Annexes to COM(2008)748 - Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES): we care for a safer planet

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

agreements with non-EU countries[17] with the possibility of financial contributions.

The Commission, assisted by a Programme Committee, will manage the implementation of the GMES Programme. Discussions will be prepared at component level (Service, In-situ and Space Components) and representation in the Committee will be organised accordingly. The technical implementation will be done as explained in section 6.1.

Data security

Effective handling of data security within GMES must take due account of Member States' data security requirements and would help operational services fulfil basic data security criteria especially for security users, by identifying and mitigating risks such as proliferation of data, disclosure of interest or doubts about the reliability of GMES services.

The corresponding work to provide guidance and input for data security which meets Member States security requirements should be taken through the Security Board, drawing on all relevant expertise.

Meeting user requirements

In addition, to the other elements presented in this Communication, a User Forum should be established to safeguard the user-driven objective of GMES. The Forum will have different configurations, depending on the services, and will address technical and scientific issues as necessary. The user representatives will be selected on a transparent, objective and non-discriminatory basis, taking into consideration the necessity to avoid conflicts of interest. In its management, GMES will also seek synergies with Galileo for what concerns user support.


In 2009, the Commission will make a legislative proposal for an EU Earth observation programme named GMES. Together with its proposal for the GMES Programme, the Commission will examine the operational funding necessary for GMES during 2011–2013, taking account of the constraints of the existing EU budget. Decisions on funding and organisational arrangements after 2013 will have to be determined as part of the next multiannual financial framework of the EU.

On the basis of defined cost-sharing principles and a cost assessment based on the scope of services the overall financing needs of GMES will be subject to future analysis led by the EU.

The Commission will co-ordinate the management and implementation of the GMES programme, assisted by a Programme Committee, a Partners Board, a Security Board and a User Forum. Interim governance will be proposed while this governance structure is being created.

The Commission will propose a full and open data and information policy for GMES.

EU instruments in support of competitiveness and innovation should be deployed to stimulate the growth of the GMES downstream sector. In particular, due to their importance for job and growth creation, GMES services should be considered in the lead market initiative.

The Commission will propose an international cooperation strategy for GMES. In this context the Commission will collaborate with its GEO partners under the agreed terms for GEOSS[18] on how to ensure or maintain access to observation data, and to define the European contribution to this international endeavour.

[1] Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future (A/42/427).

[2] 3rd Space Council orientations.

[3] Graz Dialogue and Munich Roadmap.

[4] Council Resolution on "Taking forward the European Space Policy" of 26.9.2008.

[5] OJ C 136, 20.6.2007, p. 1.

[6] Including meteorological and national high-resolution and very-high resolution multispectral and radar imaging missions.

[7] Directive 2007/2/EC

[8] An Integrated Maritime Policy for the European Union ("The Blue Book"), Brussels, 10.10.2007, COM(2007) 575 final

[9] COM(2008) 46 final of 1.2.2008

[10] As presented at the 2008 GMES Forum organised by the French Presidency on 16, 17/10/2008, in Lille.

[11] In the Cohesion Policy, for the period 2007-2013, the Commission has opened up opportunities to Member States and regions to support the implementation of GMES.

[12] In accordance with technical discussions between ESA and EUMETSAT.

[13] This includes Sentinels 1 and 2, carrying radar and multispectral imaging sensors, and the land part of Sentinel 3.

[14] This includes the Sentinel 4 and 5 instruments flying onboard EUMETSAT missions and the marine part of Sentinel 3.

[15] For instance, EUMETNET (the European network of meteorological services) for meteorological in-situ observation systems and services; EUROGOOS (the European Association for the Global Observing System); EUROGEOGRAPHICS (the European association of National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies) and Eurogeosurveys (the European Association of Geological Surveys) for cartography, geology, mapping and reference data; and EMODNET (the European Marine Observation and Data Network) for marine data or other bodies under the umbrella of the EU Integrated Maritime Policy.

[16] COM(2008) 135 final of 11.3.2008.

[17] For example, ESA or EUMETSAT Member States not members of the EU.

[18] Including the 10-year GEOSS implementation plan and the Cape Town Declaration.