Recommendation 1978/584 - 78/584/EEC: Council Recommendation of 26 June 1978 on the ratification of Conventions on safety in shipping

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This recommendation has been published on July 19, 1978 and entered into force on June 26, 1978.


Key information

official title

78/584/EEC: Council Recommendation of 26 June 1978 on the ratification of Conventions on safety in shipping
Legal instrument Recommendation
Number legal act Recommendation 1978/584
Original proposal COM(1978)228 EN
CELEX number i 31978H0584


Key dates

Document 26-06-1978
Publication in Official Journal 19-07-1978; Special edition in Portuguese: Chapter 07 Volume 002,OJ L 194, 19.7.1978,Special edition in Greek: Chapter 05 Volume 002,Special edition in Spanish: Chapter 07 Volume 002
Effect 26-06-1978; Entry into force Date of document
End of validity 31-12-9999


Legislative text

Avis juridique important




78/584/EEC: Council Recommendation of 26 June 1978 on the ratification of Conventions on safety in shipping

Official Journal L 194 , 19/07/1978 P. 0017 - 0018

Greek special edition: Chapter 05 Volume 2 P. 0241

Spanish special edition: Chapter 07 Volume 2 P. 0117

Portuguese special edition Chapter 07 Volume 2 P. 0117

COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION of 26 June 1978 on the ratification of Conventions on safety in shipping (78/584/EEC)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (1),

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee (2),

Whereas the European Council of 7 and 8 April 1978 declared that the prevention of and the fight against marine pollution, particularly from hydrocarbons, must be a major objective for Community action ; whereas it asked the Council, acting on a proposal from the Commission, and the Member States to take appropriate measures without delay within the Community and to adopt common attitudes in the appropriate international bodies on the swift implementation of existing international rules in this field, in particular those regarding minimum standards for the operation of ships;

Whereas there is a fundamental interest in seeing effective action undertaken to reduce the risks inherent in the transport of hydrocarbons, in particular the danger of severe coastal pollution as the result of accidents on the high seas, and whereas this fundamental interest is underlined by the European Communities' environment action programmes;

Whereas safety in shipping must be improved and the living and working conditions of crews and their level of competence better safeguarded;

Whereas Community action in this field in the framework of specialized international bodies, particularly the IMCO and the ILO and their respective Conventions, may be jeopardized if too long a period were to elapse between the conclusion of those Conventions and their entry into force;

Whereas the 1974 International Convention for the safety of life at sea (SOLAS) and the 1978 Protocol relating thereto and ILO Convention No 147 concerning minimum standards in merchant ships of 1976, which have not yet entered into force, can make a substantial contribution towards improving both technical and welfare standards affecting, respectively, the safety of ships and their equipment and the living and working conditions of their crews;

Whereas the 1973 Convention for the prevention of pollution by ships (MARPOL), as amended by the 1978 Protocol, can make a substantial contribution towards protecting the marine environment against pollution by ships, particularly oil tankers;

Whereas the signing and ratification by or the accession of all the Member States could accelerate the entry into force and increase the effectiveness of these Conventions,


  • that, where they have not already done so, the Member States, where appropriate, sign the following international conventions and ratify or accede to them: - the 1974 International Convention for the safety of life at sea (SOLAS),
  • the 1978 Protocol relating to the 1974 International Convention for the safety of life at sea,
  • the 1973 International Convention for the prevention of pollution by ships (MARPOL), as amended by the 1978 Protocol,
  • Convention No 147 concerning minimum standards in merchant ships, adopted by the International Labour Conference in 1976;
  • that signing, ratification or accession by the Member States, as the case may be, take place by the following dates: - the 1974 SOLAS Convention:

ratification or accession as soon as possible and, in any event, by 1 January 1979,

  • the Protocol thereto (1978): - signing as soon as...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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