Radical Imam Sues Wilders Over Dissing his 'good name' (en)

Source: G. (Geert) Wilders i, published on Wednesday, October 13 2010.

As I wrote Geert Wilders today, the Dutch justice system, like Alice's comments in Wonderland , "gets curioser and curioser".

In other Iconoclast blog posts we saw how the second week of his abusrd show trial is faring, including public prosecutor statements that he should not be tried for 'group hate'.

Now, comes this bon mot from Dutch News.nl to pile on the abusurdities of the proceedings in the Amsterdam district court room: a suit for damages to the 'good name' of a radical Imam in The Hague.

Radical The Hague imam Fawaz Jneid is demanding €55,000 in damages from MP Geert Wilders for using video footage of him without permission in his anti-Islam film Fitna.

The hearing will take place in The Hague next Wednesday. Wilders is also appearing in court in Amsterdam next week on charges of inciting hatred and discrimination.

Wilders had used part of an interview with Jneid recorded for tv current affairs show Network in 2008.

The imam claims his portrait rights have been infringed, that Wilders broke the law and that his good name has been damaged.

When the charges were first laid against Wilders in 2008, the MP said the imam 'screamed louder than a pig' and that he would not pay a penny.

In the US using video footage in the public domain would get this suit for damages by Imam Jneid the boot. In the Netherlands the justice system gives these Islamist shenanigans the time of day. As Mr. Bumbles, the fictional parish beadle in Charles Dickens' novel Oliver Twist said: " If the law supposes that, then the law is a ass, a idiot"!

