Annexes to COM(2007)797 - European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion (2010)

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dossier COM(2007)797 - European Year for combating poverty and social exclusion (2010).
document COM(2007)797 EN
date November 27, 2008

Details of the actions referred to in Article 3 of this Decision


1. Meetings and events

Organisation of meetings and events at Community level, intended to raise awareness about issues related to the European Year and about poverty and social exclusion, as well as to provide for a forum for exchange of ideas. They will gather relevant stakeholders and will be planned together with people experiencing poverty and civil society organisations representing them. These meetings and events will facilitate the development of social empowerment measures and practices for all and help to address policy gaps, as well as to raise awareness among relevant actors and institutions regarding the multiple dimensions of poverty and social exclusion (especially among women and children), including factors such as access to employment, housing, social protection, family support, health and social services.

2. Information and promotional campaigns involving:

the organisation of various solidarity initiatives for poverty alleviation and social inclusion to give all citizens the opportunity to contribute directly or through their organisations, even modestly and in whatever form. Media campaigns at Community and national level may support fundraising operations within the framework of the European Year,

the development of a logo, available in a variety of formats, and slogans for the European Year, for use in connection with any action linked to the European Year,

an information campaign at Community level with positioning at national and local level, based on both traditional and new communication channels and new technologies,

the production of communication and media tools available throughout the Community to stimulate public interest,

appropriate measures and initiatives for providing information, publicising the results and improving the visibility of Community programmes, actions and initiatives contributing to the objectives of the European Year,

appropriate initiatives by educational institutions, non-governmental organisations and charities at Community and national level, to disseminate information on the European Year and on measures to fight poverty and social exclusion,

the organisation of European competitions highlighting achievements and experiences in connection with the themes of the European Year,

a strong link with organisations and sectors not usually engaged with issues of poverty and social exclusion (e.g. sport, art), including the use of testimonials and ‘ambassadors’,

the establishment of an information website on Europa.

3. Other actions

Community-wide surveys and studies, based on gender-disaggregated data collection where appropriate, to assess and report on the preparation, effectiveness and immediate and long-term impact of the European Year. To facilitate the identification of innovative solutions, one such survey will also gauge public opinion on policy to prevent and combat poverty and social exclusion, including, where appropriate, social protection systems, and on the potential role of the Union in the fight against poverty and exclusion. That survey will be conducted in 2009 so that its results can be presented at the Opening Conference of the European Year,

The promotion of studies on the link between severe poverty and fundamental rights,

Cooperation with the private sector, broadcasters and other media as partners in spreading information about the European Year as well as in actions aiming for long-term dialogue on social issues,

Technical assistance to facilitate the transfer of learning,

An evaluation report on the effectiveness and impact of the European Year.

Specific links could be established with the organisation of events at European and international level, in particular, by creating synergies between the European Year and the activities developed around the annual UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October.

The Commission may make use of technical and/or administrative assistance for the mutual benefit of the Commission and the participating countries, for example by financing outside expertise on a specific subject.

4. Funding

Subject to the provisions of Articles 8 and 12 of this Decision, funding may be in the form of:

the purchase of goods and services, in particular in the field of communications, by way of calls for tender,

the purchase of consultancy services, by way of calls for tender,

subsidies allocated to cover the expenses of special events at Community level to highlight and raise awareness of the European Year. Such funding will not exceed 80 % of the total expenditure incurred by the recipient.


These actions should take account of the need to provide funding opportunities that ensure access for organisations ‘on the ground’ and projects involving the most marginalised groups.

1. Actions at national, regional or local level may qualify for financing from the Community budget up to a maximum of 50 % of the total eligible costs per participating country. National co-funding should match the EU funding with at least 50 % from public or private sources. When selecting actions, National Implementing Bodies will be free to decide whether or not, and at what level, to request co-funding from the organisation responsible for implementing individual actions.

2. Following the adoption of this Decision, the Commission will prepare a Strategic Framework Document, which, alongside the objectives set out in Article 2 of this Decision, will establish the key priorities for the implementation of the European Year activities, including minimum standards in terms of participation in national bodies and actions.

3. In response to the Strategic Framework Document, each National Implementing Body will produce, after consulting civil society, a National Programme for implementing the European Year, in close coordination and consistent with the National Strategies on Social Protection and Social Inclusion.

4. Each National Implementing Body will submit a single application for Community funding. That grant application will describe the National Programme and priorities for the European Year, and the actions proposed for funding. The grant application will be accompanied by a detailed budget setting out the total costs of the actions proposed and the amount and sources of co-funding. Eligible costs may include personnel and administrative costs incurred by the National Implementing Body.

5. The release of global grants to participating countries will depend on the extent to which the objectives set out in Article 2 of this Decision and developed in the Strategic Framework Document are adequately met in the National Programme for implementing the European Year.

6. The Commission will evaluate the applications for Community funding submitted by the National Implementing Bodies, including by checking their compliance with the objectives referred to in Article 2 of this Decision. If necessary, the Commission shall request modifications to the applications.

7. Actions under point 1 above may include:

(a)meetings and events connected with the objectives of the European Year, including national events to launch and promote the European Year, create a catalyst effect and provide open spaces for debate around concrete action to combat poverty and social exclusion;

(b)mutual learning seminars at national, regional and local level;

(c)other events connected with the preparation of Community-level initiatives (e.g. the yearly European Round Table on Poverty and Social Exclusion and the European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty);

(d)information, educational and promotional campaigns and other actions in schools and measures with a strong multiplier effect to disseminate the principles and underlying values celebrated by the European Year at national, regional and local levels, including the organisation of awards and competitions;

(e)surveys and studies other than those mentioned in point 3 of Part I, to examine in greater depth the key issues of the European Year;

(f)training opportunities for civil servants, social partners, the media, non-governmental organisations’ representatives and other actors to increase their knowledge of poverty and social exclusion phenomena, of European and national social inclusion policies and of the different policy tools available, to increase their capacity to deal with poverty-related issues, and to encourage them to play an active role in the fight against poverty and social exclusion;

(g)cooperation with the media;

(h)development of pilot regional and local action plans for social inclusion.


The Community will grant non-financial support, including written authorisation to use the specific logo created for the European Year and other materials associated with the European Year, for initiatives undertaken by public or private organisations, insofar as the latter can provide assurances to the Commission — on the basis of specific criteria set out in the Strategic Framework Document — that the initiatives in question are or will be carried out during the period of the European Year and are likely to make a significant contribution to achieving one or more of its objectives.

Initiatives organised in third countries in association or cooperation with the European Year may also receive non-financial support from the Community and use the logo and other materials associated with the European Year.


Taking into account the multidimensional nature of poverty and social exclusion and with a view to mainstreaming the prevention of and fight against poverty and exclusion within other policies, the European Year activities should aim to produce a clear added value and provide an effective complement to the OMC on Social Protection and Social Inclusion. These activities should therefore focus on a limited number of priority areas.

In line with the analysis carried out and the priorities identified in the Joint Report on Social Protection and Social Inclusion, the European Year should focus on the following themes:

promoting multidimensional integrated strategies to prevent and reduce poverty, in particular severe poverty, and approaches which would be mainstreamed across all relevant policy areas,

fighting child poverty including the intergenerational transmission of poverty as well as poverty within families, paying special attention to large families, single parents and families caring for a dependent person, as well as poverty experienced by children in institutions,

promoting inclusive labour markets, addressing in-work poverty and the need to make work pay,

eradicating disadvantages in education and training, including digital literacy training and promoting equal access for all to ICT, with particular focus on the specific needs of disabled people,

tackling the gender and age dimensions of poverty,

ensuring equal access to adequate resources and services, including decent accommodation, health and social protection,

facilitating access to culture and leisure opportunities,

overcoming discrimination and promoting the social inclusion of immigrants and ethnic minorities,

promoting integrated approaches to active inclusion,

addressing the needs of people with disabilities and their families, the homeless, as well as other groups or persons in vulnerable situations.

In planning the European Year activities in line with the above priorities, the participating countries will adapt them to the national, regional and local situations and challenges, including considerations of territorial cohesion.

In the light of the objectives set out in Article 2 of this Decision, the issue of participation should be mainstreamed throughout all the priorities.

Under Article 4 of this Decision, the Commission and the Member States are to take into account, in implementing the European Year activities, the different ways in which women and men experience poverty and social exclusion. They will also ensure that gender is mainstreamed throughout the European Year priorities with a view to promoting gender equality.