Annexes to COM(2005)221 - Minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production
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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.
dossier | COM(2005)221 - Minimum rules for the protection of chickens kept for meat production. |
document | COM(2005)221 ![]() |
date | June 28, 2007 |
In addition to the relevant provisions of other relevant Community legislation, the following requirements shall apply:
1. | Drinkers shall be positioned and maintained in such a way that spillage is minimised. |
2. | Feed shall be either continuously available or be meal fed and must not be withdrawn from chickens more than 12 hours before the expected slaughter time. |
3. | All chickens shall have permanent access to litter which is dry and friable on the surface. |
Ventilation and heating
4. | Ventilation shall be sufficient to avoid overheating and, where necessary, in combination with heating systems to remove excessive moisture. |
5. | The sound level shall be minimised. Ventilation fans, feeding machinery or other equipment shall be constructed, placed, operated and maintained in such a way that they cause the least possible amount of noise. |
6. | All buildings shall have lighting with an intensity of at least 20 lux during the lighting periods, measured at bird eye level and illuminating at least 80 % of the useable area. A temporary reduction in the lighting level may be allowed when necessary following veterinary advice. |
7. | Within seven days from the time when the chickens are placed in the building and until three days before the foreseen time of slaughter, the lighting must follow a 24-hour rhythm and include periods of darkness lasting at least six hours in total, with at least one uninterrupted period of darkness of at least four hours, excluding dimming periods. |
8. | All chickens kept on the holding must be inspected at least twice a day. Special attention should be paid to signs indicating a reduced level of animal welfare and/or animal health. |
9. | Chickens that are seriously injured or show evident signs of health disorder, such as those having difficulties in walking, severe ascites or severe malformations, and are likely to suffer, shall receive appropriate treatment or be culled immediately. A veterinarian shall be contacted whenever necessary. |
10. | Those parts of buildings, equipment or utensils which are in contact with the chickens shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected every time after final depopulation is carried out, before a new flock is introduced into the house. After the final depopulation of a house, all litter must be removed, and clean litter must be provided. |
Record keeping
11. | The owner or keeper shall maintain a record for each house of a holding of:
Those records shall be retained for a period of at least three years and shall be made available to the competent authority when carrying out an inspection or when otherwise requested. |
Surgical interventions
12. | All surgical interventions carried out for reasons other than therapeutic or diagnostic purposes which result in damage to or the loss of a sensitive part of the body or the alteration of bone structure shall be prohibited. However, beak trimming may be authorised by Member States when other measures to prevent feather pecking and cannibalism are exhausted. In such cases, it shall be carried out only after consultation and on the advice of a veterinarian and shall be carried out by qualified staff on chickens that are less than 10 days old. In addition, Member States may authorise the castration of chickens. The castration shall only be carried out under veterinary supervision by personnel who have received a specific training. |
Notification and documentation
The following requirements shall apply:
1. | The owner or keeper shall communicate to the competent authority his intention to use a stocking density of more than 33 kg/m2 live weight. He shall indicate the exact figure and inform the competent authority of any change in the stocking density at least 15 days prior to the placement of the flock in the house. If requested by the competent authority, that notification shall be accompanied by a document summarising the information contained in the documentation required under point 2. |
2. | The owner or keeper shall maintain and have available in the house compiled documentation describing in detail the production systems. In particular it shall include information on technical details of the house and its equipment such as:
The documentation shall be made available to the competent authority on request and shall be kept updated. In particular, technical inspections of the ventilation and alarm system shall be recorded.
The owner or keeper shall communicate to the competent authority any changes to the described house, equipment or procedures which are likely to influence the welfare of the birds without undue delay.
Requirements for the holdings — control of environment parameters
3. | The owner or keeper shall ensure that each house of a holding is equipped with ventilation and, if necessary, heating and cooling systems designed, constructed and operated in such a way that:
(as referred to in Article 3(1))
1. Mortality
1.1. | In the case of stocking densities higher than 33 kg/m2, the documentation accompanying the flock shall include the daily mortality rate and the cumulative daily mortality rate calculated by the owner or keeper and the hybrid or breed of the chickens. |
1.2. | Under the supervision of the official veterinarian these data as well as the number of broilers dead on arrival shall be recorded, indicating the holding and the house of the holding. The plausibility of the data and of the cumulative daily mortality rate shall be checked taking into account the number of broilers slaughtered and the number of broilers dead on arrival at the slaughterhouse. |
2. Post-mortem inspection
In the context of the controls performed under the Regulation (EC) No 854/2004, the official veterinarian shall evaluate the results of the post-mortem inspection to identify other possible indications of poor welfare conditions such as abnormal levels of contact dermatitis, parasitism and systemic illness in the holding or the unit of the house of the holding of origin.
3. Communication of results
If the mortality rate as referred to in paragraph 1 or the results of the post-mortem inspection as referred to in paragraph 2 are consistent with poor animal welfare conditions, the official veterinarian shall communicate the data to the owner or keeper of the animals and to the competent authority. Appropriate actions shall be taken by the owner or the keeper of the animals and by the competent authority.
The training courses referred to in Article 4(2) shall at least cover Community legislation concerning the protection of chickens and in particular the following matters:
(a) | Annexes I and II; |
(b) | physiology, in particular drinking and feeding needs, animal behaviour and the concept of stress; |
(c) | the practical aspects of the careful handling of chickens, and catching, loading and transport; |
(d) | emergency care for chickens, emergency killing and culling; |
(e) | preventive biosecurity measures. |
(as referred to in Article 3(5))
1. Criteria
(a) | the monitoring of the holding carried out by the competent authority within the last two years did not reveal any deficiencies with respect to the requirements of this Directive, and |
(b) | the monitoring by the owner or keeper of the holding is carried out using the guides to good management practice referred to in Article 8, and |
(c) | in at least seven consecutive, subsequently checked flocks from a house the cumulative daily mortality rate was below 1 % + 0,06 % multiplied by the slaughter age of the flock in days. |
If no monitoring of the holding was carried out by the competent authority within the last two years, at least one monitoring exercise has to be carried out to check whether requirement (a) is fulfilled.
2. Exceptional circumstances
By the way of derogation from 1(c), the competent authority may decide to increase the stocking density when the owner or keeper has provided sufficient explanation for the exceptional nature of a higher daily cumulative mortality rate or has shown that the causes lie beyond his sphere of control.