Considerations on COM(2003)851 - Conclusion of an Agreement with the Czech Republic modifying the Agreement concluded on 13 April 2000 concerning the extension of the common communication network/common systems interface (CCN/CSI) within the framework of the Convention on a common transit procedure

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

(1) The Community concluded an agreement with the Czech Republic on 13 April 2000 on the extension to that country of the common communication network/common systems interface, CCN/CSI

(2) The Agreement provides for pre-financing by the Czech Republic of expenditure by the Commission on the provision of the relevant services;

(3) On 25 November 2002 the Commission concluded contracts for the provision of these services to the Czech Republic under the Phare networking project.

(4) It is therefore necessary to amend the agreement of 13 April 2000 so as to terminate the application of the arrangements foreseen in the existing Agreement;

(5) Item XI of the Agreement specifies that the parties may modify it by mutual agreement;


Sole Article

The Council authorises the Commission to conclude, for the European Community, an agreement in the form of an exchange of letters with the Government of the Czech Republic amending the Agreement concluded on 13 April 2000, laying down the procedure for the extension of the common communication network/common systems interface (CCN/CSI), according to the text in Annex I.

Done at Brussels, [...]

For the Council

The President



between the European Community, of the one part, and Czech Republic, of the other part, modifying the agreement concluded on 13 April 2000 concerning the extension to the Czech Republic of the use of the Common Communications Network/Common System Interface (CCN/CSI) for the New Computerised Transit System (NCTS) on the basis of Decision 2/99 of the EC/EFTA Joint Committee on common transit

A. Letter from the European Commission


Concerning the agreement concluded by exchange of letters on 13 April 2000 extending to the Czech Republic the use of the Common Communications Network/Common System Interface (CCN/CSI) for the New Computerised Transit System, and with reference to item XI of that Agreement, I would like to propose the following amendment on behalf of the European Community:

1. Following the conclusion, on 25 November 2002, of contracts under the Phare networking project for CCN/CSI services to the Czech Republic, the statement prepared in January 2003 shall be the final statement of accounts under the arrangements agreed on 13 April 2000.

2. The application of the provisions of the agreement is hereby terminated.

I would be grateful if you could confirm the agreement of the Czech Republic to the above.

B. Letter from the Czech Republic


I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter concerning the amendment of the agreement concluded by exchange of letters on 13 April 2000 extending to the Czech Republic the use of the Common Communications Network/Common System Interface (CCN/CSI) for the New Computerised Transit System, which reads as follows:

" Concerning the agreement concluded by exchange of letters on 13 April 2000 extending to the Czech Republic the use of the Common Communications Network/Common System Interface (CCN/CSI) for the New Computerised Transit System, and with reference to item XI of that Agreement, I would like to propose the following amendment on behalf of the European Community:

1. Following the conclusion, on 25 November 2002, of contracts under the Phare networking project for CCN/CSI services to the Czech Republic, the statement prepared in January 2003 shall be the final statement of accounts under the arrangements agreed on 13 April 2000.

2. The application of the provisions of the agreement is hereby terminated.

The Czech Republic has the honour to confirm its agreement with the commitment taken in this letter, on a reciprocal basis, by the European Community.