Verordening 2014/236 - Gemeenschappelijke voorschriften en procedures voor de tenuitvoerlegging van de instrumenten van de Unie ter financiering van extern optreden - Hoofdinhoud
Putting the EU’s external financing instruments into practice
This regulation provides the general framework for the implementation of the measures funded by the European Union foreign policy instruments. The main procedures have been centralised in one legal act which specifies the rules applicable to action programmes and individual projects in the field.
Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2014 laying down common rules and procedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments for financing external action
The EU has adopted a range of financial instruments to support its external action for the period 2014-20, namely:
-the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI);
-the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR);
-the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI);
-the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II;, and
The financing decisions on these instruments specify actions to be taken, their objectives and expected results, together with a budget and an indicative timetable.
To allow these instruments to work efficiently, common and simplified rules have been adopted by means of this general regulation on implementation.
Each financial instrument must comply with an indicative multiannual programming so that actions can be implemented over several years if necessary. Funding decisions may take the form of annual action programmes and special measures (if situations or unforeseen needs arise).
Technical support measures may also be considered (for example, administrative support, project preparation and monitoring costs).
EU financial assistance may take several forms, such as:
-procurement of services, supplies or works;
-contributions to trust funds set up by the Commission;
-budget support;
-financial instruments such as loans or financial guarantees provided by the European Investment Bank.
Actions financed must also comply with the rules laid down in the EU financial regulation and ensure that the EU’s financial interests are respected.
Available resources must be allocated to maximise the efficiency and the overall impact of actions and to strengthen their coherence and complementarity.
Organisations of civil society and local authorities should play an important role in the implementation of actions, particularly in their preparation, implementation, and monitoring. International organisations and development agencies should work with NGOs on the ground.
All proposed actions should also be based on the principles of promotion of democracy and the protection of human rights in recipient countries.
The regulation provides means to ensure the visibility of EU assistance. The Commission must ensure that each financing instrument is monitored with clear, transparent and measurable indicators. If necessary, the impact of actions may be carried out by an external evaluation.
Act |
Entry into force |
Deadline for transposition in the Member States |
Official Journal |
Regulation (EU) No 236/2014 |
1.1.2014 |
- |
OJ L 77 of 15.3.2014 |
Last updated: 30.06.2014
Deze samenvatting is overgenomen van EUR-Lex.
Verordening (EU) nr. 236/2014 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 11 maart 2014 tot vaststelling van gemeenschappelijke voorschriften en procedures voor de tenuitvoerlegging van de instrumenten van de Unie ter financiering van extern optreden