Regulation 1983/2950 - Implementation of Decision 83/516/EEC on the tasks of the European Social Fund

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This regulation was in effect from October 23, 1983 until January  1, 1989.


Key information

official title

Council Regulation (EEC) No 2950/83 of 17 October 1983 on the implementation of Decision 83/516/EEC on the tasks of the European Social Fund
Legal instrument Regulation
Number legal act Regulation 1983/2950
Original proposal COM(1982)485 EN
CELEX number i 31983R2950


Key dates

Document 17-10-1983
Publication in Official Journal 22-10-1983; Special edition in Portuguese: Chapter 05 Volume 004,OJ L 289, 22.10.1983,Special edition in Spanish: Chapter 05 Volume 004
Effect 23-10-1983; Entry into force Date pub. + 1 See Art 10
Deadline 01-12-1983; See Art 10
13-07-1984; See Art 10
End of validity 01-01-1989; Repealed by 31988R4255


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




Council Regulation (EEC) No 2950/83 of 17 October 1983 on the implementation of Decision 83/516/EEC on the tasks of the European Social Fund

Official Journal L 289 , 22/10/1983 P. 0001 - 0004

Spanish special edition: Chapter 05 Volume 4 P. 0022

Portuguese special edition Chapter 05 Volume 4 P. 0022



of 17 October 1983

on the implementation of Decision 83/516/EEC on the tasks of the European Social Fund



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 127 thereof,

Having regard to Council Decision 83/516/EEC of 17 October 1983 on the tasks of the European Social Fund (1),

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (2),

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (3),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (4),

Whereas the types of expenditure which may be the subject of Fund assistance should be defined;

Whereas for the types of expenditure for which Fund assistance is granted by flat rate amounts the method of calculating those amounts must be determined;

Whereas it is necessary to define the regions of the Community which are economically and socially especially disadvantaged and which benefit from the increased rate of contribution provided for in Article 5 (2) of Decision 83/516/EEC;

Whereas it is appropriate to determine the methods of submitting and approving applications relating to operations carried out in Member States within the framework of their labour market policies;

Whereas it is appropriate to determine the methods of checking and making payments in respect of approved operations;

Whereas when unwarranted payments are made, the sums must be refunded,


Article 1

Assistance may be granted from the Fund only for expenditure intended to cover:

(a) incomes of persons undergoing vocational training;

(b) the costs of:

  • the preparation, operation and administration of vocational training measures, including the vocational guidance of the recipients and the cost of training teaching staff and of depreciation,
  • board and lodging, and travelling expenses for the recipients of vocational training,
  • in the case of vocational integration of the handicapped, the adaptation of workplaces;

(c) the granting, for a period not exceeding 12 months per person, of aid for recruitment to additional jobs or for employment in projects for the creation of additional jobs which fulfil a public need, for young people under 25 who are seeking employment and long-term unemployed; the jobs referred to must be stable or likely to provide additional training or experience with a vocational content giving access to the labour market and facilitating employment in a stable job;

(d) benefits designed to facilitate the transfer and integration of migrant workers and members of their families;

(e) carrying out preparatory or evaluation operations or studies

Article 2

  • 1. 
    In the case of the expenditure referred to in Article 1 (c), assistance from the Fund shall be equal to

15 % of the average gross wage or salary of industrial workers in the Member State concerned.

  • 2. 
    Before 1 August each year the Commission shall determine the amounts of assistance to be granted per person and per unit of time for each Member State in the following financial year and shall publish them in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

Article 3

  • 1. 
    Operations to further employment in the French overseas departments, Greece, Greenland, Ireland, the Mezzogiorno and Northern Ireland shall qualify for the increased rate of assistance provided for in Article 5 (2) of Decision 83/516/EEC.
  • 2. 
    In the application of the first indent of Article 1 (b), the depreciation of training...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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