Recommendation 1998/376 - 98/376/EC: Council Recommendation of 4 June 1998 on a parking card for people with disabilities


Summary of Legislation

Parking card for people with disabilities

This Recommendation aims to standardise the format of parking cards for disabled persons and to have them recognised reciprocally by the Member States of the Union.


Council Recommendation 98/376/EC of 4 June 1998 on a parking card for people with disabilities [See amending acts].


The Council of the European Union recommends the Member States to:

  • introduce a parking card for people with disabilities in accordance with the respective national provisions, on the basis of the standardised Community model described in the Annex;
  • recognise, as from 1 January 1998, the parking cards for people with disabilities introduced by each Member State in accordance with the standardised Community model, so that cardholders may benefit from the associated parking facilities available in the Member State in which they happen to be;
  • issue the parking card only to people whose disability causes them to have reduced mobility;
  • provide those concerned, when the parking card is issued or on request, with an overview of the conditions of use in the different Member States;
  • take the necessary steps to ensure that the parking cards for people with disabilities, based on the standardised Community model, are made available by 1 January 2000 at the latest (cards of the type already existing in a Member State may continue to be used in that country until they are replaced);
  • inform the Commission, before 1 July 2000, of the measures taken pursuant to this Recommendation.




Date of entry into force

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Recommendation 98/376/EC



OJ L 167 of 2.6.1998


Amending act(s)

Dateof entry into force

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Recommendation 2008/205/EC



OJ L of 7.3.2008

Last updated: 04.02.2011

This summary has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Legislative text

98/376/EC: Council Recommendation of 4 June 1998 on a parking card for people with disabilities