Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2012)633 - 23rd annual report on implementation of the structural funds (2011)

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This report is presented in accordance with Article 45(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1260/1999 laying down general provisions on the Structural Funds. It covers the activities linked to Structural Funds 2000-2006 assistance during 2011.


1. Introduction

2011 was the twelfth year in which Structural Funds programmes and projects for the 2000-2006 programming period were implemented. Full execution of the 2011 budget was achieved. In terms of payment appropriations, 100.0 % of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) resources were used.

In addition to the implementation of 2000-2006 Structural Funds programmes and projects and preparation for their closure, the Commission was also involved in the implementation of 434 programmes (317 under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and, 117 under the European Social Fund (ESF)[1] that relate to the 2007-2013 programming period.

Sharing of experience was promoted, notably through interregional and urban networks and the conference Regions for Economic Change: Fostering Smart and Sustainable Growth in Cities and Regions on 23-24 June 2011. During this conference, 5 winners of the RegioStars 2011 scheme were announced, following selection from among 66 applications. The objective of the RegioStars Awards is to identify good practices in regional development and to highlight original and innovative projects which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions.

The 9th edition of OPEN DAYS ‘European week of regions and cities’ organised jointly by the Commission and the Committee of the Regions took place on 10-13 October 2011. It brought together 5 700 local, regional, national and European decision-makers and experts in the field of regional and local development. The event is an arena for cooperation and networking, for sharing knowledge and experience, and allows regions and cities to showcase their achievements. It also offers the ideal opportunity to highlight the synergies between cohesion policy and other EU policies.

The Polish presidency organised a two-day conference (19-20 October 2011) on 'Catalysing reforms – ESF support for better governance'. Support for good governance was initiated in the financial period 2000-2006; a priority objective for the financial period 2007-2013 was to strengthen and implement it.

On the 17 November 2011 over 200 guests from 20 European countries participated in the range of European Public Sector Award (EPSA) 2011 events held in Maastricht under the auspices of the Polish Presidency. There were 274 applications coming from 32 European countries and 7 from EU institutions. Among these applications, EIPA could identify many good administrative capacity-building practices, a number of them being co-financed by ESF supportive action. EPSA seeks to create an arena in which Europe's public-sector institutions can excel and become an example to the rest of the world.


2. Analysis of Implementation


2.1. Budget Implementation


2.1.1. ERDF

Budgetary execution

Budgetary execution was focused on closing the 2000-2006 programmes in 2011. The last closure documents were received in March from those Member States with an extension of their deadline for eligibility. The overall absorption rate reached 100 % or EUR 1,457 million (incl. technical assistance) reimbursed to programmes.

The Commission is managing the previous and current programming periods in parallel. After a slow start-up of the 2007-2013 programmes, submission of payment claims accelerated during 2011. This trend combined with the fact that most 2000-2006 programmes had reached the 95% ceiling for interim payments led to a transfer of appropriations from the 2000-2006 period to the 2007-2013 period. This allowed for the 100.0% execution of payment appropriations for ERDF programmes financed under both programming periods.

Payments to all objectives were lower than originally foreseen, mainly due to a transfer of appropriations during the global transfer to reinforce the 2007-2013 appropriations. For Objective 1, EUR 1,205 million were paid instead of EUR 1,838 million, for Objective 2, EUR 221 million instead of EUR 410 million and for Interreg EUR 16 million instead of EUR 108 million.

Payments in 2011 on 2000-2006 programmes:


AT|| 14,394,959.||| 14,394,959.85

BE| 5,254,566.| 1,014,831.| 14,544,488.|| 20,813,886.25

CB|| 15,403,515.||| 15,403,515.36

CE|| 164,048.||| 164,048.95

CY|| 1,401,140.| 1,186,299.| 170,953.| 2,758,393.92

CZ| 4,094,783.|| 21,148,761.|| 25,243,544.63

DE| 122,789,589.| 17,297,754.| 57,477,900.|| 197,565,244.13

DK||| 3,541,889.|| 3,541,889.88

EE| 2,295,555.|||| 2,295,555.74

ES| 73,787,602.| 172,807.| 77,731,182.|| 151,691,592.33

FI| 3,420,450.| 45,415,642.||| 48,836,092.41

FR| 18,412,572.| 95,433,002.| 8,362,550.|| 122,208,125.32

GB|| 21,362,083.| 32,151,662.| 172,858.| 53,686,604.98

GR| 25,084,599.| 581,662,512.||| 606,747,112.29

HU|| 60,190,178.| 9,650,823.|| 69,841,002.14

IE| 9,978,215.|| 44,856,572.|| 54,834,787.31

IT| 124,807,942.| 269,384,078.| 112,654,464.| 23,936.| 506,870,421.73

LT| 5,850,767.|| 24,481.|| 5,875,248.32

LV| 4,592,410.|| 6,367,098.|| 10,959,508.00

MT| 210,000.| 2,334,881.| 493,763.| 119,535.| 3,158,181.11

NL| 3,351,245.| 22,921,011.| 1,072,052.|| 27,344,309.58

PL| 55,988,004.| 643,191.| 28,620,387.|| 85,251,582.80

PT| 39,271,043.| 297,752,430.| 11,474,395.|| 348,497,869.45

RG|| 978,970.||| 978,970.08

SE|| 9,619,354.| 2,922,846.|| 12,542,201.11

SI| 633,009.|| 2,760,201.| 89,052.| 3,482,262.41

SK|| 777,989.|| 91,453.| 869,443.14

Sum:| 499,822,356.| 1,458,324,386.| 437,041,821.| 667,789.| 2,395,856,353.22



In 2011, the examination process continued for the closure documents received in 2010. The remainder of the closure documents were submitted by Member States in March 2011. This was due to the extension of 12 months granted by the Commission for the final date of eligibility of expenditure for some Greek and Cross-border programmes.

Out of the 379 programmes, a total of 152 final payment claims were paid at the end of 2011 for a value of EUR 1,457 million. On top of that, 138 winding-up declarations (WUDs) and 40 final reports were analysed in 2011.

A proposal for closure was sent to Member States for 33 programmes while a further 42 closure letters had been sent and agreed on at 31 December 2011. The preparatory work carried out in 2011 has created a solid basis for an effective closure process in 2012, when the remaining programmes will be closed.

In respect of the entire 2000-2006 period, EUR 124,308 million had been paid to Member States as of 31 December 2011. This represents an average absorption rate for all Member States of 96 % of the overall allocation of EUR 129,584 million. The remaining payments concern payments of balances for the closure of programmes.



At the end of 2011, commitments from previous years on which payments were still outstanding (RAL reste à liquider) amounted to EUR 4,856 million for ERDF, compared with EUR 6,719 million at the end of 2010. This represents 3.9 % of the total amount committed for ERDF. A further decrease of the RAL is planned with the payment of final balances in 2012 and 2013.


2.1.2. ESF

For the 2000-2006 period, there are 239 ESF operational programmes to be closed. Closure documents for all 239 programmes were submitted in due time and are admissible. Up to now, 212 WUDs and 214 final reports have been accepted. 84 closures files have been completed, representing a total amount of EUR 445 million.

The payment-credits' consumption during 2011 reached EUR 437 million.

The total outstanding commitments (RAL) at the end of 2011 stood at EUR 2,367 million (compared to EUR 3,004 million in 2010). This represents 3.46 % of total commitments for the period 2000-2006.

For the whole period, EUR 64,492 million had been paid to Member States as at the end of 2011. This represents an absorption rate for all Member States of 94.09 % of the overall allocation of EUR 68,600 million.

Based on the results of the closure analysis process, targeted closure audits were carried out in 2011 on the WUDs of high-risk programmes, in order to provide additional assurance that the residual risks did not exceed the materiality level.


2.1.3. EAGGF

The total amount paid in 2011 for EAGGF Guidance programmes was EUR 499.68 million, of which EUR 8.8 million was paid from assigned revenue. Finally, 90.2 % of the 2011 available appropriations were used for payments.

Implementation of the 2000-2006 programmes was accomplished before 2011. In 2011, the Commission received the closure documents for the remaining 4 programmes (the closure documents for the 148 out of 152 RD programmes had already been received in 2010) and worked intensively on the closure of the programmes. In addition to the 19 programmes already closed in 2010, the Commission closed a further 75 programmes in 2011. Moreover, the final balance was proposed for 88 programmes, out of which a partial balance was paid for 13 programmes.

The EAGGF-Guidance outstanding commitments (RAL) at the end of 2011 amounted to EUR 632.3 million, equivalent to 2.9 % of the whole 2000-2006 allocation. This amount is EUR 551 million lower than the EUR 1,183.3 million of RAL at the end of 2010.


2.1.4. FIFG

The overall absorption rate for payments was 29.03 %, with EUR 0.7 million being disbursed to Member States.

Concerning the execution level of payment appropriations, EUR 0.5 million was paid under Objective 1 and EUR 0.2 million was paid in respect of areas other than Objective 1.

The total RAL for the FIFG at the end of 2011 reached EUR 295.7 million (compared with EUR 296.44 million in 2010). This represents 7.4 % of total commitments for the 2000-2006 period.

For the whole period, as at the end of 2011, EUR 3,640 million had been paid to Member States. This represents an absorption rate for all Member States of 92.5 % of the overall allocation of EUR 3,935 million.


3. Consistency and Coordination


3.1. Consistency with other EU policies

Previous reports have described relevant developments in relation to ensuring consistency between the cohesion policy and other EU policy priorities such as competition policy, internal market, environment, transport and gender-equality objectives. There were no specific changes in requirements or expectations on managing authorities as the 2000-2006 programmes entered the closure phase.


3.2. Coordination of instruments


3.2.1. The Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund

In 2000-2006, all 25 Member States benefited from the support of the Structural Funds, while thirteen Member States also benefited from the Cohesion Fund which supports the less-prosperous Member States. The programming and implementation of the Structural Funds (ERDF in particular) have been carefully co‑ordinated, also vis‑à‑vis the Cohesion Fund to avoid duplication in projects supported.


3.2.2. The Structural Funds and the European Investment Bank (EIB) / European Investment Fund (EIF)

Throughout the 2000-2006 period, the Commission and the EIB and EIF reinforced their cooperation by setting up the three initiatives JASPERS, JEREMIE and JESSICA. Details of this cooperation were provided in previos reports. Since the implementation of the 2000-2006 period entered the closure phase in 2010, there is nothing particular to report.


4. Evaluations

In 2011, the Commission continued to carry out evaluations to support decision‑making on Structural Funds' matters. But most of the evaluations concerning the period 2000-2006 were finished in 2010.



Evaluations launched in 2011 and currently underway:

- A study on evaluating innovation activities, to determine the state of the art of innovation evaluation in Member States, analyse the advantages and limitations of available methodologies for assessing different kinds of innovation activities, conduct a series of case studies on good-quality evaluations, and draft guidance for managing authorities to support their evaluation activities.

Providing methodological guidance to the Member States continues to be an important task for the Commission. In this respect, the online and interactive resource for the evaluation of socio-economic development EVALSED will constantly be updated, with a new section on theory-based evaluation currently underway.



Two evaluations, which were already underway in 2011, were completed in 2012. The first assessed whether the economic crisis had had an impact on ESF spending. The second analysed the effectiveness and efficiency of ESF expenditure on Lifelong Learning activities. But both evaluations are not dealing with the 2000-2006 period.



The ex-post evaluation of 2000-2006 rural-development programmes ran throughout 2011 and was completed during the first quarter of 2012. The evaluation concluded that flexibility to adapt to the variety of situations across the Union, coupled with clearly defined objectives and appropriate eligibility and selection criteria to maintain the focus on the objectives, are key to the success of rural-development policy. A deliberate focus on synergy and complementarity between measures improved the effectiveness of the policy. Overall, the policy generated and/or maintained employment in rural areas, supported rural incomes, contributed to maintaining and improving the rural environment and biodiversity, and contributed to improving the quality of life and the sustainability of rural communities.


5. Controls

Detailed information on the results of the controls is available in the Annual Activity Reports of the respective Directorates-General[2].


5.1. ERDF

Assurance with regard to the 2000-2006 ERDF programmes has been built up gradually over the years. In terms of coverage, the programmes audited by DG Regional Policy auditors represent 43% of the national and regional programmes in number terms and 76% of the planned ERDF contribution. As regards INTERREG, a separate audit enquiry launched in 2006 was concluded in 2009-2010 for the 23 programmes examined, representing 54 % of the amount committed.

In preparation for closure, an extensive preparatory enquiry was carried out from 2007 onwards in order to review the winding-up bodies (WUBs). The aim was to verify the assurance which can be placed on their closure work underpinning the WUDs; in other words, to verify Member States' preparations for closure and to identify and mitigate any related risks. The objective was to decide whether the audit work of the national bodies can be relied on as a main source of assurance for the remainder of the programming period and whether the WUD will be based on adequate audit work, thus making it a reliable source of assurance at programme closure. The 42 audits carried out under this enquiry, together with audit missions done on the WUB as part of regular systems audits which started in 2004, made it possible to cover WUBs in charge of approximately 85 % of the agreed amount of the 2000-2006 programmes at the end of 2010.

Given the significant amount of audit work carried out by DG Regional Policy on the 2000-2006 programmes over previous years, and the high level of coverage attained from this audit work, the work of the DG has focused on two types of audit work at closure:

1) on-the-spot checks on a sample of programmes through a joint enquiry with DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, DG Agriculture and Rural Development and DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries for the closure of 2000-2006 Structural Fund assistance in the EU 25. The Enquiry Planning Memorandum (EPM) developed in 2009 covers two actions:

i) audit work on-the-spot to review the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the national audit activities underpinning the WUDs issued by the WUBs, also including re-performance of a sample of 8-10 files, and

ii) audit work to assess the acceptability of the declaration and of the accompanying report (as above).

During 2010 and 2011 DG Regional Policy carried out 21 on-the-spot audit missions under the EPM Closure of Assistance 2000-2006 in the EU25 in seven Member States (CZ, DE, ES, IT, IE UK, SK) including some Interreg programmes covering 39 programmes wholly or partially.

These closure audit missions have allowed DG Regional Policy to address particular risks at closure (such as retrospective projects, public procurement, treatment of irregularities, calculation of error rate), and to be able to conclude the analysis of the WUDs, in some cases proposing financial corrections to cater for system weaknesses not addressed sufficiently or unreliable error rates reported in WUDs.

2) Analysis of WUDs: The audit directorate of DG Regional Policy examines all the 379 WUDs submitted at programme closure in line with the internal procedures adopted by DG Regional Policy in 2009 in order to determine the validity of the final payment request. This work was concentrated particularly in the second half of 2010 and 2011 and by mid-April 2012 all 379 WUDs had been assessed. In total, 336 (89 %) WUDs have been accepted. As regards the remaining 43 (11 %) WUDs, DG Regional Policy has completed its initial analysis and has requested additional audit work or further information from the Member States in question.

The 336 WUDs accepted concern 15 Member States (AT, DK, EL, FI, FR, HU, CY, LV, LX, MT, NL, PL, SE, SK, SL). The 43 WUDs still pending concern 11 Italian programmes, 8 Spanish, 5 Irish, 4 Czech, 3 Portuguese, 3 Belgian, 5 INTERREG programmes, and one programme each for Estonia, Germany, Lithuania and the UK.

The WUBs classified their audit opinions in line with the closure guidelines as: unqualified (84 % cases), qualified (16 % cases covering 4 % of intermediary payments), and no opinion in 3 cases. No adverse opinions or disclaimers were expressed for any programme. As a result of DG Regional Policy's examination of the WUDs, the DG has proposed financial corrections amounting to over EUR 1.3 billion in its conclusions of 147 WUDs. Furthermore, it is likely that further financial corrections will be proposed in some of the cases where additional audit work or enquiries are on-going.


5.2. ESF

In 2011, the auditors continued the examination of the WUDs submitted at programme closure for those programmes for which the deadline for submission of closure documents had been extended to 2011. It also included the follow-up of the requests for additional information.

Based on the results of the closure-analysis process, 6 targeted closure audits were carried out in 2011, and 8 are planned in 2012, on the WUDs for high-risk programmes, in order to be able to provide additional assurance that the residual risk does not exceed the materiality level. In few cases, this procedure led to the determination of revised financial corrections. In all cases observed, corrective procedures have been initiated.

For the 2000-2006 period, financial corrections were decided in 2011 for an amount of EUR 8.6 million, of which EUR 8.1 million have already been implemented. In addition, EUR 10.9 million decided in previous years were implemented in 2011.


5.3. EAGGF

At the end of 2011, a total of 110 of the 152 programmes were subject to audit (72.4 %), covering € 21.8 billion (96.9 %) of total commitment appropriations. A total of 46 programmes were subject to a follow-up audit.

By 31 December 2011, the examination of the WUDs submitted by Member States was finalised as regards 146 programmes, representing 96.1 % of the total number of programmes.


5.4. FIFG

The FIFG is under closure and there were no new FIFG audits carried out in 2011. Since the beginning of the 2000-2006 programming period, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has carried out a total of 58 audit missions covering all its mono-fund programmes (18 programmes representing an initial budget contribution of € 3 608.73 million – 87.4 % of the total 2000-2006 budget) as well as 18 multi-fund programmes representing a contribution of € 374.58 million – 9.2 % of the total 2000-2006 initial budget. In total, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries systems audits have covered programmes representing 96.6 % of the total FIFG initial contribution for 2000-2006. For the remaining programmes, the assurance is gained from other Structural Funds DGs' audit work and/or national audits.

For 47 WUDs, the first analysis has been completed; for the remaining 13, the analysis is still ongoing. Of the 47 cases analysed, 16 declarations were accepted. Member States were requested to provide additional clarifications for the remaining 31 WUDs which were interrupted: DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has received 27 responses so far and has analysed 14 of them. There are thus 27 WUDs (14 at first- analysis stage, 13 at post-interruption stage) still under examination.


5.5. OLAF

In 2011, OLAF undertook 29 missions in the Member States relating to measures co-financed by the Structural Funds. During these missions on-the-spot checks[3] were carried out on 57 economic operators and 18 other types of missions were carried out to gather information or to assist either national administrations or judicial authorities. As was the case in previous years, typical problems identified by OLAF in the course of 2011 included false declarations, false invoicing and failure to abide by public-procurement rules, as well as specified instances of conflict of interest in certain tendering procedures.

In 2011, Members States reported to the Commission, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1681/94[4]2 as amended[5] and Regulation (EC) No 1828/2006[6] as amended[7], some 3 816[8] notifications of irregularities involving EUR 1.177 billion concerning co-financed measures of the 1994-99, 2000-2006 and 2007-2013 programming periods[9].


6. Committees Assisting the Commission


6.1. Coordination Committee of the Funds (COCOF)

The only COCOF activity in 2011 concerning the implementation of the 2000-2006 period was the presentation of an analysis of the closure process regarding the 2000-2006 programmes.


6.2. ESF Committee

In 2011 there were three Plenary Sessions and five Technical Working Group meetings. The Technical Working Group reviewed the progress of the closure process of the 2000-2006 period at all of its meetings in 2011, and there was one detailed presentation on the lessons to be learned from the closure process.


6.3. Committee on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development (STAR)


The STAR Committee met twice in 2011 to inform on financial treatment to be applied to expenditure financed by the EAGGF Guidance Section in certain cases of irregularity. The opinion of the Committee was not required.


6.4. Committee on Structures for Fisheries and Aquaculture (CSFA)


The Committee on Structures for Fisheries and Aquaculture (CSFA) met twice in 2011. The main point discussed at the meetings was the closure of the FIFG.


7. List of Major Projects to which the Funds have contributed (2000-2006 period)


1999NL053PR| Megabanenmarkt Amsterdam

2001ES161PR| Circumvalación de Las Palmas - Fase II et Fase III

2001ES161PR| Autovía: Albacete-Murcia-Tramo: Albacete-Venta del Olivo

2001ES161PR| Proyecto de la presa de la Brena II

2001ES161PR| Desaladora de Aqua Marina de Carbonera

2001ES161PR| Autovía A-49: Sevilla-Frontera portuguesa. Tramo: San Juan del Puerto-Enlace de Lepe

2001FR162PR| Port 2000 Le Havre

2001FR162PR| Route Nationale 106 (Languedoc-Roussillon)

2001FR162PR| Grand Projet ATMEL

2001PT161PR| Terminal de Regasificação de Gás Natural Liquefeito

2001PT161PR| Armazenagem subterrânea de gás natural no Carriço-Pombal

2001PT161PR| Linha do Douro - Remodelação do troço Cête-Caíde

2001PT161PR| IC 10 - Ponte sobre o Tejo em Santarém e acessos imediatos

2002DE161PR| Ausbau der Schienenstrecke Berlin - Frankfurt/Oder - Grenze Deutschland/Polen

2002DE161PR| Neubau der Bundesautobahn A 17 von Dresden (B 173) - Tschechische Republik

2002DE161PR| Neu- und Ausbau der A 113, B 96 und B 96a

2002DE161PR| Neubau der Bundesstrasse B 6n in den Abschnitten Wernigerode-Blankenburg und Quedlinburg-Bernburg

2002DE161PR| Neubau der Bundesautobahn A71 AD Oberrolingen (A 38) - AS Erfurt-Bindersleben

2002DE162PR| Design und Kulturstandort Zollverein

2002DE162PR| Propylen Pipeline

2002ES161PR| Gran Telescopio de Canarias

2002ES161PR| Ampliación de la Darsena de Escombreras en Cartagena

2002ES161PR| Ampliación del Puerto de Castellon

2002ES161PR| Autovía Ruta de la plata. CN-630-Construccion del tramo del Enlace de Gerena-Enlace de Camas

2002ES161PR| Autovía Ciudad Real-Atalaya de Canavate- Tramo: Enlace de Miguelturra - Enlace de Daimiel

2002ES161PR| Autovía de Castilla-La Mancha - Tramo: Abia de la Obispalia y Cuenca

2002ES161PR| Ampliación del Puerto de Ferrol (Puerto exterior)

2002ES161PR| Autovía A-381: Tramo: Jerez - Los Barrios, Provincia de Cadiz

2002ES161PR| Autovía de la Plata CN-630 de Gijón a Sevilla. Tramo: Plasencia (Sur) - Canaveral (Este)

2002ES161PR| Presa del Arenoso

2002ES161PR| Autovía A-92 Sur, Guadix-Almeria. Tramo: Hueneja-Interseccion N-340

2002ES161PR| Línea de alta velocidad entre Córdoba y Málaga

2002ES161PR| Autovía de Castilla. Tramo Martin de Yeltes-Ciudad Rodrigo

2002ES161PR| Planta de regasificación de gas natural licuado en la Isla de Gran Canaria

2002ES161PR| Impulsión de la IDAM de Carboneras

2002ES161PR| Glapilk, A.I.E.

2002ES161PR| Asturiana de Zinc, S.A.

2002ES161PR| Conexión Almanzora-Poniente Almenriense. Fase I: Tramo venta del podre Nijar en Almería

2002ES161PR| Autopista Santiago de Compostela-Ourense. Tramo: Santiago-Alto de Santo Domingo

2002ES161PR| Autovía del Cantábrico - Carretera Nacional 632, de Ribadesella a Luarca. Tramo: Grases (Villaviciosa) - Infanzón (Gijon)

2002ES161PR| Delphi Automotive System España, S.A.

2002ES161PR| Construcción del nuevo Hospital General Universitario de Murcia

2002ES161PR| Autovía del Cantábrico. Carretra Nacional 632, de Ribadesella a Luarca. Tramo: Soto del Barco-Muros de Naon

2002ES161PR| Conducción Jucar-Vinalopo

2002ES161PR| Autovía Alacant-Alcoit y Villena Ibi. Tramo: Rambla de Rambuchar-Catalla)

2002ES161PR| Maspalomas Resort S.L.

2002ES161PR| Dupont Ibérica, S.L.

2002ES161PR| Autovía de la Plata. Tramo: Valverde de la Virgen-Ardon

2002FR161PR| Déviation de Sainte-Marie (Ile de la Réunion)

2002FR162PR| Cap 'Découverte

2002FR162PR| Grande Halle d'Auvergne

2002FR162PR| ATMEL ROUSSET (Bouches du Rhône) Phase 3

2002FR162PR| Pikington-Glass France à Seingbouse

2002FR162PR| Tunnel du Lioran

2002IE161PR| Purchase of diesel railcars

2002IE161PR| N 8 Watergrasshill by-pass

2002IE161PR| N11 Rathnew-Ashford by-pass

2002IE161PR| N18 Hurlers cross by-pass

2002IE161PR| N22 Ballincollig by-pass

2003DE161PR| AMD Piesteritz

2003ES161PR| Nueva carretera de acceso al Puerto de Castellón

2003ES161PR| Fibras del Noreste S.A.

2003ES161PR| Biotenol Galicia S.A.

2003ES161PR| Autovía del Mediterráneo CN-240. Tramo: Nerja-Almuñécar

2003ES161PR| Autovía del Cantábrico. Carretera Nacional 632, de Ribadesella a Luarca. Tramo: Vegarrozadas-Soto del Barco


2003FR162PR| Lenglet

2003FR162PR| Éléctrification des lignes vosgiennes

2003FR162PR| Plate-forme multimodale Dourges 2ème phase

2003FR162PR| RCEA Limousin

2004IT161PR| IVECO-Ristrutturazione stabilimento di Foggia e nuovo Lab. di Ricerca


[1] See Communication on the results of negotiations on strategies and programmes for the programming period 2007-2013.

[2] Published at ec.europa.eu/atwork/synthesis/aar/index_en

[3] Regulation (EC) No 2185/1996, OJ L 292, 15.10.1996, p. 2

[4] OJ L 178, 12.07.1994, p.43

[5] Regulation (EC) No2035/2005, JO L 328, 15.12.2005, p; 8

[6] OJ L 371, 27.12.2006, p,1

[7] Regulation (EC) No 846/2009, JO L 250, 23.09.2009, p.1

[8] 2010: number of communicated cases 6,910; overall amount related to the communications €1.1546 billion.

[9] See Commission Report on the protection of the EU financial interests (COM (2012) 408 final)