Annexes to COM(2011)713 - Measuring Crime in the EU: Statistics Action Plan 2011- 2015

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dossier COM(2011)713 - Measuring Crime in the EU: Statistics Action Plan 2011- 2015.
document COM(2011)713 EN
date January 18, 2012
agreement of the expert group at its annual meeting.

The Action Plan will be updated as this work develops, and the activities identified will be included in the relevant Commission work programmes, as well as in the Community Statistical Programme and its annual work programmes. The Action Plan may also need to cover measuring data related to the effective implementation of EU policies through criminal measures, as well as possible new instruments relating to crime and criminal justice. The new financial perspectives will reflect the need for support to Member States in implementing the action plan.

The Commission will inform the relevant Council working groups annually of the progress in the implementation of the Action Plan. In 2013 the Commission will prepare a mid-term review, and at the end of 2015 a final report will be submitted to the European Parliament and the Council on the achievements and the limitations in the implementation of the Action Plan.



Objectives | Responsible Party | Timeframe | Specific Actions |

1.1 | Set up a communication channel between policy makers (Commission included), data providers and end users | COM (HOME) | Commission Decision in 2011 Annual meetings, starting from 2012 | a. Re establishment and enlargement[15] of an expert group to consult the Commission on the implementation of this Action Plan. b. Definition and regular update of the policy need through discussions and written consultations. c. Feedback from the users of the collected crime statistics for better understanding of the type of data required for policy and decision making. |

1.2 | Raise awareness and improve the visibility of the work on crime statistics among the EU institutions | COM (HOME) | Continuous | a. Annual updates of the relevant Council working group on the progress in the implementation of the Action Plan. b. Promotion and dissemination of best practices from the Member States and international organisations |

1.3 | Improve cooperation between the new expert group and the Eurostat Working Group | COM (HOME, ESTAT) | Continuous | Common access to meeting reports, presentations and supporting documents. |

1.4 | Avoid proliferation of statistical data and duplication of information by organising data collections in common with other International Institutions and/or EU agencies. | COM (ESTAT, HOME. JUST) | 2011 the first common data collection | UNODC – EUROSTAT common data collection. Explore other possibilities. Commission – Council of Europe on prison population (SPACE I and II) |

1.5 | Work in close collaboration with the academic community and promote research activities with policy relevance in the priority crime areas of DG HOME. | COM (HOME, ESTAT, JUST, RTD, ENTR) | Continuous | a. Substantial representation of the Academia in the relevant Commission’s expert group and sub-groups. b. Dissemination of information regarding research opportunities under the 7th and the 8th Framework Research Programme. c. Wide communication of final results and deliverables of the projects funded through ISEC Programme. |

2. Data quality

2.1 | Follow up and continue the work on the development of an International Crime Classification System for statistical purposes in collaboration with UNODC and UNECE | COM (HOME, ESTAT), UNODC, UNECE | Continuous | a. Contribute to the development of such classification and promote the final outcome to the relevant groups. b. Provide funding, through the ISEC programme, to the Member States that wish to test the proposed classification. |

2.2 | Continue and advance the annual publication of data on Crime and Criminal Justice (Statistics in Focus) so as to provide more information | COM (ESTAT, HOME, JUST, ) | Continuous | a. Introduction of demographic variables (e.g. sex and age groups). b. Inclusion of information on nationality and residence for prison populations. c. Extend the publication to other types of crime. |

2.3 | Improve the comparability of the data collected and published so far. | COM (ESTAT and HOME) | Continuous | a. Disaggregation of the general classes of crimes into more homogeneous crime categories when possible.[16] b. Development of common definitions and guidelines particularly for the data collections concerning Eurocrimes where there is no previous experience. |

3. Data analysis and dissemination of results

3.1 | Develop a coherent framework for reporting EU 27 data on crime avoiding misleading comparisons. | COM (HOME) with contributions from other DGs and international stakeholders | First print edition in 2013-2014 | Development of a European Crime Report based on the recommendations of the preliminary study performed under the Action Plan 2006-2010 and the assessment of the feasibility of the proposed options. |

3.2 | Compile and publish metadata and contextual information on a systematic basis. | COM (ESTAT, HOME) | Continuous | Each data collection will be accompanied by a set of metadata and comments as provided by the Member States. |

3.3 | Publish working papers and explanatory notes | COM (HOME) and/or external experts depending on the case | Continuous | For each of the specific data collections (objectives 4.1- 4.6) results will be presented and, if possible, analysed in a working paper that will be publicly accessible. |

4. Development of indicators and specific data collections

4.1 | Measuring Money Laundering | COM (HOME, ESTAT) | Data Collection in 2011. Publication of results first half of 2012 | a. Third collection of Money Laundering Statistics based on the indicators developed under the Action Plan 2006-2010. b. Assessment of the need for a regular collection every two years. |

4.2 | Measuring Trafficking in Human Beings | COM (HOME, ESTAT for the collection) | First data collection in 2011-2012 | a. First data collection on a small number of indicators in collaboration with the Network of National Rapporteurs. b. Assessment of the feasibility and the need for regular collection. |

4.3 | Measuring Cybercrime | COM (HOME, with technical advice from ESTAT) | First data collection in 2012 | a. First data collection on the offences of the proposed EU directive on attacks against information systems[17]. b. The gradual expansion of the list to cover other computer-facilitated crimes, such as high-volume online fraud, will be assessed and discussed. |

4.4 | Measuring Corruption | COM (HOME with technical advice from ESTAT, OLAF) | First data collection in 2013 | Development of indicators followed by a pilot data collection. |

4.5 | Measuring victimisation rates and safety feelings in a common EU survey (EU SASU) | COM (ESTAT, HOME. JUST), Member States | Implementation of the survey in 2013. Publication of results 2014-2015 | a. Implementation of a household/personal survey in the European Union; the model was developed in close cooperation with the Member States and it covers the prevalence of specific types of crime (victimisation rates) and other aspects relating to citizens’ feelings about their safety. b. Analysis and publication of the results |

4.6 | Measuring the extent and the type of victimisation in the Business Sector | COM (HOME) | Survey in 2011 – 2012 Results in 2013 | Implementation of a Business Victimisation survey based on the feasibility study performed under the Action Plan 2006-2010. |

4.7 | Measuring the impact of EU legislation on criminal sanctions on national practice | COM (JUST) | Results in 2013 | First collection of data based on study on legislation and practice regarding criminal sanctions. |

[1] By Commission decision (2006/581/EC)

[2] European Free Trade Association: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland

[3] EUCPN, EMCDDA, EUROJUST, EUROPOL, FRA, Council of Europe, European Sourcebook, UNODC, UNECE and UNICEF

[4] Sub-groups on Planning, Money Laundering, Criminal Justice, Trafficking in Human Beings, Police Cooperation and Cybercrime

[5] Task Forces on Victimisation and on Crime Data Availability



[8] Tender JLS/D2/2007/03. Study on the development of an EU- level offence classification system and an assessment of its feasibility to supporting the implementation of the Action Plan to develop an EU strategy to measure crime and criminal justice.

[9] Based either on offenders or on offences.

[10] Another 30% were partially achieved or they are still in process.

[11] OJ C 115/1, 4.5.2010, pp.21

[12] The EU Internal Security Strategy in Action: Five steps towards a more secure Europe. COM(2010) 673 final

[13] OJ L 93, 7.4. 2009, p.33

[14] Volume crime includes : Burglary, Robbery, Vehicle Theft, Assault, Vandalism etc.

[15] So as to cover the 27 MSs, Acceding and Candidate countries, the Council secretariat, EU agencies, the Council of Europe, UN bodies, the European Sourcebook and representatives from the Academia

[16] Very much depended on the outcome of objective 2.1:development of an International Crime Classification System for statistical purposes

[17] As adopted by the Commission on 30 September 2010 (COM(2010)517 final).