Wilders inciting hatred trial set for October

Source: G. (Geert) Wilders i, published on Tuesday, May 4 2010.

MP Geert Wilders will go on trial for inciting hatred and discrimination in October, not June as first thought, the Volkskrant reports on Tuesday.

Amsterdam court said it had been forced to make the change because of scheduling problems. The court says it needs five days to hear evidence in the case.

The MP faces five charges religious insult and anti-Muslim incitement. In January, the public prosecution department extended the prosecution case to include inciting hatred of Muslims, Moroccans and non-Western immigrants.


Wilders presented his team of prospective MPs to the public at a tightly-orchestrated event in Rotterdam on Tuesday night. In his speech launching the PVV's campaign, Wilders said the party was going to 'reconquer' the Netherlands.

The PVV wanted to be part of the next cabinet, Wilders said: 'Without the PVV in government, the Netherlands will further slide into the swamp of politically-correct inaction.'

Support for the PVV has been sliding in the polls following the party's failure to capitalise on its victories in the local elections in March.

The latest Maurice de Hond poll puts the PVV in fourth place on 17 seats. Labour would have 33, the Liberals (VVD) 32 and Christian Democrats 27.

