Annexes to COM(1980)242 -

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

dossier COM(1980)242 - .
document COM(1980)242 EN
date May  7, 1980
agreement on the principles contained in the Commission's communication to the Council (Doc. COM(79) 771 final), concerning the creation of a Consultative Committee of the Fusion Programme (CCFP) and took note of the Commission’s intention to submit, within three months -? of the adoption of a Programme Decision, a draft decision^ drawn up ^ in consultation with the Consultative Committee on Fusion (CCF), ' '

creating the CCFP and establishing its terms of reference. .    ,

% ‘ " ‘ ■ ' ' • - '

Qr*    -    .    •    •

2. By this communication, the Commission submits to the Council a draft

‘    ■    .    .    *    j ■    ’    -    ' •

decision creating the CCFP and establishing its terms of reference (ANNEX). This draft has been drawn up after consultation with the CCF, which gave advice on the subject at its meeting on 6 March 1980. This advice was sent to the Council on 15 April 1980. -

3. When the Council has adopted this decision , the Commission will take ’ the appropriate action leading to the dissolving of the CCF, the

* Liaison Group and the Committee of Directors. These three committees being mentioned in the Agreements for Cooperation in the field of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion concluded with Sweden and Switzerland, it might be necessary to modify these agreements in order for them to suit the new consultative structure of the fusion programme. In this case, the Commission will submit to the Council, for its approval, the alterations agreed with these third countries.    ;    ,

(1) Council Decision of 13 March 1980, 80/318 Euratom OJ L 72 of 18.3.80, p. 18    v >



s'    '    '    ■

sefting up a Consultative Committee for the ? ' , -‘    Fusion- Programme

1. There is hereby established a Consultative Committee for the Fusion Programme


.(CCFP) in the area of controlled thermonuclear fusion (indirect    .

2 ■ " -

and direct actions).    ■ ,    •

2. Without prejudice to the Commission's responsibility in the implementa-

'    tion of the Fusion Programme, the CCFP shall have the task of contributing in

2    its advisory capacity to the best possible implementation of the pro

gramme, in particular :

- to watch over the ongoing activities

'    - to ensure that selectivity criteria are applied in the

definition and management of the programme

- to ensure harmony between the activities of the Associations,,

---    the JRC and the JET Project    -    .

* ‘ ' .. ■ ‘ ‘ ’ ' .

- to define priority actions with a view to the allocation

of preferential support

- to evaluate the results obtained

,    - to collaborate in the preparation of programme proposals

- to ensure proper relations between the Community Fusion

Programme and other fusion programmes    .

- to exercise the role of Advisory Committee on Programme

.    Management concerning the fusion activities of the JRC

‘    (direct action).    ,    ,    .

The Committee shall consist,pf hot more than :    '

(a)    for the delegation of each Member State, three members appointed

by the Government of that State    .

(b) - for the delegation of each non-member State participating fully in the

Fusion Programme, three members appointed by the Government of x that State.    .    :    ‘

(c)    three members for the Commission, including one representative of

the JRC and one representative of the JET Joint Undertaking designated by the JET Council.    ,    ,

Each of the delegations under (a) and (b) above sha11include, preferably, a member coming from a government department and a member coming from the Scientific or technical community.    ■

Each member shall be appointed in principle for a renewable term of , three years,    •    •    '

Alternate members shall not be acceptable. If a member cannot attend a meeting, a new member maybe nominated for that meeting. The nomination shall be notified to the chairman and the secretary before the meeting.

The CCFP may decide to hear experts.

The CCFP may create sub-committees. The CCFP shalldefine the composition and the terms of reference of such sub-committees. The CCFP shall keep the number of sub-committees, and their membership, to a minimum.

The decision whether travel expenses and daily allowances shall be paid by the Commission to the members of sub-committees shall rest with the Commission.    '    -

The CCFP shall give opinions which shall be forwarded to the Commission/ a copy being sent to the Council. Any member may request that his

views be recorded in the opinions.    .

• _ ' . . «

For a meeting of the Committee to be valid, at least three quarters of the delegations must be represented, l A delegation shall be properly represented if at least one of its members is present. Opinions shall-be adopted by majority of the delegations present. '

7. The Committee shell appoint its chairman from among its members, in

principle for a term of two years , renewable once / upon the proposal of the Commission.    ‘    ,

' * ' "

8. Secretarial services for the Committee shall be provided, under the - authority of the Chairman, by a Commission servant placed at the

disposal of the Committee for this purpose.

9. The CCFP shall meet at least twice a year.

\ ; .

10. The CCFP shall adopt its own rules of procedure.

