Annexes to COM(2011)17 - Regional policy contributing to sustainable growth in Europe 2020

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dossier COM(2011)17 - Regional policy contributing to sustainable growth in Europe 2020.
document COM(2011)17 EN
date January 26, 2011
Annex 1 - Actions to attain the Europe 2020 sustainable growth objectives through Regional Policy and its funding.

Member States and regions are encouraged:

- To realign expenditure within existing programmes priorities to boost the transition to resource efficient and low-carbon economy and examine the need for programme modifications, drawing on complementary support offered by Rural Development Policy, the LIFE+ programme, 7th R&D Framework Programme and the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme as regards:

- Energy efficiency, renewable energy and de-carbonising transport;

- Ecosystem services, in particular protection of biodiversity, adaptation to climate change and natural disaster prevention;

- Eco-innovation support through clusters and ICT services and applications.

- To ensure the systemic integration of the sustainability principles in each step of the project life-cycle with particular attention to increase resource efficiency;

- To address climate change in their territorial planning, including local, regional and macro-regional strategies involving supranational areas linked to sea or river basins in particular.

- To carry out specific evaluations and to include a dedicated section within the Annual Implementation Reports of their Operational Programmes to assess the extent to which Regional Policy supported programmes match the guidelines set out in this Communication;

- To consider, in the context of the National Reform Programmes, the flexibility being offered within the Operational Programmes to reorient regional policy funding towards Europe 2020 priorities;

- To begin preparation for the next generation of programmes in terms of:

- A greater thematic focus on green investment and a shift to a low carbon and climate resilient economy while ensuring an integrated approach to sustainable urban and/or rural development, and fully taking into account the territorial context and opportunities;

- Capacity building, using technical assistance budgets, to involve local, regional and NGO actors in regional climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Annex 2 - Actions to attain the Europe 2020 sustainable growth objectives through Regional Policy and its funding.

The Commission commits to swift consideration and support to any request for reprogramming for funding towards Europe 2020 priorities and will work:

- With International and national financial institutions to leverage resources and, as appropriate, maximise the use of financial instruments, including a more intensive use of JEREMIE and JESSICA. There will be a particular focus on sustainable energy in residential buildings to build on the recent amendments to Structural Funds regulations;

- With the relevant authorities in the Member States and regions to develop targeted pilot initiatives and seminars to deploy proposals outlined in this Communication;

- To assist national and regional authorities with thematic expertise in the implementation and monitoring of programmes;

- To mobilise the available resources in existing Operational programmes to build up institutional capacity in order to ensure the application of the sustainable development principles, and unblock bottlenecks, especially with JASPERS;

- To further assist Member States in mobilising the available Technical Assistance of their programmes for boosting regional sustainable growth and to facilitate at all administrative levels the preparation of the pipeline of projects;

- To identify and encourage further exchange of good practice between Member States in areas related to sustainable growth through initiatives such as Regions for Economic Change or ESPON.

[1] COM (2010)2020

[2] European Parliament, 2009/2235(INI), 30 April 2010

[3] OJ L291/11 OF 21.10.2006

[4] COM(2010)553

[5] COM(2010)642 final, 'Conclusions of the fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion: the future of cohesion policy'

[6] COM(2010)700 final, 'The EU Budget review'

[7] COM(2010)110

[8] Details in SEC(2011) 92

[9] See also CdR 223/2010

[10] Details in SEC(2011) 92

[11] SEC(2008) 2865r

[12][13]./ABCabcdeûü > ? R S Regulation (EC) No 397/2009

[14] Regulation (EU) No 832/2010

[15] COM(2009)279 final


[17] 'To halt the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services in the EU by 2020, restore them in so far as feasible, while stepping up the EU contribution to averting global biodiversity loss'

[18] Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP10), Nagoya, October 2010

[19] TEEB: 'The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity': 'TEEB for Local and Regional Policy Makers'

[20] Gallai et al. 2009

[21] " The most competitive industries are the most resource efficient and the other way round " in study funded by the European Commission, Project ENV.G.1/ETU/2007/0041

[22] COM(2010) 245 final/2, the 'Digital Agenda for Europe' underlines a range of actions in this respect

[23] The Brundtland Commission (1987) defined it as meeting the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

[24] European Court of Auditors, Special Report No 3/2009


[26] See carbon budgeting tool 'NECATER' (FR) as good practice example in SEC(2011) 92

[27] Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC and Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC

[28] European Council Conclusions of 17.06.2010