Directorate-General for Development and Relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific States

Source: Europa Nu.

Dit directoraat-generaal i had de taak om de armoede in ontwikkelingslanden te verminderen en uiteindelijk uit te bannen. Ook stimuleerde het duurzame ontwikkeling, democratie, vrede en veiligheid. Het ontwikkelingsbeleid van de EU geeft uitdrukking aan de solidariteit van Europa met arme landen en belichaamt fundamentele waarden als democratie en mensenrechten.

Taken van dit DG waren onder meer:

  • het initiëren en formuleren van het beleid voor ontwikkelingssamenwerking
  • het coördineren van de betrekkingen van de EU met ontwikkelingslanden

Per 3 januari 2011 is het Directoraat-Generaal Ontwikkeling samengevoegd met het Directoraat-Generaal EuropeAid (AIDCO) i onder de nieuwe naam Directoraat-Generaal EuropeAid Ontwikkeling en Samenwerking (DEVCO) i.



Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 50 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
20.12.2010  Opening of consultations with Guinea Bissau under Article 96 of the revised Cotonou Agreement.
Communication com(2010)766
13.12.2010  Council position on the adoption of a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 establishing a financing instrument ...
Communication com(2010)787
13.12.2010  Council position on the adoption of a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 establishing a financing instrument ...
Communication com(2010)788
10.11.2010  GREEN PAPER EU development policy in support of inclusive growth and sustainable development Increasing the impact of EU development policy.
Report com(2010)629
10.11.2010  Consolidation of EU Africa relations 1.5 billion people, 80 countries, two continents, one future.
Communication com(2010)634


Legislation currently being implemented

There are 17 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states.
Date Title
01.12.2010  Conclusion by the EU of the International Cocoa Agreement 2010.
Decision com(2010)705
01.12.2010  Proposition de DÉCISION DU CONSEIL relative à la signature au nom de l'Union Européenne, et à l'application provisoire de l’accord international sur le cacao de 2010.
Decision com(2010)706
28.07.2010  Signature of a voluntary partnership agreement with Cameroon on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber and derived products to the EU (FLEGT).
Decision com(2010)405
28.07.2010  Conclusion of a voluntary partnership agreement with Cameroon on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber and derived products to the EU (FLEGT).
Decision com(2010)406
27.05.2010  EU position within the ACP-EC Council of Ministers concerning the transitional measures applicable from the date of signing to the date of entry into force of the ...
Decision com(2010)279


Legislation in force

There are at least 14 laws or other legal instruments in force that have been previously proposed by undefined.
Date Title
05.11.2010  EU position within the ACP-EU Council of Ministers concerning the status of Equatorial Guinea in relation to the revised ACP-EC Partnership Agreement.
Decision com(2010)619
17.03.2010  EU position within the ACP-EC Council of Ministers concerning the accession of South Africa to the revised ACP-EC Partnership Agreement.
Decision com(2010)89
07.12.2009  Repeal of Decision 2009/472/EC and concerning the follow-up to the consultation procedure with Mauritania under Article 96 of the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement.
Decision com(2009)670
10.09.2009  Signature and conclusion of a voluntary partnership agreement with Ghana on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber products into the EC.
Decision com(2009)468
24.08.2009  Extension of the period of application of the measures in Decision 2007/641/EC concluding consultations with Fiji Islands under Article 96 of the ACP-EC Partnership ...
Decision com(2009)431