Regulation 1992/880 - Community eco-label award scheme - Main contents
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official title
Council Regulation (EEC) No 880/92 of 23 March 1992 on a Community eco-label award schemeLegal instrument | Regulation |
Number legal act | Regulation 1992/880 |
Original proposal | COM(1991)37 |
CELEX number i | 31992R0880 |
Document | 23-03-1992 |
Publication in Official Journal | 11-04-1992; Special edition in Swedish: Chapter 15 Volume 011,OJ L 99, 11.4.1992,Special edition in Finnish: Chapter 15 Volume 011 |
Effect | 01-05-1992; Entry into force Date pub. + 20 See 157E191 |
End of validity | 23-09-2000; A/ par 300R1980 |
Council Regulation (EEC) No 880/92 of 23 March 1992 on a Community eco-label award scheme
Official Journal L 099 , 11/04/1992 P. 0001 - 0007
Finnish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 11 P. 0033
Swedish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 11 P. 0033
COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 880/92 of 23 March 1992 on a Community eco-label award scheme
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 130s thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1),
Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (2),
Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (3),
Whereas the objectives and principles of the Community's environment policy, as set out in the European Communities' action programme on the environment (4), aim, in particular, at preventing, reducing and as far as possible eliminating pollution, as a priority at source, and ensuring sound management of raw materials resources, on the basis also of the 'polluter pays' principle; whereas the Fourth European Community action programme on the environment (1987 to 1992) (5) highlights the importance of developing a policy towards clean products;
Whereas the Council resolution of 7 May 1990 (6), invited the Commission to submit as soon as possible a proposal for a Community-wide eco-labelling scheme covering the environmental impact during the entire life cycle of the product;
Whereas the European Parliament, in its resolution of 19 June 1987 on the waste disposal industry and old waste dumps (7), supported a European label for clean products;
Whereas there is increased public interest in information about products with reduced environmental impact; whereas some Member States have already an award scheme for such products and several other Member States are considering the setting up of such a scheme;
Whereas a system to award an eco-label for products with reduced environmental impact will highlight more benign alternatives and therefore provide consumers and users with guidance;
Whereas such guidance can best be achieved by establishing uniform criteria for the award scheme to apply throughout the Community;
Whereas, while existing or future independent award schemes can continue to exist, the aim of this Regulation is to create the conditions for ultimately establishing an effective single environmental label in the Community;
Whereas the award scheme should be based on voluntary application; whereas such an approach, in relying on market forces, will also contribute to research and the development, in particular, of clean technologies, and thereby lead to innovation;
Whereas uniform application of criteria and compliance with procedures should be ensured throughout the Community;
Whereas the award scheme for the eco-label will take into account the interests of the principal groups concerned and therefore should provide for appropriate involvement of these groups in the definition of product groups and specific ecological criteria for each product group;
Whereas consumers and undertakings should be informed by appropriate means about the eco-label award scheme;
Whereas this label should complement other existing or future Community labelling systems,
Article 1
This Regulation establishes a Community eco-label award scheme which is intended to:
-promote the design, production, marketing and use of products which have a reduced environmental impact during their entire life cycle,
-provide consumers with better information on the environmental impact of products,
without, however, compromising product or workers' safety or significantly affecting the properties which make a product fit for use.
Article 2
This Regulation shall not apply to food, drink or pharmaceuticals.
This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.
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