New challenges, exciting times

Source: N. (Neven) Mimica i, published on Friday, November 14 2014.

Welcome to my new Blog

Welcome to my new blog, where I’ll be sharing my thoughts and insights in my new role as International Cooperation and Development Commissioner, which I took up last week.

There’s never been a more exciting time in international development - with the current set of Millennium Development Goals due to expire in 2015 and the framework for their replacements being put in place, the world’s spotlight will fall on the future of development more than ever before, and I am proud to be at the helm of the Union's development policy at this time.

Next year will also see the European Year for Development taking place - the first ever European Year to focus on external affairs. Working closely with Member States, delegations, young people and our civil society partners across the EU, this will be a unique opportunity to let our citizens know what we’re achieving, and more importantly, how they can get involved in helping to make a difference in some of the world’s poorest countries.

Of course, this is, sadly, also a time of unprecedented challenges, in terms of the crises that we are currently facing on the international agenda. The tragic Ebola epidemic, the ongoing conflict in the Central African Republic and South Sudan and the situations in Syria and Iraq remind us how many of the world’s population still live in insecure, fragile environments and need our support more than ever before.

Recently, there was some concern that international development was not a priority in the new Juncker Commission. I can assure you that this is very far from the truth. In fact, it has never been so relevant or important - many of the issues we are currently facing in the EU, such as illegal migration, the impact of climate change or terrorism, can be best tackled at the root, before they start, with international aid and support on the ground.

I am committed to doing everything to help address these issues going forward and delivering support to those who most need it. I will work closely with my colleagues in foreign policy, humanitarian aid, health and trade and other areas to ensure a joined-up, efficient response on the ground, wherever we work.

Our international development policy is something that all EU citizens can be proud of.