Besluit 2014/240 - Verlenging van de Overeenkomst inzake wetenschappelijke en technologische samenwerking met de regering van de VS


Samenvatting van Wetgeving

Scientific and technological cooperation with the United States


Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation EU-US

Decision 98/591/EC — conclusion of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the EU and the US

Decision 2004/756/EC — conclusion of an agreement renewing the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation

Decision 2009/306/EC — extension and amendment of the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation EU-US

Decision 2014/240/EU — extension of the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation EU-US


The agreement aims to reinforce cooperation between the European Union (EU, at that time still European Community — EC) and the United States (US) in common priority areas in which they carry out scientific and technological research and development activities.

It aims at encouraging, developing and facilitating activities of scientific and technological cooperation between the two parties to the Agreement. In particular, it enables US and European scientists to participate in each other’s research and development activities on a basis of reciprocity.

The four decisions concerned respectively the conclusion of the agreement (Decision 98/591/EC) and its successive extension in 2004 (Decision 2004/756/EC), 2009 (Decision 2009/306/EC) and 2014 (Decision 2014/240/EU).


The agreement between the EU and the US establishes an official cooperation framework with regard to scientific and technological research. Areas of cooperative activities are as follows:

  • environment (including climate research);
  • biomedicine and health (including AIDS, infectious diseases and drug abuse);
  • agriculture;
  • fisheries science;
  • engineering research;
  • non-nuclear energy;
  • natural resources;
  • materials sciences (including nanotechnology) and metrology;
  • information and communication technologies (ICTs);
  • telematics;
  • biotechnology;
  • marine sciences and technologies;
  • social sciences research;
  • transportation;
  • security research;
  • space research;
  • science and technology policy, management, training and mobility of scientists.

Actions under the agreement concern implementation of research programmes, technological development and demonstration (prototypes) by promoting cooperation with and between enterprises, research centres and universities from the US and EU countries. They also aim to encourage the training and mobility of scientists, as well as the dissemination and optimisation of research results, whilst complying with the protection of intellectual property.

The two parties facilitate the entry into their territories of scientists and equipment used for activities covered by this agreement. Coordination is carried out by a Joint Consultative Group (JCG) which normally meets once a year. This group is composed of a limited and equal number of representatives from each party. It evaluates and monitors the implementation of the Agreement. Its remit also includes determining the sectors where cooperation could be reinforced and defining research priorities.


The agreement was originally signed on 5 December 1997 for an initial period of 5 years. It can be extended with possible amendments for additional periods of 5 years.

The agreement was extended in 2004 (Decision 2004/756/EC), 2009 (Decision 2009/306/EC) and in 2014 (Decision 2014/240/EU).


For more information, see:


Council Decision 98/591/EC of 13 October 1998 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Government of the United States of America (OJ L 284, 22.10.1998, pp. 35-36)

Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Government of the United States of America - Intellectual property (OJ L 284, 22.10.1998, pp. 37–44)

Council Decision 2004/756/EC of 4 October 2004 concerning the conclusion of an Agreement renewing the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Government of the United States of America (OJ L 335, 11.11.2004, pp. 5-6)

Council Decision 2009/306/EC of 30 March 2009 concerning the extension and amendment of the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Government of the United States of America (OJ L 90, 2.4.2009, pp. 20-21)

Council Decision 2014/240/EU of 14 April 2014 concerning the extension of the Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Government of the United States of America (OJ L 128, 30.4.2014, pp. 43-44)


Implementing Arrangement between the European Commission and the Government of the United States of America for cooperation between researchers funded separately by the European Union’s and the United States Framework Programmes on research and innovation, 16 October 2016.

last update 23.09.2014

Deze samenvatting is overgenomen van EUR-Lex.



2014/240/EU: Besluit van de Raad van 14 april 2014 betreffende de verlenging van de Overeenkomst inzake wetenschappelijke en technologische samenwerking tussen de Europese Gemeenschap en de regering van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika