Decision 1991/666 - 91/666/EEC: Council Decision of 11 December 1991 establishing Community reserves of foot-and-mouth disease vaccines

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This decision was in effect from December 19, 1991 until April 20, 2021.


Key information

official title

91/666/EEC: Council Decision of 11 December 1991 establishing Community reserves of foot-and-mouth disease vaccines
Legal instrument Decision
Number legal act Decision 1991/666
Original proposal COM(1991)131
CELEX number i 31991D0666


Key dates

Document 11-12-1991
Publication in Official Journal 31-12-1991; Special edition in Finnish: Chapter 03 Volume 040,Special edition in Hungarian: Chapter 03 Volume 012,Special edition in Slovenian: Chapter 03 Volume 012,Special edition in Maltese: Chapter 03 Volume 012,Special edition in Swedish: Chapter 03 Volume 040,OJ L 368, 31.12.1991,Special edition in Polish: Chapter 03 Volume 012,Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 03 Volume 010,Special edition in Czech: Chapter 03 Volume 012,Special edition in Latvian: Chapter 03 Volume 012,Special edition in Estonian: Chapter 03 Volume 012,Special edition in Lithuanian: Chapter 03 Volume 012,Special edition in Romanian: Chapter 03 Volume 010,Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 03 Volume 058,Special edition in Slovak: Chapter 03 Volume 012
Effect 19-12-1991; Entry into force Date notif.
End of validity 20-04-2021; Repealed and replaced by 32016R0429
Notification 19-12-1991


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




91/666/EEC: Council Decision of 11 December 1991 establishing Community reserves of foot-and-mouth disease vaccines

Official Journal L 368 , 31/12/1991 P. 0021 - 0025

Finnish special edition: Chapter 3 Volume 40 P. 0003

Swedish special edition: Chapter 3 Volume 40 P. 0003


of 11 December 1991

establishing Community reserves of foot-and-mouth disease vaccines



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Having regard to Council Directive 85/511/EEC of 18 November 1985 introducing Community measures for the control of foot-and-mouth disease (1), as amended by Decision 90/423/EEC (2), and in particular Article 14 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Whereas by 1 January 1992 all Member States must have discontinued routine vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease in their territory;

Whereas, however, in view of the high density of susceptible species in some parts of the Community, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of emergency vaccination in a limited area, in circumstances where slaughter of the entire herd may not be sufficient to eliminate the virus;

Whereas Community reserves of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine should be established, based on stocks of concentrated inactivated antigen capable of being quickly converted into vaccine for emergency use;

Whereas the antigen should be stored at four separate locations; whereas facilities for formulation, bottling and distribution must also be provided;

Whereas the criteria for the supply and storage of antigen and its conversion into vaccine should be established;

Whereas the national institutes responsible for maintaining the reserve of antigen should cooperate with the Community Coordinating Institute for foot-and-mouth disease vaccines designated by Decision 91/665/EEC (3) in order to ensure the potency, safety and stability of the antigen, and vaccines produced therefrom, and to ensure that the quantity and sub-types kept are appropriate to the risk, on the basis, in particular, of information supplied by the reference laboratory for the identification of foot-and-mouth disease virus designated by Decision 89/531/EEC (4);

Whereas Article 14 of Council Decision 90/424/EEC of 26 June 1990 on expenditure in the veterinary field (5), as amended by Decision 91/133/EEC (6), provides that the establishment of a Community reserve of foot-and-mouth disease vaccines may be eligible for Community aid,


Article 1

The establishment of Community reserves of foot-andmouth disease vaccine shall consist of:

  • the supply of concentrated inactivated antigen by establishments designated by Member States,
  • the storage, in reserves, of the antigen referred to in the first indent,
  • the guarantee of rapid formulation, bottling and distribution by establishments designated by Member States.

Article 2

For the purposes of this Decision the following definitions shall apply:

  • 1. 
    antigen banks: appropriate premises, such as those designated in Article 3 (1), for the storage of Community reserves of concentrated inactivated antigen for the production of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine;


Community Coordinating Institute for foot-andmouth disease vaccine (CCI): the institute designated by Decision 91/665/EEC.

Article 3

  • 1. 
    Antigen banks shall be established at:
  • the Institute for Animal Health, Pirbright (United Kingdom),
  • the Laboratoire de pathologie bovine du centre national d'études vétérinaires et alimentaires, Lyon (France),
  • Bayer AG, Cologne (Germany),
  • the Istituto Zooprofilatico Sperimentale di Brescia (Italy).
  • 2. 
    The amounts and sub-types of antigen to be held in the antigen banks shall be as laid down in...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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