Recommendation 1986/379 - 86/379/EEC: Council Recommendation of 24 July 1986 on the employment of disabled people in the EC

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This recommendation has been published on August 12, 1986 and entered into force on August  1, 1986.


Key information

official title

86/379/EEC: Council Recommendation of 24 July 1986 on the employment of disabled people in the Community
Legal instrument Recommendation
Number legal act Recommendation 1986/379
Original proposal COM(1986)9
CELEX number i 31986H0379


Key dates

Document 24-07-1986
Publication in Official Journal 12-08-1986; OJ L 225 p. 43-47
Effect 01-08-1986; Entry into force Date notif.
End of validity 31-12-9999
Notification 01-08-1986


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




86/379/EEC: Council Recommendation of 24 July 1986 on the employment of disabled people in the Community

Official Journal L 225 , 12/08/1986 P. 0043 - 0047



of 24 July 1986

on the employment of disabled people in the Community



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 235 thereof,

Having regard to the draft recommendation submitted by the Commission,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (1),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (2),

Whereas the Council Resolution of 21 January 1974 concerning a social action programme (3) provides for, inter alia, the implementation of a programme for the vocational and social integration of handicapped persons;

Whereas the Council Resolution of 27 June 1974 (4) established the initial Community action programme for the vocational rehabilitation of handicapped persons;

Whereas the Resolution of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, of 21 December 1981 on the social integration of handicapped people (5) invites Member States to ensure that handicapped people do not shoulder an unfair burden of the effects, in particular from the point of view of employment, of economic difficulties and to promote measures to prepare handicapped people for an active life, but does not provide for a concerted or concentrated Community effort in this regard;

Whereas, for the purpose of this Recommendation, 'disabled people' includes all people with serious disabilities which result from physical, mental or psychological impairments;

Whereas disabled people have the same right as all other workers to equal opportunity in traing and employment;

Whereas, in a period of economic crisis, action at European and Community levels should be not only continued but also intensified in order to promote the achievement of equal opportunity by means of positive and coherent policies;

Whereas these policies should take account of the aspirations of disabled people for a fully active and independent life;

Whereas the European Parliament, in its resolution of 11 March 1981 (6), stressed the need to promote at Community level the economic, social and vocational integration of disabled people;

Whereas the provision of fair opportunities for disabled people in the field of employment and vocational training appears necessary for the achievement of one of the objectives of the Community; whereas the Treaty has not provided for the powers of action required for the adoption of this Recommendation, other than those of Article 235,

  • I. 
  • 1. 
    To take all appropriate measures to promote fair opportunities for disabled people in the field of employment and vocational training, including initial training and employment as well as rehabilitation and resettlement.

The principle of fair opportunity for disabled people should be applied in respect of:

(a) access to employment and vocational training, whether normal or special, including guidance, placement and follow-up services;

(b) retention in that employment or vocational training and protection from unfair dismissal;

(c) opportunities for promotion and in-service training.

  • 2. 
    To this end, to continue and, if necessary, intensify and re-examine their policies to help disabled people, where appropriate after consulting disabled people's organizations and both sides of industry; such policies should take account of measures and specific activities implemented in the other Member States which have proved effective and worthwhile.

These policies should provide in particular for:

(a) Elimination of negative discrimination by:

(i) reviewing laws, regulations and administrative...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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