Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2022)310 - Signing and provisional application of the Agreement on the carriage of freight by road between the EU and Moldova

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Reasons for and objectives of the proposal

Following the war of aggression carried-out by Russia against Ukraine, transportation of freight from the Republic of Moldova has become very difficult. Moldovan operators need to search for alternative routes to avoid transiting the territory of Ukraine which is been so far the only way to reach the third country markets in the East of Ukraine. The impossibility to transit Ukraine endangers the fulfilment of long-term contracts by Moldovan operators for the supply of goods (especially agricultural products) with their trading partners in the Eastern region. This is coupled with the fact that operators may now need to look for other business partners and may thus increase their bilateral transport operations with Member States of the European Union.

The road freight transport between the Union and the Republic of Moldova is currently governed by two main sets of mechanisms, namely bilateral transport agreements between Member States and the Republic of Moldova and permits granted in the framework of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) multilateral quota system within the International Transport Forum. Both of these mechanisms impose quotas on hauliers from both sides, regarding transit and bilateral trade.

Moldovan operators would therefore have to increase transit in the European and bilateral road transport operations with Member States in view of this situation. This would also support the Moldovan society and economy which has been significantly impacted by Russia’s war of aggression and which has provisionally hosted more than 350,000 refugees coming from Ukraine and transiting to other countries. However, the increased use of the number of transport operations by road compared to normal times would very likely go beyond the quotas set out in the bilateral agreements of Member States and the Republic of Moldova and given via the ECMT within the International Transport Forum.

This Agreement on road transport between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova would therefore replace existing bilateral transport agreements between Member States and Moldova and facilitate the use of alternative routes by road for operators, as bilateral operations and transit would be liberalised between the two Parties.

Therefore, it is appropriate to sign an Agreement liberalising the transport of freight by road between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova in relation to bilateral operations and transit. This Agreement should be limited in time but with a possibility for renewal.

Consistency with other Union policies

This Agreement is consistent with the current EU external relations policy with the Republic of Moldova. The Government of The Republic of Moldova has requested such an Agreement as an urgent measure.

The Agreement on the carriage of goods by road with the Republic of Moldova would also be in line with the Association Agreement 1 , as it calls in its Article 82 for cooperation improving the movement of goods, increasing fluidity of transport flows between the Republic of Moldova, the EU and third countries in the region, by removing administrative, technical and other obstacles. 


Legal basis

Article 91 in conjunction with Article 218(5) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

Subsidiarity (for non-exclusive competence)

Not applicable.


The Agreement is the most efficient instrument to enhance the road transport relations between the EU and the Republic of Moldova, since it removes the existing limitations imposed by the quotas and permits systems.

This Agreement will not impose any additional administrative or financial burden neither on Member States’ authorities nor on the industry compared to the current situation. It will, on the opposite, reduce the administrative burden for both the industry and the Member States. In particular, it will remove the need for transport permits for EU hauliers for the indicated categories of transport rights (transit and bilateral rights), which will reduce the burden for the EU transport industry as well as for Member States authorities in relation to the administrative formalities linked to issuing and printing such permits.

Choice of the instrument

International Agreement.


Ex-post evaluations/fitness checks of existing legislation

Not applicable.

Stakeholder consultations

Not applicable.

Collection and use of expertise

Not applicable.

Impact assessment

Not applicable.

Regulatory fitness and simplification

Not applicable.

Fundamental rights

Not applicable.


The proposal has no implication for the budget of the Union.


Implementation plans and monitoring, evaluation and reporting arrangements

This agreement includes a review mechanism provided in Articles 5 and 6 with a view of assessing the need and duration of its renewal. For this purpose, Article 5(2) and Article 6(2) lays down that the Joint Committee shall be convened at the latest three months before the expiry of the Agreement.

Explanatory documents (for directives)

Not applicable.

Detailed explanation of the specific provisions of the proposal

Article 1 authorises the signature of the Agreement on behalf of the European Union, subject to its conclusion.

Article 2 requires the Council Secretariat General to establish the instrument of full powers to sign the Agreement, subject to its conclusion, for the person or persons indicated by the Commission.

Article 3 provides for provisional application in accordance with Article 12 of the Agreement

Article 4 provides for the entry into force of the proposed Decision.