Directive 1989/622 - Approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the labelling of tobacco products

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This directive was in effect from November 28, 1989 until July 17, 2001 and should have been implemented in national regulation on July  1, 1990 at the latest.


Key information

official title

Council Directive 89/622/EEC of 13 November 1989 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the labelling of tobacco products
Legal instrument Directive
Number legal act Directive 1989/622
Original proposal COM(1987)719
CELEX number i 31989L0622


Key dates

Document 13-11-1989
Publication in Official Journal 08-12-1989; OJ L 359, 8.12.1989,Special edition in Finnish: Chapter 15 Volume 009,Special edition in Swedish: Chapter 15 Volume 009
Effect 28-11-1989; Entry into force Date notif.
End of validity 17-07-2001; Repealed by 32001L0037
Transposition 01-07-1990; See Art 9
Notification 28-11-1989


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




Council Directive 89/622/EEC of 13 November 1989 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the labelling of tobacco products

Official Journal L 359 , 08/12/1989 P. 0001 - 0004

Finnish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 9 P. 0141

Swedish special edition: Chapter 15 Volume 9 P. 0141

COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 13 November 1989 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the labelling of tobacco products (89/622/EEC)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100a thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),

In cooperation with the European Parliament(2),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee(3),

Whereas there are differences between the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States on the labelling of tobacco products; whereas these differences are likely to constitute barriers to trade and to impede the establishment and operation of the internal market;

Whereas these possible barriers should be eliminated and whereas, to that end, the marketing and free movement of tobacco products should be made subject to common rules concerning labelling;

Whereas such common rules must take due account of public health protection;

Whereas the European Council meeting held in Milan on 28 and 29 June 1985 stressed the importance of launching a European action programme against cancer;

Whereas the Council and the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council, in their resolution of 7 July 1986 on a programme of action of the European Communities against cancer(4) set for this programme the objective of contributing to an improvement of the health and quality of life of citizens within the Community by reducing the number of cancers and whereas they have for this purpose identified a fight against the use of tobacco products as their prime objective;

Whereas the printing of health warnings on the unit packaging of all tobacco products concerning the risks of use of such products is a vital factor in the protection of public health;

Whereas, for the purpose of improving public health protection, the indication of the tar and nicotine yield on cigarette packets is essential for the health information and education of the general public;

Whereas this Directive contains provisions which will be reviewed on the basis of experience gained and the development of medical knowledge in this area, the objective being to achieve greater protection of individuals;

Whereas, finally, the initiatives set in this Directive will have an even more beneficial effect on public health if they are coupled with health education programmes during the years of compulsory education and with information and public awareness campaigns,


Article 1 The objective of this Directive is the harmonization of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning the warnings regarding health to appear on the unit packet of tobacco products and the indication of the tar and nicotine yield to appear on cigarette packets, taking as a base a high level of health protection by reducing the harm done to health by tobacco addiction.

Article 2 For the purposes of this Directive:

(1)tobacco products means products for the purpose of smoking, sniffing, sucking or chewing, inasmuch as they are, even partly, made of tobacco;

(2)tar means the raw anhydrous nicotine-free condensate of smoke;

(3)nicotine means nicotinic alkaloids.

Article 3 1. The tar and nicotine yields that must be indicated on cigarette packets shall be measured on the basis of the ISO 4387 and ISO 3400 methods.

  • 2. 
    The accuracy of the indications on...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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