The Latvian Programme: A Benchmark for Other Member States and Regions

Source: C. (Corina) Creţu i, published on Sunday, November 23 2014.

Message to the Minister-President of Latvia, Ms Laimdota Straujuma, and to the people of Latvia.

As a new Commissioner for Regional Policy, I was pleased to address a message on the occasion of the adoption of the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” for Latvia for 2014-2020 to the Minister-President of Latvia, Ms Laimdota Straujuma, and to the people of Latvia:

First of all, I would like to express the Commission's congratulations for the adoption of this operational programme. Latvia is one of the first Member States in 28 that have already finalised their Cohesion Policy programmes.

This means that you can already start working on the ground, in order to get the maximum from our Funds, in terms of growth and jobs for people in Latvia.

But this means also that your programme will be seen as a benchmark for other Member States and regions, which are currently negotiating their programmes.

I see at least the following three reasons for this:

Firstly, Latvia can build on a good experience from the previous period: most of the Funds have already been invested and results are already there. For example, you have supported over 120 research projects, more than 900 new enterprises have benefitted from business incubator services, and around 350 educational institutions have modernised their infrastructure and training equipment.

Secondly, you have chosen to put the three Cohesion Policy Funds together in a single operational programme: ERDF, ESF and the Cohesion Fund. This is perhaps not the easiest way; but certainly the best one to ensure that all Funds, administrations and partners work in the same direction, for the benefit of Latvia and the Latvians.

Thirdly, this operational programme embodies the new priorities we have set for Cohesion Policy for this period:

support to research and innovation,

support to SMEs and promotion of the low-carbon economy,

as well as strong investment in human capital and support to social inclusion.

Consequently, you are now fully on track, ready to tackle the most difficult challenge that Europe is currently facing: getting out of the economic crisis and laying down the foundations of the growth of tomorrow.

The main role in this enterprise is yours: the Latvian administration, the managing authority, regional and local authorities, socio-economic partners, the civil society. Your active participation in the preparation, negotiation and now implementation of the programme is a valuable asset for the future. It is up to you now to put the programme into practice.

You will be receiving the pre-financing in a few weeks. Please start identifying, selecting and implementing high quality projects. Projects that provide the best results for growth and job creation. Projects that can be presented as examples of good practice for other EU regions. The Commission will stand by your side in this venture, providing support, advice; facilitating capacity building and exchange with other European territories; so that we can all learn from each other.

Of course, challenges ahead are certainly not simple. But we are convinced that you will be able to overcome them and invest the funding available to achieve a better future for Latvia.

So, congratulations again for the adoption of the programme and good luck for the work ahead!