Directorate-General Mobility and Transport (MOVE) - Main contents
Source: Europa Nu.
This Directorate-General develops the EU-policy regarding transport and mobility and is responsible for the programmes that financially support trans-European networks, technological development and innovation.
The DG was established in 2010 when DG Energy and Transport i was split into DG Energy i and DG Mobility and Transport.
The DG has the following tasks:
-stimulate competition in the transport sector
-protect consumer rights
-promote environmentally sound and innovative forms of transport
-support trans-European networks (e.g. international roads, railways, waterways)
-promote transport security
-coordination of the Galileo i project.
Date | Title |
18.12.2024 | . |
Report com(2024)579 |
18.10.2024 | . |
Decision com(2024)467 |
18.10.2024 | . |
Decision com(2024)468 |
27.09.2024 | . |
com(2024)430 |
13.09.2024 | . |
com(2024)405 |
Date | Title |
16.10.2024 | . |
Decision com(2024)477 |
16.10.2024 | . |
Decision com(2024)478 |
14.10.2024 | . |
Decision com(2024)453 |
03.09.2024 | . |
Decision com(2024)391 |
23.05.2024 | . |
Decision com(2024)211 |
Date | Title |
20.06.2023 | Proposal for empowering France to negotiate sign and conclude an international agreement on the safety and interoperability requirements within the Channel Fixed Link. |
Decision com(2023)328 |
01.06.2023 | Amendment of Directive 2005/35/EC on ship-source pollution and on the introduction of penalties, including criminal penalties, for pollution offences. |
Directive com(2023)273 |
01.06.2023 | Amendment of Directive 2009/21/EC on compliance with flag State requirements. |
Directive com(2023)272 |
01.06.2023 | Amendment of Directive 2009/16/EC on port State control. |
Directive com(2023)271 |
01.03.2023 | Amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/413 facilitating cross-border exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences. |
Directive com(2023)126 |