Annexes to COM(2023)724 - EURES activity July 2020 - June 2022 Submitted pursuant to Article 33 of Regulation (EU) 2016/589

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

annex of the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/170 on uniform detailed specifications for data collection and analysis to monitor and evaluate the functioning of the EURES network.

20 Commission Implementing Decision on templates and procedures for the exchange of information on the EURES network national work programmes at EU level.

21 Since May 2021 the governance of the ECG is under ECO in ELA.

22 See Article 19 of the EURES Regulation (EU) 2016/589

23 This survey was conducted throughout the reporting period and is still available on the Europa server at The survey link is part of the EURES Helpdesk signature, included in all Helpdesk replies sent out by email and chat. During the 24-month reporting period, a total of 1 188 users replied to the survey, out of 19 808 users who received the survey.

24 The European (Online) Job Days is a platform that helps intermediary organisations, such as public employment services, to organise recruitment events both on-site and online – events known as ‘European Job Days’. This platform was created in 2011.

25 The extranet is the section of the EURES portal only available to internal users, such as EURES advisers, national coordinators, and ECO staff. It facilitates the coordination, exchange of information and administrative tasks.

26 The EURES extranet is the name used for the intranet for the whole EURES network.

27 According to ELA’s founding regulation, the Authority has the possibility to set up working groups to fulfil a specific task or regarding a particular policy area. To this date, ELA has four dedicated working groups in which representatives from Member States, the Commission and social partners share their expertise on the dedicated subject: Working Group on Information, Working Group on Inspections, Working Group on Mediation and European Platform tackling undeclared work.

28 This mutual learning event took place on 30 September 2021.

29 These two mutual learning events took place respectively in October 2020 and 2021.

30 These two mutual learning events took place respectively on 17 September 2020 and 24 February 2022.

31 Link:

32 Annual report on intra-EU labour mobility 2020.

33 Annual report on intra-EU labour mobility 2021.

34 European Commission, Report on Labour Shortages and Surpluses 2020 and 2021.

35 The budget is higher for 2022, as in 2021 ECO was still under Commission until 26 May 2021.

36 When no other source is cited, the results presented in the sections below are based on the data from the NCOs checklists and surveys disseminated for the purpose of this report.

Please note that an action consists of several sub-actions that are not detailed in the table. An action is considered completed (green) if all its sub-actions are completed. An action is considered incomplete (red) when none of its sub-actions are completed. When the sub-actions are not all completed nor all incomplete, the whole action is considered partially completed (orange).

37 It is to be noted that the Action 3 “Appointment of the Public Employment Services relevant for the activities in the EURES network as EURES Members (Article 10)" are considered as partially completed for Croatia and Switzerland. Indeed, they appointed their PES as EURES Members but some sub-actions are not yet completed.

Concerning Switzerland, the sub-actions "did you notify the ECO about the PES identified and provide explanations in case of changes compared to the situation before the entry into force of the Regulation" and "In case of changes compared to the situation before the entry into force of the Regulation, did you communicate the changes to the PES which are not to be involved anymore and draw their attention to the consequences" are partially completed.

Concerning Croatia, the sub-actions "In case of changes compared to the situation before the entry into force of the Regulation, did you communicate the changes to the PES which are not to be involved anymore and draw their attention to the consequences" and "In case of changes compared to the situation before the entry into force of the Regulation, have you communicated to the Help desk the details as regards the accounts of staff members on the EURES portal to be closed and as of which date?" are reported as not available.

38 The full overview of all EURES Members and Partners can be found here:

39 One NCO mentioned that the pandemic caused some delays in this process and that they lack the resources to monitor the compliance. Some also mentioned that they do not have Members and Partners yet.

40 30 connection points were enabled to transfer CVs to the portal. It is to be noted that three connection points exist for Belgium (BE Actiris, BE Forem and BE VDAB).

41 It should be noted that the implementation by EURES countries of the adoption or mapping of ESCO is a legal obligation that allows the sharing of CVs and JVs among the network. The Commission oversees the EURES countries’ compliance and took contact with the countries that are not yet compliant to ask for some clarifications.

42 One NCO mentioned changes in their IT systems that lowered the number of CVs transferred because of the difficulty incurred. Another NCO mentioned that they are still working on the technical interface to enable the transfer of CVs, while another NCO mentioned that they still need to test their interface.

43 EURES Ex-post evaluation:, p. 12.

44 EURES regulation, art 28 and recital 46.

45 These occasional downtimes were ranging between two and ten hours each and were always announced one week in advance to all stakeholders.

46 The full recommendations can be found in the Biennial Report 2018-2020 (see

47 It is to be mentioned that 2 countries did not report anything concerning their connection to the single coordinated channel.

48 11 EURES countries were in the process of establishing the connection to the single coordinated channel and 12 were connected by the end of June 2020.

49 See EURES reg, and especially Chapter III.

50 As the development and maintenance of the EURES portal remains under the Commission after ECO moved to ELA, continuity was ensured in this regard.

51 Available at:

52 ‘European Union around me’ map. See here:

53  COM/2022/404 final, Putting Vision into Concrete Action.