EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement Now Available Online

Source: European Commission (EC) i, A.C. (Cecilia) Malmström i, published on Monday, February 1 2016.

In line with its transparency commitments, the European Commission publishes the text of the free trade agreement between the EU and Vietnam, and shows how the FTA impacts human rights and sustainable development.

The European Commission has published the text of the free trade agreement (FTA) between the EU and Vietnam, following the conclusion of the negotiating process in December 2015 and in line with its transparency commitments.

"I am glad that we now publish this agreement in line with our strong commitment to a transparent trade policy", said EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström i, addingthat once approved, the agreement will unlock a market with huge potential for EU firms.

"Vietnam is a fast-growing economy of more than 90 million consumers with a growing middle class and a young and dynamic workforce. Its market offers numerous opportunities for the EU's agricultural, industrial and services exports. The agreement will also help trigger a new wave of high quality investment in both directions, supported by our new investment dispute resolution system with an appeal mechanism."

In addition to creating new opportunities for EU firms, the agreement aims to support Vietnam's transition towards a more competitive and more sustainable economy. To highlight ways of addressing possible impacts of the EU-Vietnam FTA on human rights and sustainable development, the Commission accompanies the publication of the agreement with a dedicated analysis.