Directive 1992/104 - Minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in surface and underground mineral-extracting industries (twelfth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)


Summary of Legislation

Health and safety of workers in the extractive industries


Council Directive 92/104/EEC — safety and health protection of workers in the surface and underground extractive industries



It lays down minimum requirements for the safety and health protection of workers in mineral-extracting industries.


The Directive covers surface and underground mineral-extracting industries, including prospecting, and the preparation of extracted materials for sale. It does not cover the subsequent processing of the materials extracted.

To safeguard the safety and health of workers, the employer ensures that:


workplaces are designed and organised in such a way that workers can work without endangering the health and safety of themselves or other workers,


there should always be supervision by a person in charge,


work involving a special risk is given only to competent staff and carried out according to instructions,


safety instructions are comprehensible to all the workers concerned;


first-aid facilities are provided, and


safety drills are performed regularly.

A safety and health document must be drawn up by the employer responsible for the implementation of all the safety and health measures showing that the risks to which workers are exposed have been assessed, and that the workplace is safe. Where workers from other companies are present, the document should also outline the aims of coordination and implementation procedures.

The employer will also:


report serious occupational accidents and situations of serious danger to the competent authorities without delay,


take measures to prevent, detect and combat fires, and the occurrence of explosive or other health-endangering atmospheres,


provide means of escape and rescue in the event of danger,


provide warning and other communication systems to enable assistance, escape and rescue operations,


inform workers of measures taken concerning safety and health at the workplace,


ensure that workers undergo regular health checks related to their activities,


ensure the consultation and participation of workers on safety and health matters.

Detailed requirements are set out in the Annexes to the Directive.


It entered into force on 7 December 1992.


Health and safety at work: Areas of activity on the European Commission’s website.


Council Directive 92/104/EEC of 3 December 1992 on the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in surface and underground mineral-extractive industries (twelfth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)




Entry into force

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Directive 92/104/EEC



OJ L 404, 31.12.1992, pp. 10–25


Amending act(s)

Entry into force

Deadline for transposition in the Member States

Official Journal

Directive 2007/30/EC



OJ L 165, 27.6.2007, pp. 21–24

last update 15.10.2015

This summary has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Legislative text

Council Directive 92/104/EEC of 3 December 1992 on the minimum requirements for improving the safety and health protection of workers in surface and underground mineral-extracting industries (twelfth individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16 (1) of Directive 89/391/EEC)