.
Decision com(2021)95
11.02.2021  Authorisation of the United Kingdom in respect of Northern Ireland to derogate from Articles 16 and 168 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2021)53
26.01.2021  Amendment of Council Regulation (EU) No 389/2012 on administrative cooperation in the field of excise duties as regards the content of electronic registers.
Regulation com(2021)28
22.01.2021  EU position in the Administrative Committee for the Customs Convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets as regards amending the ...
Decision com(2021)24
21.01.2021  Authorisation of the Netherlands to apply a reduced rate of taxation to electricity supplied to electric vehicles in accordance with Art. 19 of Directive 2003/96.
Directive com(2021)23
20.01.2021  Amendment of Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/563 authorising Estonia to derogate from Article 287 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2021)14
13.01.2021  EU position in the EU-CTC Joint Committee established by the Convention of 20 May 1987 on a common transit procedure as regards amendments to that Convention.
Decision com(2021)6
12.01.2021  EU position in the EEA on amending Chapter IIa and Annexes I, II of Protocol 10 EEA Agreement, on simplification of inspections and formalities in respect of carriage of ...
Decision com(2021)4
12.01.2021  EU position in the EU-Switzerland Joint Committee on the simplification of inspections and formalities in respect of the carriage of goods and on customs security ...
Decision com(2021)11
17.12.2020  Authorisation of Lithuania to derogate from Article 287 of Directive 2006/112EC on the common system of VAT.
Directive com(2020)812
28.10.2020  Amending Directive 2006/112 as regards temporary measures in relation to VAT for COVID-19 vaccines and in vitro diagnostic medical devices in response to COVID-19 ...
Directive com(2020)688
28.10.2020  EU Single Window Environment for Customs.
Regulation com(2020)673
30.09.2020  Amendment of Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1768 authorising Croatia to derogate from Article 287 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2020)599
21.09.2020  EU position in World Customs Organization on Classification Opinions and decisions, and on tools to secure uniform interpretation of the Harmonized System.
Decision com(2020)585
14.09.2020  Authorisation of France to apply a reduced rate of taxation to electricity directly provided to vessels at berth in a port in accordance with Article 19 of Directive ...
Directive com(2020)498
28.08.2020  Authorisation of Germany to apply a reduced rate of taxation to electricity directly provided to vessels at berth in a port in accordance with Article 19 of Directive ...
Directive com(2020)435
21.08.2020  EU position in the Harmonized System Committee of the World Customs Organization on classifications and harmonization notes.
Decision com(2020)427
14.08.2020  EU position in the Customs Committee established under the Free Trade Agreement with Korea on amending the definition of 'originating products' and administrative ...
Decision com(2020)376
11.08.2020  Amendment of the period of application of Decision No 940/2014/EU concerning the dock dues in the French outermost regions.
Decision com(2020)371
07.08.2020  EU position on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets as regards the proposal to amend the Convention.
Decision com(2020)361
07.08.2020  Amendment of the VAT Directive as regards the identification of taxable persons in Northern Ireland.
Directive com(2020)360
05.08.2020  EU position in the Association Committee with Georgia concerning the update of Annex XIII (Approximation of customs legislation) to the Association Agreement.
Decision com(2020)357
04.08.2020  AIEM tax applicable in the Canary Islands.
Decision com(2020)355
24.07.2020  Authorisation of France to apply a reduced rate of certain indirect taxes on 'traditional' rum produced in Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and RĂ©union.
Decision com(2020)332
23.07.2020  Amendment of Implementing Decision 2012/232/EU authorising Romania to derogate from Article 26(1)(a) and Article 168 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2020)331
20.07.2020  Amendment Implementing Decision 2013/680/EU authorising Denmark and Sweden to extend the application of a special measure derogating from certain Articles of the VAT ...
Directive com(2020)328
15.07.2020  Amendment of Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation.
Directive com(2020)314
09.07.2020  Amendment of Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/2408 authorising Latvia to derogate from Article 287 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2020)303
07.07.2020  Amendment of Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1855 authorising Romania to derogate from Article 287 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2020)292
22.06.2020  Amendment of Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/485 authorising Denmark to derogate from Article 75 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2020)256
22.06.2020  Amendment of Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/784 authorising Italy to derogate from Articles 206 and 226 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2020)242
18.06.2020  Authorisation of Portugal to apply a reduced rate of excise duty on certain alcoholic products produced in the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores.
Decision com(2020)240
08.05.2020  Amendment of Regulation (EU) 2017/2454 as regards the dates of application due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis.
Regulation com(2020)201
08.05.2020  Amendment Directive 2011/16 to address urgent need for deferring certain time limits for the filing and exchange of information in the field of taxation due to COVID-19.
Directive com(2020)197
08.05.2020  Amendment of Directives (EU) 2017/2455 and (EU) 2019/1995 as regards the dates of transposition and application due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis.
Decision com(2020)198
08.05.2020  Amendment of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2026 as regards the dates of application due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis.
Regulation com(2020)199
07.05.2020  Authorisation of Finland to derogate from Article 287 of the VAT Directive.
Directive com(2020)181
14.02.2020  EU position as regards the adoption of the internal rules of procedure of the Joint Customs Cooperation Committee established under the customs agreement with New ...
Decision com(2020)53