
Niet meer openstaande vacatures

sluitingsdatum titel en contract organisatie en plaats
13-05-2008 seconded national deskundige (safety recommendations medewerker)
Detachering (END)
European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) i (Keulen)
13-04-2008 Expert general
Detachering (END)
13-04-2008 Expert general
Detachering (END)
13-04-2008 Expert BUDGET
Detachering (END)
13-04-2008 Expert State aid network and transparency
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Competition (COMP) i
13-04-2008 Expert Human development, social cohesion and employment
Detachering (END)
DG Development and Relations with African, Caribbean
13-04-2008 Expert Informatics
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT) i
13-04-2008 Expert Culture policy and intercultural dialogue EAC/C1
Detachering (END)
DG Education and Culture
13-04-2008 Expert Coordination of the EFC/EPC Secretariat
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN) i
13-04-2008 Expert to be confirmed according to the needs at the moment of secondment
Detachering (END)
DG Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid - ECHO
13-04-2008 Expert the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Detachering (END)
13-04-2008 Expert Montenegro, Serbia
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Enlargement (ELARG) i
13-04-2008 Expert ESF, Monitoring of Corresponding National Policies I,
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL) i
13-04-2008 Expert ENV
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Environment (ENV) i
13-04-2008 Expert ESTAT
Detachering (END)
Eurostat (ESTAT) i
13-04-2008 Expert MEDIA Programme Media Literacy
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT) i
13-04-2008 Expert Future and Emerging Technologies - Open
Detachering (END)
DG Information Society and Media
13-04-2008 Expert Fight against terrorism; access to
Detachering (END)
Justice, Freedom and Security DG i
13-04-2008 Expert a - Rural, Water and Ecosystem Resources
Detachering (END)
13-04-2008 Expert b - Rural, Water and Ecosystem Resources
Detachering (END)
13-04-2008 Expert a - Financial engineering
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO) i
13-04-2008 Expert . Programme co-ordination, relations with the other institutions and NGOs, accession negotiations, Solidarity Fund
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO) i
13-04-2008 Expert Nano- and converging sciences and
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Research & Innovation (RTD) i
13-04-2008 Expert Convention of SH, Combined nomenclature,
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) i
13-04-2008 Expert a) - Customs Policy and Electronic Customs
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) i
13-04-2008 Expert Risk Management, Security and Specific Control
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) i
13-04-2008 Expert TREN..A2 "Economic analysis, Impact assessment, evaluation & climate change"
Detachering (END)
Energy and Transport Directorate-General (TREN) i
13-04-2008 Expert Information and Prevention unit
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security (HR) i
13-04-2008 Expert Evaluation
Detachering (END)
EuropeAid Co-operation Office (AIDCO) i
13-04-2008 Expert Health Information
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Health and Consumer Protection (SANCO) i
13-04-2008 Expert TRADE
Detachering (END)
Directorate General for Trade (TRADE) i
13-04-2008 Expert Information and Prevention unit
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General for Human Resources and Security (HR) i
13-04-2008 Expert Evaluation
Detachering (END)
EuropeAid Co-operation Office (AIDCO) i
13-04-2008 Expert Health Information
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Health and Consumer Protection (SANCO) i
13-04-2008 Expert TRADE
Detachering (END)
Directorate General for Trade (TRADE) i
13-04-2008 Expert ENV
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Environment (ENV) i
13-04-2008 Expert a), Sustainable Production and Consumption
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Environment (ENV) i
13-04-2008 Expert ENV. G
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Environment (ENV) i
13-04-2008 Expert general
Detachering (END)
13-04-2008 Expert COMPETITION
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Competition (COMP) i
13-04-2008 Expert Clean air and transport
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Environment (ENV) i
13-04-2008 Expert b - Financial engineering
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO) i
13-04-2008 Expert Energy conversion and distribution systems
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Research & Innovation (RTD) i
13-04-2008 Expert DIRECTORATE D
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Health and Consumer Protection (SANCO) i
13-04-2008 Expert b) - Customs Policy and Electronic Customs
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) i
13-04-2008 Expert VAT and other turnover taxes
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) i
13-04-2008 Expert Security of surface transport and protection of critical infrastructures
Detachering (END)
Directorate-General Energy (ENER) i
07-03-2008 national deskundige (m/v)
Detachering (END)
European Environment Agency (EEA) i (Lissabon)
07-03-2008 national deskundige (m/v)
Detachering (END)
European Environment Agency (EEA) i (Lissabon)
05-03-2008 Expert Business, trade, regional integration
Detachering (END)
DG EuropeAid Cooperation Office (Brussel, Rue de la Loi 41)
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