Annexes to COM(2012)776 - Amending certain regulations and directives with regards to occurrence reporting in civil aviation

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.



Note:The data fields must be completed with the information requested. If it is not possible for the competent authorities of the Member States or the Agency to include that information because it has not been provided by the organisation or the reporter, the data field may be completed with the value ‘unknown’. However, with a view to ensuring that the appropriate information is transmitted, use of that ‘unknown’ value should, to the best extent possible, be avoided, and the report should, where possible, be completed with the information later.


When entering, in their respective databases, information on every occurrence mandatorily reported and, to the best extent possible, every occurrence voluntarily reported, organisations, Member States and the Agency must ensure that occurrence reports recorded in their databases contain at least the following information:



(2)Filing Information

Responsible Entity

File Number

Occurrence Status


UTC Date


State/Area of Occurrence

Location of Occurrence


Occurrence Class

Occurrence Category


Narrative Language



Event Type

(8)Risk classification


2.1.   Aircraft-related data fields

When entering, in their respective databases, information on every occurrence mandatorily reported and, to the best extent possible, every occurrence voluntarily reported, organisations, Member States and the Agency must ensure that occurrence reports recorded in their databases contain at least the following information:

(1)Aircraft Identification

State of Registry


Aircraft serial number

Aircraft Registration

Call sign

(2)Aircraft Operation


Type of operation

(3)Aircraft Description

Aircraft Category

Propulsion Type

Mass Group

(4)History of Flight

Last Departure Point

Planned Destination

Flight Phase


Weather relevant

2.2.   Data fields relating to air navigation services

When entering, in their respective databases, information on every occurrence mandatorily reported and, to the best extent possible, every occurrence voluntarily reported, organisations, Member States and the Agency must ensure that occurrence reports recorded in their databases contain at least the following information:

(1)ATM relation

ATM contribution

Service affected (effect on ATM service)

(2)ATS Unit Name

2.2.1.   Separation Minima Infringement/Loss of Separation and Airspace Infringement-related data fields

When entering, in their respective databases, information on every occurrence mandatorily reported and, to the best extent possible, every occurrence voluntarily reported, organisations, Member States and the Agency must ensure that occurrence reports recorded in their databases contain at least the following information:


Airspace type

Airspace class

FIR/UIR name

2.3.   Aerodrome-related data fields

When entering, in their respective databases, information on every occurrence mandatorily reported and, to the best extent possible, every occurrence voluntarily reported, organisations, Member States and the Agency must ensure that occurrence reports recorded in their databases contain at least the following information:

(1)Location Indicator (ICAO indicator of the airport)

(2)Location on the aerodrome

2.4.   Aircraft damage or personal injury-related data fields

When entering, in their respective databases, information on every occurrence mandatorily reported and, to the best extent possible, every occurrence voluntarily reported, organisations, Member States and the Agency must ensure that occurrence reports recorded in their databases contain at least the following information:


Highest Damage

Injury Level

(2)Injuries to persons

Number of injuries on ground (fatal, serious, minor)

Number of injuries on aircraft (fatal, serious, minor)



(a)List of interested parties which may receive information on the basis of a case-by-case decision under Article 11(4) or on the basis of a general decision under Article 11(6):

1.Manufacturers: designers and manufacturers of aircraft, engines, propellers and aircraft parts and appliances, and their respective associations; designers and manufacturers of air traffic management (ATM) systems and constituents; designers and manufacturers of systems and constituents for air navigation services (ANS); designers and manufacturers of systems and equipment used on the air side of aerodromes

2.Maintenance: organisations involved in the maintenance or overhaul of aircraft, engines, propellers and aircraft parts and appliances; in the installation, modification, maintenance, repair, overhaul, flight checking or inspection of air navigation facilities; or in the maintenance or overhaul of aerodrome air side systems, constituents and equipment

3.Operators: airlines and operators of aircraft and associations of airlines and operators; aerodrome operators and associations of aerodrome operators

4.Air navigation services providers and providers of ATM-specific functions

5.Aerodrome service providers: organisations in charge of ground handling of aircraft, including fuelling, loadsheet preparation, loading, de-icing and towing at an aerodrome, as well as rescue and firefighting, or other emergency services

6.Aviation training organisations

7.Third-country organisations: governmental aviation authorities and accident investigation authorities from third countries

8.International aviation organisations

9.Research: public or private research laboratories, centres or entities; or universities engaged in aviation safety research or studies

(b)List of interested parties which may receive information on the basis of a case-by-case decision under Article 11(4) and (5):

1.Pilots (on a personal basis)

2.Air traffic controllers (on a personal basis) and other ATM/ANS staff carrying out safety-related tasks

3.Engineers/technicians/air traffic safety electronics staff/aviation (or aerodrome) managers (on a personal basis)

4.Professional representative bodies of staff carrying out safety-related tasks










Nature of business:

Category of interested party (see Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 on the reporting, analysis and follow-up of occurrences in civil aviation (1)):

2.Information requested (please be as specific as possible; include the relevant date/period in which you are interested):

3.Reason for the request:

4.Explain the purpose for which the information will be used:

5.Date by which the information is requested:

6.The completed form should be sent, via e-mail, to: (point of contact)

7.Access to information

The point of contact is not required to supply any requested information. It may do so only if it is confident that the request is compatible with Regulation (EU) No 376/2014. The requestor commits itself and its organisation to restrict the use of the information to the purpose it has described under point 4. It is also recalled that information provided on the basis of this request is made available only for the purposes of flight safety as provided in Regulation (EU) No 376/2014 and not for other purposes such as, in particular, attributing blame or liability or for commercial purposes.

The requestor is not allowed to disclose information provided to it to anyone without the written consent of the point of contact.

Failure to comply with these conditions may lead to a refusal of access to further information from the European Central Repository and, where applicable, to the imposition of penalties.

8.Date, place and signature:

(1) OJ L 122, 24.4.2014, p. 18.