
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 249 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
28.10.2015  Upgrading the Single Market: more opportunities for people and business.
Communication com(2015)550
16.09.2015  Exercise of the power to adopt delegated acts pursuant to Regulation 305/2011 on the harmonised conditions for the marketing of construction products.
Report com(2015)449
09.09.2015  Public Procurement rules in connection with the current asylum crisis.
Communication com(2015)454
17.07.2015  Operation of directive 98/34/ec from 2011 to 2013.
Report com(2015)338
17.07.2015  Accompanying the document: operation of directive 98/34/ec from 2011 to 2013.
29.05.2015  Report pursuant to Article 16 of Regulation 648/2004 on detergents, concerning the use of phosphorus in consumer automatic dishwasher detergents.
Report com(2015)229
13.05.2015  Report to EP and Council on the impact of the procedures of regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European standardisation on the timeframe for issuing standardisation requests.
Report com(2015)198
22.04.2015  Voluntary ecodesign scheme for games consoles.
Report com(2015)178
12.03.2015  EEA-Switzerland: obstacles with regard to the full implementation of the internal market.
15.01.2015  New challenges and concepts for the promotion of tourism in Europe.
15.07.2014  Green paper making the most out of Europe's traditional know-how: a possible extension of geographical indication protection of the EU to non-agricultural products.
Green paper com(2014)469
15.07.2014  Tackling unfair trading practices in the business-to-business food supply chain.
Communication com(2014)472
12.09.2013  How can the European Union contribute to creating a hospitable environment for enterprises, businesses and start-ups to create jobs?.
24.07.2013  Towards a more competitive and efficient defence and security sector .
Communication com(2013)542
11.06.2013  Action Plan for a competitive and sustainable steel industry in Europe.
Communication com(2013)407
28.02.2013  EU space industrial policy - Releasing the potential for economic growth in the space sector.
Communication com(2013)108
15.01.2013  Contribution of cooperatives to overcoming the crisis.
08.11.2012  CARS 2020: Action Plan for a competitive and sustainable automotive industry in Europe.
Communication com(2012)636
10.10.2012  Stronger European Industry for Growth and Economic Recovery - Industrial Policy Communication Update.
Communication com(2012)582
04.09.2012  Conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement with Switzerland on the European Satellite Navigation Programmes.
Decision com(2012)470
14.06.2012  Financing EU SMEs' trade and investment: facilitated access to credit in support of internationalisation.
17.11.2011  Attractiveness of investing in Europe.
25.10.2011  Renewed EU strategy 2011-14 for Corporate Social Responsibility.
Communication com(2011)681
14.10.2011  Industrial Policy: Reinforcing competitiveness.
Communication com(2011)642
15.09.2011  Impact of the financial crisis on the defence sector in the EU Member States.
04.04.2011  Towards a space strategy for the EU that benefits its citizens.
Communication com(2011)152
08.07.2010  Industrial policy for the globalised era.
30.06.2010  Europe, the world's No 1 tourist destination - a new political framework for tourism in Europe.
Communication com(2010)352
21.12.2009  The Operation of Directive 98/34/EC from 2006-2008 SEC(2009)1704.
Report com(2009)690
02.09.2009  Reviewing Community innovation policy in a changing world.
Communication com(2009)442
26.09.2008  Subsidiarity and proportionality (15th Report on Better Lawmaking, 2007).
Report com(2008)586
25.06.2008  “Think Small First” - A “Small Business Act” for Europe.
Communication com(2008)394
17.06.2008  Regulatory aspects of nanomaterials [SEC(2008) 2036].
Communication com(2008)366
04.06.2007  Analysis of the competitiveness of the non-energy extractive industry in the EU.
Working paper sec(2007)771
07.02.2007  Council - A competitive automotive regulatory framework for the 21st Century - Commission's position on the CARS 21 High Level Group Final Report - A contribution to the ...
Communication com(2007)22
19.12.2006  European Economic and Social - Committee Tax Treatment of Losses in Cross-Border Situations.
Communication com(2006)824
13.09.2006  Putting knowledge into practice: A broad-based innovation strategy for the EU.
Communication com(2006)502
17.03.2006  A renewed EU Tourism Policy - Towards a stronger partnership for European Tourism.
Communication com(2006)134
02.02.2006  Reviewing the interoperability of digital interactive television services pursuant to Communication COM(2004) 541 of 30 July 2004.
Communication com(2006)37
10.11.2005  Implementing the EC Lisbon programme - Modern SME policy for growth and employment.
Communication com(2005)551
05.10.2005  Implementing the EC Lisbon Programme : A policy framework to strengthen EU manufacturing - towards amore integrated approach for industrial policy.
Communication com(2005)474
21.01.2003  Green Paper - Entrepreneurship in Europe.
Green paper com(2003)27
11.12.2002  Industrial Policy in an Enlarged Europe.
Communication com(2002)714
13.11.2002  Situation in world shipbuilding.
Report com(2002)622