Annexes to COM(2013)430 - Enhanced co-operation between Public Employment Services (PES)

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dossier COM(2013)430 - Enhanced co-operation between Public Employment Services (PES).
document COM(2013)430 EN
date May 15, 2014


A.The quantitative indicators for the areas listed in points (a)(i) to (iv) of Article 4(1):

1.Contribution to reducing unemployment for all age groups and for vulnerable groups:

(a)Transition from unemployment into employment per age group, gender and qualification level, as a share of the stock of registered unemployed persons;

(b)Number of people leaving the PES unemployment records, as a share of registered unemployed persons.

2.Contribution to reducing the duration of unemployment and reducing inactivity, so as to address long-term and structural unemployment, as well as social exclusion:

(a)Transition into employment within, for example, 6 and 12 months of unemployment per age group, gender and qualification level, as a share of all PES register transitions into employment;

(b)Entries into a PES register of previously inactive persons, as a share of all entries into that PES register per age group and gender.

3.Filling of vacancies (including through voluntary labour mobility):

(a)Job vacancies filled;

(b)Answers to Eurostat's Labour Force Survey on the contribution of PES to the finding of the respondent's current job.

4.Customer satisfaction with PES services:

(a)Overall satisfaction of jobseekers;

(b)Overall satisfaction of employers.

B.Areas of benchmarking through qualitative internal and external assessment of performance enablers for the areas listed in points (a)(i) to (iv) of Article 4(1):

1.Strategic performance management;

2.Design of operational processes such as effective channelling and profiling of jobseekers and tailored use of active labour market instruments;

3.Sustainable activation and management of transitions;

4.Relations to employers;

5.Evidence-based design and implementation of PES services;

6.Effective management of partnerships with stakeholders;

7.Allocation of PES resources.