Annexes to COM(2004)541 - Interoperability of digital interactive television services [SEC(2004)1028]

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

Annex I of the Access and Interconnection Directive [12] already imposes a requirement on providers of conditional access systems to ensure that these are made available on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms, when granting licences to manufacturers of consumer equipment.

[12] Directive 2002/19/EC, OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p.12

The Commission will follow up through its regular implementation reports on the eCommunications package.

4. Conclusion

The Commission seeks to ensure that European citizens benefit from a growing range of interactive DTV services, available on an increasing number of transmission platforms, and considers that the market is best served at the present time by continuing to apply the provisions already agreed by the European Parliament and the Council in the Framework Directive. Moreover, use of proprietary technologies will remain subject to competition law review.

The Commission will take additional measure to promote the voluntary implementation of the MHP standard, which is currently the most advanced open API standard in Europe.

The Commission will continue to pursue the aim of full and effective transposition of Art. 18 by all Member States, but in view of the complexity of the environment, the different perceptions held by market players, and late implementation of the Framework Directive in many Member States concludes it is inappropriate to determine that interoperability has or has not been adequately achieved in the context of Art. 18(3). However, this review has not substantiated the view that concerns related to cultural diversity and media pluralism could only be overcome by imposition of a single standard for APIs. More significant elements in the media pluralism debate lie within the competence of Member States, notably media ownership and control.

The Commission will review the situation in the second half of 2005.