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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

agreements had been signed by the Commission and the Member States concerned and an advance payment of 75% of each grant had been made to the respective Member State.

3.2. Project management

3.2.1. Global Programme Management Board (GPMB)

The amendments to the migration legal instruments adopted on 3 June 2010 formalised the GPMB as an advisory body for assistance to the central SIS II project to facilitate consistency between central and national SIS II projects[8]. The GPMB has neither decision-making power nor any mandate to represent the Commission or Member States.

The GPMB met 20 times during the period covered by this report.

3.2.2. SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II)

The Commission is assisted in the development of SIS II by the SIS-VIS Committee. There were five meetings of the SIS-VIS Committee on SIS II technical matters in the period July – December 2011. Several key approvals were achieved on migration and testing.

In addition to regular SIS-VIS Committee meetings, working groups of the Committee and workshops, involving Member States' experts, are organised to discuss detailed technical issues. These meetings generally focus on issues arising from specific project deliverables:

· The Test Advisory Group (TAG), provides the SIS-VIS Committee with an opinion on issues related to the organisation, implementation and interpretation of tests. This group held 23 meetings in the reporting period.

· The Change Management Board (CMB), provides advice on classification, qualification and the potential impact of correction of reported issues. Due to the amount of effort expended on agreeing the updated technical specifications of the central system in 2010-11 and the subsequent stabilisation of requirements, this working group, which also reports to the SIS-VIS Committee, was not formally convened during the reporting period; neither were any SIS II Migration Workshops/meetings held during this period.

3.2.3. National planning and coordination

A working group composed of the Member States' national project managers (NPM) is organised to advise the Commission project team. The purpose of the NPM meetings is to deal with detailed planning issues, risks and activities both at the central and national project levels. During this reporting period four NPM meetings took place.

3.2.4. Council

Overall a positive and cooperative atmosphere characterised the meetings in the Council. Given the very technical nature of the project, the Commission paid particular attention to transparency, for example through the provision of a detailed letter to the Presidency in November 2011. On subjects where Member States sought additional clarification, the Commission held bilateral meetings in order to ensure that a common base of understanding is achieved. This is also pursued through the Council's SIS II Task Force, of which the Commission is a member, which provides an overview of preparations at Member State level to the Council. Additionally, the Member States recognised the need to review a key technical document on data exchange between SIRENE Bureaux and to establish a structure to plan and manage the SIRENE functional tests. Ad hoc groups were established accordingly, with the Commission being invited to both.

As expressed in Council Conclusions and in line with the wishes of all parties in the project to maintain complete transparency, the Commission keeps the Council informed, regularly, on the implementation of the Global Schedule for SIS II and expenditure on the central project.

The Commission takes part in the meetings of the preparatory bodies of the Council responsible for the Schengen Information System and of each Council of Ministers session where SIS II is included on the agenda. The Commission has presented reports on the state of play of the SIS II project and the next steps envisaged.

The Commission circulates a weekly flash report, summarising technical developments, to colleagues engaged in the project at national level.

3.2.5. European Parliament

At the end of 2011, the European Parliament decided to put into the reserve part of the appropriations for the SIS II project in the EU General Budget. The Commission keeps the European Parliament informed on the state of play of SIS II. In addition to fulfilling the reporting obligations provided by the SIS II legal instruments[9], the Commission provided the European Parliament with further information on financial, contractual and scheduling matters and the status of the project in the context of the discussions on the release of SIS II appropriations for 2011 from the reserve. Finally, the Commission responded to seven parliamentary questions on SIS related matters.

4. Priorities for the next reporting period

During the next reporting period, January to end-June 2012, there will be seven principal areas of activity:

· the finalisation of CTE testing at national level;

· the finalisation of CSQT with Member States;

· the preparation for and the carrying out of the Provisional System Acceptance Tests (PSAT);

· the preparation for and the carrying out of the second Milestone Test;

· the preparation for the Comprehensive Test;

· the pilot project on security and preparation for the subsequent test and audit;

· the installation of the SIS II SIRENE mail relay in anticipation of the Member States' test on supplementary information.

5. Conclusions

As is to be expected during a period of intensive testing, issues were found which had to be resolved in relation to both the central and national systems. However, through a cooperative and pragmatic working style, these issues were addressed and solved and the SIS II project remains on track. These actions provided the foundations for a series of critical tests to be carried out throughout 2012, namely the PSAT, the second Milestone Test and the Comprehensive Test.

At national level, Member States will, during the first semester of 2012, continue to ensure that they can make use of the installation of the new SIRENE mail relay for the test on the exchange of supplementary information between Member States.

The Commission and Member States will continue to work together to ensure that SIS II complies with the requirements of the security audit, due in the summer of 2012.

Finally, on the basis of tests on the converter which have already been carried out, preparation for migration between SIS 1+ and SIS II will continue.

Annex I

SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II) and Working Group Meetings

Meetings held during the reporting period

JULY 2011

12, 19, 25 || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

18 || SIS II Migration Workshop

26 || SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting

26 || SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)

11 || SIS II Test Strategy Workshop

4, 18, 25 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)


2, 9, 22 || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

23 || SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting

23 || SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)

1, 15, 22 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)


2, 9, 16, 22, 30 || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

23 || SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)

23 || SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting

29 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

22 || SIS II Workshop on Compliance Test (Extended) TDDs

24 || SIS II Migration Workshop


6, 13, 27 || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

5, 12, 19, 26 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)


10, 18, 24 || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

25 || SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)

25 || SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting

17 || SIS II Migration meeting

12, 17, 24, 31 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)


1, 8, 15, 28 || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

23 || SIS II CTE Workshop

29 || SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)

29 || SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting

7, 14, 21 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II) and Working Group Meetings

b) Meetings provisionally scheduled during the forthcoming reporting period


6, 12, 19, 27 ||  SIS II Global Programme Management Board

20 || SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)

20 || SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting

5, 12, 19, 26 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

14 || SIS II M2 Test Preparation Meeting


10, 23 || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

2 , 9 , 16 , 23 , 30 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

MARCH 2012

7 , 14 , 21 , 28 || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

21 || SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting))

21 || SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting

6 , 13 , 20 , 27 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

APRIL 2012

5 , 19 , 26 || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

24 || SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting))

24 || SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting

4 , 11 , 18 , 25 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

MAY 2012

9 , 16 , 23 , || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

23 || SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting))

23 || SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting

8 , 15 , 22 , 29 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

JUNE 2012

7 , 14 , 21 || SIS II Global Programme Management Board

21 || SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting))

21 || SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting

6 , 13 , 20 || SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

[1]               Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 of 24 October 2008 on migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 299, 8.11.2008, p. 1).

[2]               Council Decision 2008/839/JHA of 24 October 2008 on migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 299, 8.11.2008, p. 43).

[3]               Common Article 8 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 and of Council Decision 2008/839/JHA.

[4]               Common Article 10 (3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 of 24.10.2008 and of Council Decision 2008/839/JHA of 24.10.2008.

[5]               Common Article 9 (1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 and of Council Decision 2008/839/JHA.

[6]               Common Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 381, 28.12.2006, p. 4) and of Council Decision 2007/533/JHA of 12 June 2007 on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 205, 7.8.2007, p. 63).

[7]               Regulation (EU) No 1077/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 establishing a European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (OJ L 286, 1.11.2011, p.1)

[8]               Council Regulation (EU) No 541/2010 of 3 June 2010 amending Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 on migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 155, 22.6.2010, p. 19) and Council Regulation (EU) No 542/2010 of 3 June 2010 amending Decision 2008/839/JHA on migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 155, 22.6.2010, p. 23) introducing an Article 17a into the migration legal instruments.

[9]               Common Article 18 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 and of Council Decision 2008/839/JHA.