Decision 2008/180 - 2008/180/EC: Council Decision of 25 February 2008 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation between the EC and Egypt


Summary of Legislation

Scientific and technological cooperation between the EU and Egypt


Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt

Decision 2008/180/EC on the conclusion of the Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt


The agreement establishes a formal framework for cooperation, aimed at encouraging, developing and facilitating activities in the areas of science and technology.

By its decision, the Council approved the conclusion of the agreement on behalf of the European Community (now the EU).


Activities conducted under the agreement are based on a set of principles:

  • promotion of a knowledge-based society to foster the social and economic development of both parties;
  • mutual benefits based on an overall balance of advantages;
  • reciprocal access to the activities of research programmes and projects undertaken by each party;
  • timely exchange of information;
  • protection of intellectual property rights.


  • Egyptian legal entities* can take part in indirect cooperative activities of EU’s framework programmes for research and technological development and demonstration activities under the same conditions as those applicable to legal entities of EU countries, subject to the terms and conditions set out in Annexes I and II of the agreement.
  • Legal entities established in an EU country can take part in Egyptian research programmes and projects covering similar areas to those of the framework programme under the same conditions as those applicable to legal entities of Egypt subject to the terms and conditions set out in Annexes I and II of the agreement.

Cooperative activities may include the following:

  • regular discussions on the guidelines and priorities for research policies and planning in Egypt and the EU;
  • discussions on cooperation prospects and developments;
  • timely provision of information concerning the implementation of respective programmes and research projects;
  • joint meetings;
  • visits and exchanges of research workers, engineers and technicians, including for training purposes;
  • exchanges and sharing of equipment and materials;
  • regular and sustained contacts between programme or project managers of the parties;
  • participation of experts in seminars, conferences (‘symposiums’) and workshops;
  • exchanges of information on practices, laws, regulations and programmes relevant to cooperation under this agreement;
  • research and technological development training;
  • reciprocal access to scientific and technological information within the scope of this cooperation;
  • any other modality adopted by the Joint Scientific and Technical Cooperation Committee set up under this agreement.


The agreement entered into force on 27 February 2008 for an indefinite period (provisionally applicable upon its signature: 21 June 2005). It may be terminated at any time by either party with 12 months’ written notice.


Egypt is one of the countries covered by the EU Neighbourhood Policy.

In 2004, the Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the other part entered into force.

For more information, see:

For more information about research & innovation (R & I) cooperation with Egypt, see:


Legal entities: Any natural person or any legal person created under the national law of its place of establishment or under Community law or international law having legal personality and being entitled to have rights and obligations of any kind in its own name.


Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt (OJ L 182, 13.7.2005, pp. 12-19)

Council Decision 2008/180/EC of 25 February 2008 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt (OJ L 59, 4.3.2008, pp. 12-13)


last update 25.10.2019

This summary has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Legislative text

2008/180/EC: Council Decision of 25 February 2008 concerning the conclusion of the Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Arab Republic of Egypt