
Legislation currently being implemented

There are 58 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states.
Date Title
30.04.2015  Conclusion of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with of Kosovo.
Association agreement com(2015)181
31.03.2014  Conclusion of a Protocol on a Framework Agreement with Lebanon on the participation of Lebanon in Union programmes.
Decision com(2014)201
31.03.2014  Conclusion of the Protocol on a Framework Agreement with Tunisia on the participation of Tunisia in Union programmes.
Decision com(2014)203
10.03.2014  Conclusion of the Association Agreement with Georgia.
Decision com(2014)149
10.03.2014  Conclusion of the Association Agreement with Moldova.
Decision com(2014)146
14.02.2014  Signing and provisional application of the Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Serbia to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2014)75
14.02.2014  Conclusion of a Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Serbia to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2014)76
14.02.2014  Approval of the conclusion, by the Commission, on behalf of Euratom, of the Protocol to the Association Agreement with Serbia to take account of Croatia's accession to ...
Recommendation com(2014)77
11.11.2013  Signing and provisional application of a Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Macedonia to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2013)779
11.11.2013  Conclusion of the Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Macedonia to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2013)780
16.09.2013  Signing and provisional application of a Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Albania to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2013)630
16.09.2013  Conclusion of a Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Albania to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2013)631
16.09.2013  Approval of an Euratom Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Albania to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Recommendation com(2013)632
26.07.2013  Approval of the conclusion by the Commission, on behalf of Euratom, of a Protocol to the Association Agreement with Montenegro to take account of the accession of ...
Recommendation com(2013)544
26.07.2013  Conclusion of a Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Montenegro to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2013)545
26.07.2013  Signing and provisional application of a Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Montenegro to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Decision com(2013)546
22.07.2013  Conclusion of a Protocol on a Framework Agreement with Georgia on the participation of Georgia in Union programmes.
Decision com(2013)537
15.05.2013  Proposal for an assocation agreement with Ukraine.
Decision com(2013)290
13.05.2013  Amendment of a regulation with regards to goods taken in and out of the areas that are and those that are not under the effective control of the Government of Cyprus.
Regulation com(2013)274
22.04.2013  Signing of a Framework Agreement with Kosovo( on the general principles for the participation of Kosovo in Union programmes.
Decision com(2013)218
22.04.2013  Conclusion of a Framework Agreement with Kosovo( on the general principles for the participation of Kosovo in Union programmes.
Decision com(2013)219
18.04.2013  Position concerning a Decision of the EU - Serbia Stabilisation and Association Council on its rules of procedure.
Decision com(2013)215
08.02.2013  Adaptation of Directive 94/80/EC on the right to take part in municipal elections by citizens from another Member State, by reason of the accession of Croatia.
Directive com(2013)55
08.02.2013  Adaptation of certain directives in the field of taxation, by reason of the accession of Croatia.
Directive com(2013)53
08.02.2013  Adaptation of certain directives in the field of free movement of goods, by reason of the accession of Croatia.
Directive com(2013)58
08.02.2013  Adaptation of certain directives in the field of right of establishment and freedom to provide services, by reason of the accession of Croatia.
Directive com(2013)60
19.09.2012  Conclusion of a Protocol on a Framework Agreement with Armenia on the participation of Armenia in Union programmes.
Decision com(2012)518
15.05.2012  Conclusion of a Protocol on a Framework Agreement with Jordan on the participation of Jordan in Union programmes.
Decision com(2012)214
10.01.2012  Procedures for applying the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Serbia and the Interim Agreement with Serbia.
Regulation com(2011)938
08.04.2008  Conclusion of the interim agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the EC and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Decision com(2008)183
08.04.2008  Conclusion of the stabilisation and association agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Decision com(2008)182
14.03.2008  Conclusion of the Protocol to the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the EC and Albania to take account of the accession of Bulgaria, and ...
Decision com(2008)140
14.03.2008  Conclusion of the Protocol to the stabilisation and association agreement with Albania to take account of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU.
Decision com(2008)139
20.11.2007  Conclusion of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Serbia.
Decision com(2007)743
06.11.2007  Principles, priorities and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with Croatia.
Decision com(2007)658
06.11.2007  Principles, priorities and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with Turkey.
Decision com(2007)661
06.11.2007  Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 533/2004 on the establishment of partnerships in the framework of the stabilisation and association process.
Regulation com(2007)662
06.11.2007  Principles, priorities and conditions contained in the European Partnership with Serbia including Kosovo as defined by UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 10 June ...
Decision com(2007)660
06.11.2007  Principles, priorities and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with Macedonia.
Decision com(2007)659
06.11.2007  Principles, priorities and conditions contained in the European Partnership with Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Decision com(2007)657
22.10.2007  Conclusion of the Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Macedonia to take account of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU.
Decision com(2007)623
17.10.2007  Conclusion of the Protocol to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Croatia to take account of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to the EU.
Decision com(2007)612
13.09.2007  Provisional application of Protocol 8 to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Montenegro on the general principles for the participation of Montenegro in ...
Decision com(2007)521
21.06.2007  Signing and conclusion of the Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters between the EC and Montenegro.
Decision com(2007)351
09.11.2005  Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 533/2004.
Regulation com(2005)563
13.05.2005  Signature of the Additional Protocol to the association agreement with Turkey following the enlargement of the EU.
Decision com(2005)191
23.08.2001  Conclusion of a Framework Agreement with Malta on the general principles for the participation of Malta in Community programmes.
Decision com(2001)481
23.08.2001  Conclusion of a Framework Agreement with Cyprus on the general principles for the participation of Cyprus in Community programmes.
Decision com(2001)481
23.08.2001  Conclusion of a Framework Agreement with Turkey on the general principles for the participation of Turkey in Community programmes.
Decision com(2001)481
26.07.2000  Assistance to Turkey in the framework of the pre-accession strategy, and in particular on the establishment of an Accession Partnership.
Regulation com(2000)502