A Message of Hope to the Jewish Community

Source: C. (Corina) Creţu i, published on Wednesday, February 11 2015.

During my visit to Paris, I collected my thoughts where the horrendous terrorist attacks happened a few weeks ago. It was also the occasion to express my support to the Jewish community.

I went to the kosher supermarket to honour the memory of the victims of this barbary. But because we have to go on living, I also wanted to address a message of hope and support to the pupils of the Jewish school of Beth Haya Mouchka. I told these young people that the European Union was created 70 years ago, after the Second World War, and after what is the most horrific tragedy in the History of Europe, the Shoah.

I told them that the EU was precisely created for this not to happen ever again. Today, we are 500 million Europeans, with common values of freedom, justice and tolerance, and we are standing by the Jewish people. We will let nobody undermine our major achievement of these last 70 years. This is part of our "devoir de mémoire", as well as our responsability for the future generations.

