Resolution of the Council and Ministers for Education, meeting within the Council of 6 December 1990 concerning the Eurydice Education Information Network in the EC

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Current status

This other has been published on December 31, 1990 and entered into force on December  6, 1990.


Key information

official title

Resolution of the Council and Ministers for Education, meeting within the Council of 6 December 1990 concerning the Eurydice Education Information Network in the European Community
Legal instrument Other
CELEX number i 41990X1231(07)


Key dates

Document 06-12-1990
Publication in Official Journal 31-12-1990; OJ C 329 p. 23-24
Effect 06-12-1990; Entry into force Date of document
End of validity 31-12-9999


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




Resolution of the Council and Ministers for Education, meeting within the Council of 6 December 1990 concerning the Eurydice Education Information Network in the European Community

Official Journal C 329 , 31/12/1990 P. 0023 - 0024

RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL AND MINISTERS FOR EDUCATION, MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL of 6 December 1990 concerning the Eurydice Education Information Network in the European Community (90/C 329/08)

THE COUNCIL AND THE MINISTERS FOR EDUCATION, MEETING WITHIN THE COUNCIL, Referring to the resolution of the Council and of the Ministers for Education, meeting within the Council, of 9 February 1976 comprising an action programme in the field of education (1), and the general report of the Education Committee, which was approved in substance by the Council and the Ministers for Education meeting within the Council on 27 June 1980 and concerned the establishment of an education information network known as Eurydice, as well as, for an initial stage, the network's intended beneficiaries and its priority topics and operational structure; Referring to several resolutions of the European Parliament and in particular that of 11 March 1982 (2) on the implementation of the Eurydice network; Whereas the process of political, economic and social integration of the European Community is resulting in a quantitative and a qualitative increase in information requirements concerning education and training systems and specific questions relating to the development of education systems; whereas the Eurydice network forms part of a whole range of public and private sources of information on education in the Community; Whereas in their conclusions of 6 October 1989 (3) the Council and the Ministers for Education meeting within the Council, agreed to develop cooperation in education in the run-up to 1993; whereas they have recognized the value of the Eurydice network as an instrument of such cooperation, most recently in the conclusions of 31 May 1990 (4) on meetings of senior officials; Whereas the Council resolution of 22 January 1990 provides for the development of a programme to set up trans-European networks, of which the Eurydice network could be regarded as one of the elements; Welcoming the measures taken by the Commission to develop cooperation with appropriate international organizations, and especially with the Council of Europe for the coproduction of the European Education Thesaurus; Noting the Commission's report on 10 years of Eurydice activities, which points to the need for a better definition and a development of the education information network in the European Community, HEREBY ADOPT THIS RESOLUTION: 1. In order to intensify and improve cooperation in education between the Member States of the Community, and to assist the preparation of initiatives at national and Community level, it is necessary to reinforce and develop the Eurydice network as the chief instrument for providing information on national and Community structures, systems and developments in the field of education. The network consists of a European unit and units in the Member States. It is designed as a system permitting the mutual exchange of documentary information. 2.Development of the Eurydice network should help to: (a) improve, in the first place, the procedure of the question/answer system for the rapid provision of reliable information to the relevant national and Community authorities; (b)assist, in the second place, the drawing up of comparative analyses, reports and surveys on common priority topics determined inter alia in the Education Committee and at the regular meetings of senior officials; (c)also diversify the dissemination of the products available in the framework of the network, collaborating on this with public and private bodies. 3.Within constitutional and financial limits and in the framework of their own structures and policies, the Member States and...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.



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