Recommendation 1992/443 - 92/443/EEC: Council recommendation of 27 July 1992 concerning the promotion of participation by employed persons in profits and enterprise results (including equity participation)

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This recommendation has been published on August 26, 1992 and entered into force on July 27, 1992.


Key information

official title

92/443/EEC: Council recommendation of 27 July 1992 concerning the promotion of participation by employed persons in profits and enterprise results (including equity participation)
Legal instrument Recommendation
Number legal act Recommendation 1992/443
Original proposal COM(1991)259 EN
CELEX number i 31992H0443


Key dates

Document 27-07-1992
Publication in Official Journal 26-08-1992; OJ L 245 p. 53-55
Effect 27-07-1992; Entry into force Date of document
End of validity 31-12-9999


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




92/443/EEC: Council recommendation of 27 July 1992 concerning the promotion of participation by employed persons in profits and enterprise results (including equity participation)

Official Journal L 245 , 26/08/1992 P. 0053 - 0055

COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION of 27 July 1992 concerning the promotion of participation by employed persons in profits and enterprise results (including equity participation) (92/443/EEC)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 235 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (3),

Whereas in its communication concerning the Action Programme relating to the implementation of the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers the Commission announced its intention to submit a Community instrument on equity sharing and financial participation by employed persons;

Whereas a report on the promotion of participation by employed persons in profits and enterprise results in the Member States has been prepared; whereas this report has established that there is a great variety in the types of scheme encountered in the Community, including cash payments, share-based and deferred profit-sharing schemes and various types of particular share-ownership schemes for exmployed persons;

Whereas encouragement of financial participation in enterprises by employed persons, without discrimination on grounds of sex or nationality, may be seen as a means of achieving a wider distribution of the wealth generated by enterprises which the employed persons have helped to produce; whereas, furthermore, the promotion of enterprise schemes for the financial participation of employed persons in enterprises encourages in particular greater involvement of employed persons in the progress of their companies;

Whereas, while the body of empirical research into the effects of such schemes in practice does not yet provide overwhelming evidence of strong overall advantages, there are sufficient indications that such schemes produce a number of positive effects, particularly on the motivation and productivity of employed persons and on the competitiveness of enterprises;

Whereas it is appropriate to promote a wider spread of financial participation schemes within the Community, without seeking active harmonization or a reduction in the existing wide range of available schemes;

Whereas account should be taken of the important role and the extensive responsibilities of management and labour in this area; whereas the interest and active involvement of management and labour in this Community initiative are a pre-condition for its ultimate success;

Whereas the present action appears necessary to attain, in the course of the operation of the common market, one of the objectives of the Community.

  • I. 
  • 1. 
    to acknowledge the potential benefits of a wider use, individually or collectively, of a broad variety of schemes to increase the participation of employed persons in profits and enterprise results by means of profit-sharing, employee share-ownership or a combination of both;
  • 2. 
    to take account of the role and the responsibility of management and labour in this context, in accordance with national law and/or practice;


  • 1. 
    ensure that legal structures are adequate to allow the introduction of the financial participation schemes referred to in this recommendation;
  • 2. 
    consider the possibility of according incentives such as fiscal or other financial advantages to encourage the introduction of certain schemes;
  • 3. 
    encourage the use of such schemes by facilitating the supply...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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