Twitter Chat on EU copyright: How do YOU want it to be?

Source: G.H. (Günther) Oettinger i, published on Tuesday, February 17 2015.

Have you ever wanted to download a film from another country and it did not work? Have you travelled to another country and have not been able to access the music you had already paid for? As an author, composer, artist or publisher - are you getting fair remuneration for your works? I am interested in your experiences and your views.

As you might know, the European Commission wants to modernise EU copyright rules and adapt them to today's needs and behaviour. At the same time, we want to create a true European market which simplifies the lives of authors and all those who want to sell films, music or stories in the whole European Union.

At the moment, there are 28 different sets of national rules and regulations. If an author wants to know all of them, he or she would have to talk to 28 lawyers! While this may be good news for the legal profession, it is not ideal for Europe's creators.

Last week, I was at the " Startup Europe Summit" in Berlin, where entrepreneurs and founders of some of Europe's most innovative and successful digital companies have clearly called for EU legislation in this field to make their live easier.

Creating a Digital Single Market can boost job creation and generate up to Euro 250 billion of additional growth. It is also for this reason that a reform of copyright rules is among the political priorities of this Commission's mandate.

But before tabling any proposal on this, I want to hear your views and your stories! We will be gathering your views and questions using the #AskOettinger hashtag - and we'll be answering as many as we can on February 26. The chat will begin at 15:30 CET (Brussels time) and last for around one hour

I'm looking forward to your tweets. I am at @GOettinger_EU