Annexes to COM(2013)226 - Transitional provisions on support through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and amendments on the application of related regulations for 2014

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Correspondence of Articles in measures under the 2007-2013 and the 2014-2020 programming periods

Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013
Article 20(a)(i): Vocational training and informationArticle 14
Article 20(a)(ii): Setting up of Young FarmersArticle 19(1)(a)(i)
Article 20(a)(iii): Early retirement/
Article 20(a)(iv): Use of advisory servicesArticle 15(1)(a)
Article 20 (a)(v): Setting up of management, relief and advisory servicesArticle 15(1)(b)
Article 20(b)(i): Modernisation of agricultural holdingsArticle 17(1)(a)
Article 20(b)(ii): Improvement of the economic value of forestsArticle 21(1)(d)
Article 20(b)(iii): Adding value to agricultural and forestry productsArticle 17(1)(b)

Article 21(1)(e)
Article 20(b)(iv): Cooperation for development of new products-process-technologiesArticle 35
Article 20(b)(v): Agricultural and forestry infrastructureArticle 17(1)(c)
Article 20(b)(vi): Restoration-prevention actionsArticle 18
Article 20(c)(i): Meeting Standards/
Article 20(c)(ii): Food quality schemesArticle 16
Article 20(c)(iii): Information and promotionArticle 16
Article 20(d)(i): Semi-subsistence farmingArticle 19(1)(a)(iii)
Article 20(d)(ii): Producer groupsArticle 27
Article 36(a)(i): Natural handicap payments in mountainsArticle 31
Article 36(a)(ii): Natural handicap payments in areas other than mountain areasArticle 31
Article 36(a)(iii): Natura 2000 and payments linked to Directive 2000/60/ECArticle 30
Article 36(a)(iv): Agri-environment paymentsArticle 28

Article 29
Article 36(v): Animal welfare paymentsArticle 33
Article 36(b)(i): First afforestation of agricultural landArticle 21(1)(a)
Article 36(b)(ii): First establishment of agroforestry systemsArticle 21(1)(b)
Article 36(b)(iii): First afforestation of non-agricultural landArticle 21(1)(a)
Article 36(b)(iv): Natura 2000 paymentsArticle 30
Article 36(b)(v): Forest-environment paymentsArticle 34
Article 36(b)(vi): Restoring forestry potential and introducing preventive actionsArticle 21(1)(c)
Article 36(b)(vii): Non-productive investmentsArticle 21(1)(d)
Measures under Regulation (EC) No 718/2007Measures under Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013
Article 171(2)(a): Investments in agricultural holdings to restructure and to upgrade to Community standardsArticle 17(1)(a)
Article 171(2)(c): Investments in processing and marketing of agriculture and fishery products to restructure those activities and to upgrade them to Community standardsArticle 17(1)(b)


The Annexes to Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 are amended as follows:

(1)In Annex I, the following row is inserted after that relating to "Specific support":

"Redistributive paymentTitle III, Chapter 5a and Title V, Chapter 2aDecoupled payment"

(2)Annex II is amended as follows:

(a)Point A. "Environment"is replaced by the following:

"1Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds (OJ L 103, 25.4.1979, p. 1)Article 3(1), Article 3(2)(b), Article 4(1), (2) and (4) and Article 5(a), (b) and (d)
3Council Directive 86/278/EEC of 12 June 1986 on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture (OJ L 181, 4.7.1986, p. 6)Article 3
4Council Directive 91/676/EEC of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (OJ L 375, 31.12.1991, p. 1)Articles 4 and 5
5Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna (OJ L 206, 22.7.1992, p. 7)Article 6 and Article 13(1)(a)";

(b)point 9 of Point B. "Public, animal and plant health" is replaced by the following:

"9Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market and repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC (OJ L 309, 24.11.2009, p. 1)Article 55, first and second sentence".

(3)In Annex III, the entry for"Protection and management of water"is replaced by the following:

"Protection and management of water:
Establishment of buffer strips along water courses (1)
Protect water against pollution and run-off, and manage the use of water
Where use of water for irrigation is subject to authorisation, compliance with authorisation procedures
Protection of ground water against pollution: prohibition of direct discharge into groundwater and measures to prevent indirect pollution of groundwater through discharge on the ground and percolation through the soil of dangerous substances, as listed in the Annex to the Directive 80/68/EEC in its version in force on the last day of its validity, as far as it relates to agricultural activity

(4)In Annex VIII, the column for the year 2014 is replaced by the following:

"Table 1

(thousand EUR)
Member State2014
Belgium544 047
Denmark926 075
Germany5 178 178
Greece2 047 187
Spain4 833 647
France7 586 341
Ireland1 216 547
Italy3 953 394
Luxembourg33 662
Netherlands793 319
Austria693 716
Portugal557 667
Finland523 247
Sweden696 487
United Kingdom3 548 576

Table 2 (2)

(thousand EUR)
Bulgaria642 103
Czech Republic875 305
Estonia110 018
Cyprus51 344
Latvia168 886
Lithuania393 226
Hungary1 272 786
Malta5 240
Poland2 970 020
Romania1 428 531
Slovenia138 980
Slovakia377 419
Croatia113 908

(5)The following Annexes are inserted after Annex VIII:


Annex VIIIa

Amounts resulting from the application of Article 136b in 2014

Germany:EUR 42 600 000
Sweden:EUR 9 000 000

Annex VIIIb

Average size of agricultural holding to be applied under Article 72a(4) and Article 125a(3)

Member StateAverage size of agricultural holding

(in hectares)
Czech Republic89
United Kingdom54

Annex VIIIc

National ceilings referred to in Article 72a(3) and Article 125a(3)

(thousands EUR)
Belgium505 266
Bulgaria796 292
Czech Republic872 809
Denmark880 384
Germany5 018 395
Estonia169 366
Ireland1 211 066
Greece1 931 177
Spain4 893 433
France7 437 200
Croatia265 785
Italy3 704 337
Cyprus48 643
Latvia302 754
Lithuania517 028
Luxembourg33 432
Hungary1 269 158
Malta4 690
Netherlands732 370
Austria691 738
Poland3 061 518
Portugal599 355
Romania1 903 195
Slovenia134 278
Slovakia394 385
Finland524 631
Sweden699 768
United Kingdom3 591 683

Annex VIIId

Amounts for Bulgaria and Romania referred to in Article 125b(1)

BulgariaEUR 789 365 000
RomaniaEUR 1 753 000 000


(6)Annex XVIIa is replaced by the following:

"Annex XVIIa

Transitional national aid in Cyprus

Cereals (durum wheat excluded)141 439113 151
Durum wheat905 191724 153
Milk and dairy3 419 5852 735 668
Beef4 608 9453 687 156
Sheep and goats10 572 5278 458 022
Pig sector170 788136 630
Poultry and eggs71 39957 119
Wine269 250215 400
Olive oil3 949 5543 159 643
Table grapes66 18152 945
Dried grapes129 404103 523
Processed tomatoes7 3415 873
Bananas4 285 6963 428 556
Tobacco1 027 775822 220
Deciduous fruit including stone fruit173 390138 712
Total29 798 46223 838 770"


Note:The GAEC buffer strips must respect, both within and outside vulnerable zones designated pursuant to Article 3(2) of Directive 91/676/EEC, at least the requirements relating to the conditions for land application of fertiliser near water courses, referred to in point A.4 of Annex II to Directive 91/676/EEC to be applied in accordance with the action programmes of Member States established under Article 5(4) of Directive 91/676/EEC.".

(2) Ceilings calculated taking into account of the schedule of increments provided for in Article 121."