
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 1008 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
14.12.2017  Relationships between the EU and third countries concerning financial services regulation and supervision.
06.12.2017  Mid-term evaluation of the Programme for exchange, assistance and training for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting ('Pericles 2020' Programme).
Communication com(2017)741
01.12.2017  Guarantees covered by the general budget Situation at 31 December 2016.
Report com(2017)721
23.11.2017  Borrowing and lending activities of the EU in 2016.
Report com(2017)682
22.11.2017  2018 Draft Budgetary Plans: Overall Assessment.
Communication com(2017)800
22.11.2017  Recommendation to correct the significant observed deviation from the adjustment path toward the medium-term budgetary objective in Romania.
Recommendation com(2017)802
22.11.2017  Recommendation for a COUNCIL DECISION establishing that no effective action has been taken by Romania in response to the Council Recommendation of 16 June 2017.
Recommendation com(2017)803
22.11.2017  Alert Mechanism Report 2018.
Report com(2017)771
26.10.2017  European semester for economic policy coordination: annual growth survey 2018.
24.10.2017  Report pursuant to article 11(2) of regulation EC 1466/97 on the enhanced surveillance mission in Romania.
Report com(2017)629
25.09.2017  Financial instruments supported by the general budget according to Art.140.8 of the Financial Regulation as at 31 December 2016.
Report com(2017)535
21.09.2017  Report on the Union's facility providing medium-term financial assistance for Member States' balances of payments pursuant to Article 10 of Council Regulation (EC) No ...
Regulation com(2017)459
14.09.2017  Guarantee fund for external action and its management in 2016.
Report com(2017)488
14.09.2017  Annual report on competition policy.
29.06.2017  Implementation and the results of the Pericles 2020 programme for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting in 2016.
Report com(2017)345
16.06.2017  Implementation of macro-financial assistance to third countries in 2016.
Report com(2017)321
16.06.2017  Management of the guarantee fund of the European fund for strategic investments in 2016.
Report com(2017)326
02.06.2017  Amendment of Council Implementing Decision 2015/1411/EU on approving the macroeconomic adjustment programme of Greece.
22.05.2017  Belgium Report prepared in accordance with Article 126(3) of the Treaty.
Report com(2017)531
22.05.2017  Finland Report prepared in accordance with Article 126(3) of the Treaty.
Report com(2017)532
22.05.2017  EC staff doc to the recommendation for correcting the significant observed deviation from the adjustment path toward the medium-term budgetary objective in Romania.
22.02.2017  Italy Report prepared in accordance with Article 126(3) of the Treaty.
13.01.2017  Ex-ante evaluation statement accompanying the document: macro-financial assistance to Moldova.
11.01.2017  Implementation of Regulation 1214/2011 on professional cross-border transport of euro cash by road between euro-area Member States.
Report com(2017)5
19.12.2016  Interim Report on the participation of the EU in the capital increase of the European Investment Fund and the pertinent increase of the Fund's support actions.
Report com(2016)795
29.11.2016  Investment Plan for Europe: evaluations give evidence to support its reinforcement.
Communication com(2016)764
23.11.2016  Report on the Euro Area concerning the Recommendation for a Council Recommendation on the economic policy of the euro area.
16.11.2016  Assessment of action taken by Portugal and Spain in response to Council notices to take measures for deficit reduction in order to remedy the situation of excessive ...
Communication com(2016)901
16.11.2016  Economic partnership programme presented by Portugal.
Opinion com(2016)900
16.11.2016  Towards a positive fiscal stance for the euro area.
Communication com(2016)727
16.11.2016  Alert Mechanism Report 2017 (prepared in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 of Regulations (EU) No 1176/2011 on the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances).
Report com(2016)728
16.11.2016  2017 Draft Budgetary Plans : Overall Assessment.
Communication com(2016)730
16.11.2016  Statistical annex accompanying the alert Mechanism Report 2017 (in accordance with Regulation 1176/2011 on the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances).
24.10.2016  Financial instruments supported by the general budget according to Art.140.8 of the Financial Regulation as at 31 December 2015.
Report com(2016)675
24.10.2016  Activities relating to financial instruments supported by the general budget according to Art. 140.8 of the Financial Regulation as at 31 December 2015.
19.09.2016  Activities of the EU Platform for Blending in External Cooperation (EUBEC) from August 2014 until end of 2015.
Report com(2016)600
14.09.2016  Mid-term review of applying decision 466/2014/EU on the EU guarantee to the European Investment Bank against losses when supporting investment projects outside the Union.
Report com(2016)584
14.09.2016  2015 eib external activity with EU budgetary guarantee.
Report com(2016)585
14.09.2016  Executive summary of the mid-term evaluation of the EU Guarantee for the EIB External Lending Mandate.
14.09.2016  Mid-term evaluation of the EU Guarantee for the EIB External Lending Mandate.
14.09.2016  Commission staff document accompanying the report: 2015 eib external activity with EU budgetary guarantee.
14.09.2016  Evaluation accompanying the proposal on the extension of the duration of EFSI as well as technical enhancements for EFSI and the European Investment Advisory Hub.
14.09.2016  Executive summary of the evaluation of the proposal on extending the duration of EFSI as well as technical enhancements for EFSI and the European Investment Advisory Hub.
13.09.2016  Guarantees covered by the general budget Situation at 31 December 2015.
Report com(2016)576
13.09.2016  Commission staff document to the report: guarantees covered by the general budget - Situation at 31 December 2015.
27.07.2016  Fine on Spain for failure to take effective action to address an excessive deficit.
Recommendation com(2016)517
27.07.2016  Fine on Portugal for failure to take effective action to address an excessive deficit.
Recommendation com(2016)519
27.07.2016  Analysis by Commission services of the budgetary situation in Spain.
27.07.2016  Analysis by Commission services of the budgetary situation in Portugal.
07.07.2016  EC analysis of the budgetary situation in Portugal following adoption of the Council Recommendation of June 2013 on bringing an end the excessive government deficit.