Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2007)849 - Draft Council Regulation laying down the form of the laissez-passer issued to members and servants of the institutions

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Communication from the Commission to the Council - Draft Council Regulation laying down the form of the laissez-passer issued to members and servants of the institutions /* COM/2007/0849 final */

[afbeelding - zie origineel document] COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES


Brussels, 21.12.2007

COM(2007) 849 final


Draft Council Regulation laying down the form of the laissez-passer issued to members and servants of the institutions


Draft Council Regulation laying down the form of the laissez-passer issued to members and servants of the institutions



The Community institutions issue laissez-passer to their members and certain servants in accordance with the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities, the Council Regulations adopted pursuant to that Protocol and the Staff Regulations of Officials of the Communities and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants.

The first subparagraph of Article 7 i of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities of 8 April 1965 i stipulates that "Laissez-passer in a form to be prescribed by the Council, which shall be recognized as valid travel documents i by the authorities of the Member States, may be issued to members and servants of the institutions of the Communities by the Presidents of these institutions. These laissez-passer shall be issued to officials and other servants under conditions laid down in the Staff Regulations of officials and the Conditions of Employment of other servants of the Communities".

The second subparagraph of the same paragraph states that 'the Commission may conclude agreements for these laissez-passer to be recognized as valid travel documents within the territory of third countries'.

On the basis of the above-mentioned provisions, the Council adopted Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 1826/69 of the Council of 15 September 1969 laying down the form of the laissez passer to be issued to members and servants of the institutions i. The Regulation prescribes a single form of laissez-passer for all the institutions that must be issued in the form laid down in the Annex to the Regulation. The Regulation has been amended five times i since its adoption in 1969 in order to take account of successive enlargements between 1973 and 1995 and the creation of the European Union.

Concerning officials and other servants of the Communities, the third paragraph of Article 23 of the Staff Regulations stipulates that 'The laissez-passer provided for in the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities shall be issued to officials in grades AD 12 to AD 16 and equivalent grades. Where the interests of the service so require, this laissez-passer may be issued, by special decision of the appointing authority, to officials in other grades whose place of employment lies outside the territory of the Member States'. Pursuant to the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities, these provisions also apply to temporary staff (Article 11) and contract staff (Article 81).

In addition, on the basis of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities, the Commission has to date concluded agreements with more than 130 third countries whereby the laissez-passer is recognised as a valid travel document within their territory.



In the nearly forty years since its creation, the laissez-passer has proven itself an invaluable working tool. Members and certain servants of the Community institutions have made frequent use of the laissez-passer and continue to do so. Thanks to the agreements concluded by the Commission with a large number of third countries whereby the laissez-passer is recognised as a valid travel document within their territory, members and servants of the institutions can use it during missions and work-related travel in these countries. Moreover, the authorities of a number of these third countries exempt laissez-passer holders from visa requirements, which saves the Community budget significant amounts.

Thus, since its creation the laissez-passer has been an unmitigated success. In 2005, more than 1 650 laissez-passer were issued and/or renewed. Of these, approximately 1 100 laissez-passer were issued to Commission members or staff, in particular staff from the RELEX family of DGs who work outside the European Union and staff who often travel on mission. In 2006, the Commission alone issued or renewed 2 200 laissez-passer.

It cannot be ignored, however, that the laissez-passer in its current form has major weaknesses and no longer guarantees the level of security expected of this type of travel document.

The form of the laissez-passer has not been substantially modified to improve security since 1969. As currently issued to the holder, the laissez-passer contains, for example, a number of handwritten markings and an easily detachable photograph. Initially, the laissez-passer was more or less as secure as the passports and travel documents issued by the Member States. But this is clearly no longer the case. The laissez-passer has not kept pace with technology and is, in its current form, very poorly protected against counterfeiting and falsification.

As a direct result of the laissez-passer's lack of security features, authorities of certain third countries refuse to recognise it as a valid travel document and members and staff of Community institutions occasionally encounter difficulties when crossing certain borders.



It should be remembered that under Article 7 of the Protocol on Privileges and Immunities the Commission has no right to take initiatives in this area. This Communication is being presented in the spirit of good governance and mutual aid between the institutions. This is why the Commission is putting forward a draft Council regulation rather than a proposal.

This draft Council regulation aims to make the laissez-passer a secure, reliable and widely recognised document, in particular by equipping it with security features equivalent to those of the most sophisticated travel documents issued by the Member States.

The laissez-passer, like any travel document, must provide as many security guarantees as possible and be protected effectively from counterfeiting and falsification. To that end, the new laissez-passer is to be compliant with the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, in particular with the standards in Document 9303 on machine readable travel documents, and with the minimum security standards introduced by Council Regulation (EC) No 2252/2004 of 13 December 2004 on standards for security features and biometrics in passports and travel documents issued by Member States i.

The laissez-passer will offer a storage medium containing the personal data registered on the laissez-passer, a digitised photograph of the bearer's face and digital fingerprints stored in interoperable formats. These biometric identifiers integrated into the laissez-passer will make it possible to establish a reliable link between the legitimate holder of the laissez-passer and the document itself, making the document more secure and contributing appreciably to its protection against fraudulent use.

Given the Commission's level of expertise in this area, the draft regulation stipulates that it will be responsible for adopting the measures necessary for its application. Such measures will include, in particular:

- the determination of the security standards and technical specifications applicable to the laissez-passer, which will refer to Commission Decisions C(2005) 409 of 28 February 2005 and C(2006) 2909 of 28 June 2006 laying down the technical specifications on the standards for security features and biometrics in passports and travel documents issued by Member States, in order to guarantee an equivalent level of security. The Commission will determine which of these specifications must be kept secret in order to prevent counterfeiting and falsification. Such specifications will be communicated only to the body responsible for printing the laissez-passer, the Member States and those persons duly authorised by the Commission;

- the designation of a body responsible for printing the laissez-passer;

- the conclusion of agreements with third countries or the amendment of existing agreements with a view to the laissez-passer being recognised as a valid travel document within the territory of these countries.

The Commission will undertake to inform the Member States, by any appropriate means, of all measures that it intends to adopt to apply the regulation as it is ultimately decided by the Council, including the secret specifications.

In addition, for the purpose of simplification, provision should be made to empower the Commission to revise the annex to the Regulation if, and only if, this becomes necessary to reflect any changes by the Council to the list of official languages of the Union's institutions. Such a provision would eliminate the need to amend the Regulation every time the list of official languages is revised, as was the case in the past.



The new mechanism will be implemented progressively. Once the institutions begin to issue the first secure laissez-passer, they will cease to issue laissez-passer in the form provided for by Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 1826/69. Nevertheless, existing laissez-passer will remain valid until their expiry date and will be replaced gradually during a transition period. Once the transition period is over, all non-secure laissez-passer will have been removed from circulation.

The proposal's financial impact will depend on a significant number of factors, some of which are unclear and difficult to control at this stage. The overall cost of implementing the secure laissez-passer will be a function of the cost of any technical studies carried out prior to its implementation, the cost of the equipment that the institutions will have to acquire and the unit cost of manufacturing the document. The unit cost will depend on the manufacturing constraints (in particular the required deadlines) that will be imposed on the body responsible for printing the laissez-passer.

Moreover, the complexity and diversity of the possible technical solutions for producing the laissez-passer, the need to keep secret certain security standards and technical specifications, the number of units to be produced and the reissue rate are all elements likely to influence the cost of the secure laissez-passer.

Under these conditions, the Commission is not in a position to estimate the financial impact of the secure laissez-passer. Insofar as the options selected by the Council will influence the cost of implementing and managing the new laissez-passer, only the Council will be capable of drawing up a financial statement concerning this project that will apply to all the Community institutions. In particular, the statement will have to explain how to distribute the costs of implementing the Council regulation among the institutions.

The Commission will be able to assist the Council in producing the financial statement.



Given the foregoing, the Commission hereby submits to the Council for examination a draft regulation laying down the form of the laissez-passer delivered to members and servants of the institutions. It is proposed that this regulation repeal and replace Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 1826/69 of 15 September 1969.

A model of the new laissez-passer is annexed by way of illustration. The Commission will endeavour to ensure that the laissez-passer resembles the model to the greatest degree possible, but cannot rule out the possibility that technical or other considerations will oblige it to make certain changes.




laying down the form of the laissez-passer issued to members and servants of the institutions


Having regard to the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities annexed to the Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities, and in particular Article 7 i thereof,


Laissez-passer shall be recognised as valid travel documents by the authorities of the Member States and the Commission concludes agreements for them to be recognised as valid travel documents within the territory of third countries.

In order to provide every guarantee of security and, in particular, to prevent falsification, the laissez-passer of the members and servants of the Community institutions must conform to the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organisation – in particular those appearing in Document 9303 on machine-readable travel documents and the minimum security standards in Council Regulation No 2252/2004 laying down the technical specifications on the standards for security features and biometrics in passports and travel documents issued by Member States i. It is therefore advisable to establish rules for the laissez-passer that provide such security guarantees.

Biometric identifiers should be integrated into the laissez-passer in order to establish a reliable link between the genuine holder and the document, making an important contribution to ensuring its protection against fraudulent use.

For the purpose of protecting personal data, the laissez-passer should contain no information other than that provided for in this Regulation.

Given the Commission's level of expertise in this area, it should be empowered to adopt the measures necessary for the application of this Regulation, in compliance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data i.

In particular, the Commission should be empowered to determine the security standards and technical specifications applicable to the laissez-passer, which will refer to Commission Decisions C(2005) 409 of 28 February 2005 and C(2006) 2909 of 28 June 2006 laying down the technical specifications on the standards for security features and biometrics in passports and travel documents issued by Member States, in order to guarantee an equivalent security level. The Commission should determine which of these specifications must be kept secret in order to prevent counterfeiting and falsification.

In order to prevent falsification and fraudulent use of the laissez-passer effectively, the Commission should be instructed to designate a single body to be responsible for printing the laissez-passer for all the institutions. This body should be designated in accordance with the provisions applicable to the award of contracts, in particular those in Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities i, and taking into account the sensitive nature of the documents to be produced.

Provision should be made for the Commission to amend the Annex to this Regulation to reflect any changes to Council Regulation No 1 of 15 April 1958 determining the languages to be used by the European Economic Community i.

This Regulation replaces the Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 1826/69 of the Council of 15 September 1969 laying down the form of the laissez passer to be issued to members and servants of the institutions i. The latter should therefore be repealed,



Article 1

1. The laissez passer issued to members and servants of the institutions shall be drawn up in the form laid down in the Annex to this Regulation.

2. The laissez-passer shall comprise a storage medium containing, in digital format, the biographical data entered in the laissez-passer, a digital facial image and two fingerprints in formats interoperable with the technical specifications of passports and travel documents issued by Member States.

The data shall be secured, in particular against unauthorised access, and the storage medium shall have enough capacity to guarantee the integrity, authenticity and confidentiality of the data.

3. For the purposes of this Regulation, the issuing authority shall provide the biometrics used to identify the laissez-passer applicant, including the facial image and two digital fingerprints.

4. Persons from whom it is physically impossible to obtain digital fingerprints shall be exempted from the obligation to provide them.


Article 2

The laissez-passer shall be established for a maximum period of five years.


Article 3

1. Persons to whom a laissez-passer is issued shall have the right to verify the personal data contained in it, pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data, and, where appropriate, to ask for rectification or erasure.

2. The laissez-passer shall contain no machine-readable information other than that provided for in this Regulation.

3. For the purpose of this Regulation the biometric features in the laissez-passer shall only be used for verifying:

- the authenticity of the document;

- the identity of the holder by means of directly available comparable features.


Article 4

1. The Commission shall take all necessary measures for the implementation of this Regulation. These shall comprise in particular:

a) the determination of the security standards and technical specifications applicable to the laissez-passer, in particular regarding:

i) security features and requirements including enhanced anti-counterfeiting and falsification standards;

ii) technical specifications for the storage medium of the biometric features and their security, including prevention of unauthorised access;

iii) requirements for quality and common standards for the facial image and the fingerprints.

b) the designation of a body to be responsible for printing the laissez-passer, taking into account the sensitive nature of the documents to be produced.

2. The Commission shall adopt the measures referred to in paragraph 1 (a), taking into account the Community rules applicable to the technical specifications related to the standards for security features and biometrics in passports and travel documents issued by Member States.

3. The Commission shall decide whether any of the security standards and technical specifications in paragraph 1 (a) must be kept secret and not published.

4. The Commission shall inform the Member States, by any appropriate means, of all measures that it adopts in accordance with paragraph 1, including the secret specifications.


Article 5

The Commission shall revise the Annex to this Regulation to reflect any changes by the Council to the list of official languages of the Union's institutions.


Article 6

Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 1826/69 is hereby repealed.


Article 7

This Regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This regulation shall apply from [1 January of the second year following the year in which the Commission adopts the security standards and technical specifications applicable to the laissez-passer]. Laissez-passer issued under Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 1826/69 shall remain valid until their expiry date.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at Brussels,


For the Council

The President



Inside cover page

This laissez-passer is issued pursuant to Article 7 i of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities annexed to the Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities.

The bearer of this laissez-passer shall enjoy the privileges and immunities provided for in that Protocol.

This laissez-passer is valid for the territories referred to in article 299 i and i of the Treaty establishing the European Community and for the territory of the third countries with which the Commission has concluded agreements within the meaning of the second subparagraph of Article 7 i of the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the European Communities.

The laissez-passer contains …. pages.

Dieser Laissez-passer ist ausgestellt aufgrund des Artikels 7 Absatz 1 des dem Vertrag zur Einsetzung eines gemeinsamen Rates und einer gemeinsamen Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften beigefügten Protokolls über die Vorrechte und Befreiungen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften.

Der Inhaber dieses Laissez-passer geniesst die in diesem Protokoll vorgesehenen Vorrechte und Befreiungen.

Dieser Laissez-passer gilt für die Hoheitsgebiete, die in Artikel 299 Absätze 1 und 4 des Vertrages zur Gründung der Europäischen Gemeinschaft genannt sind, sowie für das Hoheitsgebiet der dritten Staaten, mit denen die Kommission gemäss Artikel 7 Absatz 1 Unterabsatz 2 des Protokolls über die Vorrechte und Befreiungen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften Abkommen geschlossen hat.

Der Laissez-passer enthält ….Seiten.

Le présent laissez-passer est délivré en vertu des dispositions de l’article 7, paragraphe 1, du protocole sur les privilèges et immunités des Communautés européennes annexé au traité instituant un Conseil unique et une Commission unique des Communautés européennes.

Le titulaire de ce laissez-passer jouit des privilèges et immunités prévus à ce protocole.

Ce laissez-passer est valable pour les territoires visés aux paragraphes 1 et 4 de l’article 299 du traité instituant la Communauté européenne ainsi que pour le territoire des États tiers avec lesquels la Commission aura conclu des accords au sens de l’article 7, paragraphe 1, deuxième alinéa, du protocole sur les privilèges et immunités des Communautés européennes.

Le laissez-passer contient …pages.


Page 1




Page 2

(chip logo)


LP number/N° laissez-passer/LPnummer




2.Given names/Vornamen/Prénoms


3. Date of birth/Geburtstag/Date de naissance


4. Place of birth/Geburtsort/Lieu de naissance


5. Sex/Geschlecht/Sexe


6. Date of issue/Ausstellungsdatum/Date de délivrance

7. Date of expiry/Gültig bis/Date d’expiration

8. Holder’s signature/Unterschrift des Passinhabers/Signature du titulaire


9. Position held/Funktion/Fonction


Page 4

1. Фамилно име./Apellidos/ Příjmení / Efternavn/ Nimi / Επώνυμο/ Ainm / Cognome/ Uzvārds / Pavardė / Családi név / Kunjom / Naam / Nazwisko /Apelido / Nume / Priezvisko / Priimek / Sukunimi /Efternamn /

2..Име /Nombre/ Jméno / Fornavne / Eesnimed / Ονόματα/ Céadainm(eacha) / Nome/ Vārdi / Vardas / Utónév / Isem / Voornamen / Imiona/ Nomes próprios / Prenume / Meno / Ime / Etunimet / Förnamn/

3.Дата на раждане /Fecha de nacimiento / Datum narození / Fødselsdato / Sünnikuupäev / Ημερομηνία γέννησης / Dáta breithe / Data di nascita / Dzimšanas datums / Gimimo data / Születési idő / Data tat-twelid / Geboortedatum / Data urodzenia / Data de nascimento / Data naşterii / Dátum narodenia / Datum robstva / Syntymäaika / Födelsedatum /

4.Място на раждане / Lugar de nacimiento/ Místo narození / Fødselsregistreringsted / Sünnikoht / Τόπος γέννησης / Áit bhreithe /Luogo di nascita/ Dzimšanas vieta / Gimimo vieta / Születési hely / Post tat-twelid / Geboorteplaats / Miejsce urodzenia / Naturalidade / Locul naşterii /Miesto narodenia / Kraj robstva / Födelseort / Syntymäpaikka / Födelseort /

5.Пол /Sexo / Pohlaví / Køn / Sugu / Φύλο / Gnéas / Sesso/ Dzimums / Lytis / Nem / Sess / Geslacht / Płeć / Sexo / Sex / Pohlavie / Spol / Sukupuoli / Kön /

6.Дата на издаване / Fecha de expedición / Datum vydání / Udstedelsesdato / Väljaandmise kuupäev / Ημερομηνία έκδοσης / Dáta eisiúna / Data di rilascio/ Izdošanas datums / Išdavimo data / Kiállítás időpontja / Data tal-ħruġ / Datum van afgifte / Data wydania / Data de emissão / Data eliberării / Dátum vydania / Datum izdaje / Myöntämispäivä / Utställandedatum /

7.Дата на изтичане срока на валидност /Fecha de caducidad / Platnost do / Udløbsdato / Kehtiv kuni / Ημερομηνία λήξης / Dáta éaga / Data di scadenza/ Derīga līdz / Galioja iki / Lejárat időpontja / Data ta’ l-għeluq / Geldig tot / Termin upływu ważności / Date de validade / Data expirării / Dátum platnosti / Velja do / Viimeinen voimassaolopäivä / Sista giltighetsdag/

8.Подпис на притежателя /Firma del titular/ Podpis držitele / Indehavers underskrift / Omaniku allkiri/ Υπογραφή του κατόχου / Síniú an tsealbhóra / Firma del titolare/ Turētāja paraksts / Savininko parašas / Jogosult aláírása / Firma tad-detentur / Handtekening van de houder / Podpis posiadacza / Assinatura do titular / Semnătura titularului / Podpis držiteľa / Lastnoročni podpis / Haltijan nimikirjoitus / Innehavarens namnteckning /

9.Длъжност / Cargo/ Funkce / Stilling/ Ametikoht / Ιδιότητα / Post / Funzione/ Amats / Pareigos / Beosztás / Kariga / Functie / Stanowisko / Cargo / Funcţie / Funkcia / Funkcja / Virka / Befattning /


Page 5 to Page 37

VISA/VISUM Page 38 and inside cover page

Настоящото разрешение за преминаване е издадено на основание член 7, параграф 1 от протокола за привилегиите и имунитетите на Европейските общности към Договора за създаване на единен Съвет и единна Комисия на Европейските общности.

Притежателят на това разрешение за преминаване се ползва от привилегиите и имунитетите, предвидени в протокола.

Разрешението за преминаване е валидно за териториите, посочени в член 299, параграфи 1 и 4 от Договора за създаване на Европейската общност, както и за територията на трети страни, с които Комисията е сключила споразумение съгласно член 7, параграф 1, алинея 2 от протокола за привилегиите и имунитетите на Европейските общности.

Разрешението за пропуск съдържа…страници.

El presente salvoconducto ha sido expedido en virtud de lo dispuesto en el artículo 7, apartado 1, del Protocolo sobre los privilegios y las inmunidades de las Comunidades Europeas anejo al Tratado por el que se constituye un Consejo único y una Comisión única de las Comunidades Europeas.

El titular del presente salvoconducto goza de los privilegios e inmunidades previstos en dicho Protocolo.

Este salvoconducto será válido en los territorios contemplados en los apartados 1 y 4 del artículo 299 del Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Europea, así como en el territorio de terceros Estados con los que la Comisión haya celebrado los acuerdos a que se refiere el artículo 7, apartado 1, párrafo segundo, del Protocolo sobre los privilegios y las inmunidades de las Comunidades Europeas.

Este salvoconducto consta de … páginas.

Tento průkaz se vydává na základě čl. 7 odst. 1 Protokolu o výsadách a imunitách Evropských společenství připojeného ke Smlouvě o vytvoření jednotné Rady a jednotné Komise Evropských společenství.

Držitel tohoto průkazu požívá výsad a imunit stanovených v uvedeném protokolu.

Průkaz je platný pro území podle čl. 299 odst. 1 a 4 Smlouvy o založení Evropského společenství a pro území třetích států, s nimiž Komise uzavřela dohody podle čl. 7 odst. 1 druhého pododstavce Protokolu o výsadách a imunitách Evropských společenství.

Průkaz má …stránek.

Denne passérseddel er udstedt i medfør af bestemmelserne i artikel 7, stk. 1, i protokollen vedrørende De Europæiske Fællesskabers privilegier og immuniteter, som er bilag til traktaten om oprettelse af et fælles Råd og en fælles Kommission for disse Fællesskaber.

Indehaveren af denne passerséddel er omfattet af de i nævnte protokol omhandlede privilegier og immunitetsrettigheder.

Passérsedlen gælder i de områder, der er omhandlet i artikel 299, stk. 1 og 4, i traktaten om oprettelse af Det Europæiske Fællesskab, samt i de områder i tredjelande, med hvilke Kommissionen har indgået aftale i medfør af artikel 7, stk. 1, andet afsnit, i protokollen vedrørende De Europæiske Fællesskabers privilegier og immuniteter.

Denne passérseddel indeholder ... sider.

Nimetatud reisiluba antakse Euroopa ühenduste ühtse nõukogu ja ühtse komisjoni asutamislepingule lisatud Euroopa ühenduste privileegide ja immuniteetide protokolli artikli 7 lõike 1 alusel.

Nimetatud reisiloa omanikul on asjaomase protokolliga ettenähtud privileegid ja immuniteedid.

Nimetatud reisiluba kehtib Euroopa Ühenduse asutamislepingu artikli 299 lõigetes 1 ja 4 ettenähtud territooriumide kohta ning kolmandate riikide territooriumide kohta, kellega komisjon on sõlminud Euroopa Ühenduste privileegide ja immuniteetide protokolli artikli 7 lõike 1 teise lõigu tähenduses lepingud.

Reisiluba koosneb…. leheküljest.

Η παρούσα άδεια διέλευσης χορηγείται δυνάμει των διατάξεων του άρθρου 7 παράγραφος 1 του πρωτοκόλλου περί των προνομίων και ασυλιών των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων, το οποίο έχει προσαρτηθεί στη συνθήκη περί ιδρύσεως ενιαίου Συμβουλίου και ενιαίας Επιτροπής των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων.

Ο κάτοχος της άδειας διέλευσης απολαύει των προνομίων και ασυλιών που προβλέπονται στο εν λόγω πρωτόκολλο.

Η άδεια διέλευσης αυτή ισχύει για τα εδάφη που αναφέρονται στο άρθρο 299 παράγραφοι 1 και 4 της συνθήκης περί ιδρύσεως της Ευρωπαϊκής Κοινότητας καθώς και για το έδαφος των τρίτων χωρών με τις οποίες η Επιτροπή συνάπτει συμφωνίες κατά την έννοια του άρθρου 7 παράγραφος 1 δεύτερο εδάφιο του πρωτοκόλλου περί των προνομίων και ασυλιών των Ευρωπαϊκών Κοινοτήτων.

Η άδεια διέλευσης αποτελείται από … σελίδες.

Eisíodh an laissez-passer seo faoi Airteagal 7 i den Phrótacal ar Phribhléidí agus Díolúintí na gComhphobal Eorpach atá i gceangal leis an gConradh ag bunú Comhairle Aonair agus Coimisiún Aonair de na Comhphobail Eorpacha.

Teachtfaidh sealbhóir an laissez-passer seo na pribhléidí agus díolúintí dá bhforáiltear sa Phrótacal sin.

Beidh an laissez-passer seo bailí sna críocha dá dtagraítear in Airteagal 299 i agus i den Chonradh ag bunú an Chomhphobail Eorpaigh, agus i gcríoch na dtríú tíortha sin a bhfuil comhaontuithe curtha i gcrích ag an gCoimisiún leo faoin dara fomhír d’Airteagal 7 i den Phrótacal ar Phribhléidí agus Díolúintí na gComhphobal Eorpach.

Tá…leathanach sa laissez-passer seo.

Il presente lasciapassare è rilasciato in virtù delle disposizioni dell'articolo 7, paragrafo 1, del protocollo sui privilegi e sulle immunità delle Comunità europee allegato al trattato che istituisce un Consiglio unico e una Commissione unica delle Comunità europee.

Il titolare del presente lasciapassare gode dei privilegi e delle immunità previste da tale protocollo.

Il presente lasciapassare è valido per i territori di cui all'articolo 299, paragrafi 1 e 4, del trattato che istituisce la Comunità europea, nonché per il territorio degli Stati terzi con i quali la Commissione avrà concluso accordi ai sensi dell'articolo 7, paragrafo 1, secondo comma, del protocollo sui privilegi e sulle immunità delle Comunità europee.

Il lasciapassare è composto di … pagine.

Šis dokuments ir izdots saskaņā ar 7. panta 1. punkta noteikumiem protokolā par Eiropas Kopienu privilēģijām un neaizskaramību, kas pievienots Līgumam par vienotas Eiropas Kopienu Padomes un vienotas Eiropas Kopienu Komisijas izveidi.

Šī dokumenta turētājs izmanto privilēģijas un neaizskaramību, kas paredzētas šajā protokolā.

Šis dokuments ir derīgs teritorijās, kas minētas Eiropas Kopienas dibināšanas līguma 299. panta 1. un 4. punktā, kā arī to trešo valstu teritorijā, ar kurām Komisija būs noslēgusi nolīgumus saskaņā ar 7. panta 1. punkta otro daļu protokolā par Eiropas Kopienu privilēģijām un neaizskaramību.

Caurlaidē ir …lappuses.

Šis leidimas išduotas remiantis prie Europos Bendrijų jungtinės Tarybos ir jungtinės Komisijos steigimo sutarties pridėto Europos Bendrijų privilegijų ir imunitetų protokolo 7 straipsnio 1 dalimi.

Šio leidimo savininkas naudojasi tame protokole numatytomis privilegijomis ir imunitetais.

Šis leidimas galioja Europos bendrijos steigimo sutarties 299 straipsnio 1 ir 4 dalyse numatytose teritorijose ir trečiųjų šalių, su kuriomis Komisija sudarė susitarimus, kaip apibrėžta Europos Bendrijų privilegijų ir imunitetų protokolo 7 straipsnio 1 dalies antroje pastraipoje, teritorijose.

Leidimą sudaro … puslapiai.

E laissez-passer-t az Európai Közösségek egységes Tanácsának és egységes Bizottságának létrehozásáról szóló szerződéshez mellékelt, az Európai Közösségek kiváltságairól és mentességeiről szóló jegyzőkönyv 7. cikke i bekezdésének rendelkezései értelmében állítják ki.

E laissez-passer jogosultja a jegyzőkönyvben meghatározott kiváltságokban és mentességekben részesül.

E laissez-passer az Európai Közösséget létrehozó szerződés 299. cikke i és i bekezdésében meghatározott területekre és azon harmadik országok területeire érvényes, amelyekkel a Bizottság az Európai Közösségek kiváltságairól és mentességeiről szóló jegyzőkönyv 7. cikke i bekezdésének második albekezdése értelmében megállapodást köt.

A laissez-passer … oldalt tartalmaz.

Dan il-pass hu mogħti skond id-dispożizzjonijiet ta’ l-Artikolu 7 i, tal-Protokoll dwar il-Privileġġi u l-Immunitajiet tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej anness mat-Trattat li jistabbilixxi Kunsill Wieħed u Kummissjoni Waħda tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej.

Id-detentur ta’ dan il-pass jibbenefika mill-privileġġi u l-immunitajiet stipulati f’dan il-Protokoll.

Dan il-pass jgħodd għat-territorji msemmija fl-Artikolu 299 i u i tat-Trattat li jistabbilixxi l-Komunità Ewropea kif ukoll għat-territorju ta’ l-Istati terzi li magħhom il-Kummissjoni kkonkludiet ftehimiet fit-tifsira mogħtija fit-tieni inċiż ta' l-Artikolu 7 i tal-Protokoll dwar il-Privileġġi u l-Immunitajiet tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej.

Il-Pass għandu ...(-il) paġna.

Dit laissez-passer wordt afgegeven krachtens artikel 7, lid 1, van het Protocol betreffende de voorrechten en immuniteiten van de Europese Gemeenschappen, dat gehecht is aan het Verdrag tot instelling van één Raad en één Commissie welke de Europese Gemeenschappen gemeen hebben.

De houder van dit laissez-passer geniet de voorrechten en immuniteiten waarin dit Protocol voorziet.

Dit laissez-passer geldt voor de grondgebieden bedoeld in artikel 299, leden 1 en 4, van het Verdrag tot oprichting van de Europese Gemeenschap, en voor het grondgebied van derde staten waarmee de Commissie akkoorden heeft gesloten in de zin van artikel 7, lid 1, tweede alinea, van het Protocol betreffende de voorrechten en immuniteiten van de Europese Gemeenschappen.

Het laissez-passer bevat … bladzijden.

Przepustka została wydana na mocy postanowień art. 7 ust. 1 protokołu w sprawie przywilejów i immunitetów załączonego do Traktatu ustanawiającego Jedną Radę i Jedną Komisję Wspólnot Europejskich.

Posiadacz niniejszej przepustki korzysta z przywilejów i immunitetów określonych w tym protokole.

Przepustka jest ważna na obszarze określonym w art. 299 ust. 1 i 4 Traktatu ustanawiającego Wspólnotę Europejską oraz na terytorium państw trzecich, z którymi Komisja zawarła umowy, o których mowa w art. 7 ust. 1 akapit drugi Protokołu w sprawie przywilejów i immunitetów Wspólnot Europejskich.

Przepustka składa się z …. stron.

O presente livre-trânsito é emitido ao abrigo do disposto no n.º 1 do artigo 7º do Protocolo relativo aos Privilégios e Imunidades das Comunidades Europeias que figura em anexo ao Tratado que institui um Conselho Único e uma Comissão Única das Comunidades Europeias.

O titular do presente livre-trânsito goza dos privilégios e imunidades previstos no referido protocolo.

O presente livre-trânsito é válido nos territórios referidos nos n.ºs 1 e 4 do artigo 299º do Tratado que institui a Comunidade Europeia, bem como no território dos Estados terceiros com os quais a Comissão tenha concluído acordos na acepção do n.º 1, segundo parágrafo, do artigo 7º do Protocolo relativo aos Privilégios e Imunidades das Comunidades Europeias.

Livre-trânsito composto por … páginas.

Prezentul permis de liberă trecere este eliberat în temeiul dispoziţiilor articolului 7 alineatul i din Protocolul privind privilegiile şi imunităţile Comunităţilor Europene, anexat la Tratatul de instituire a unui Consiliu unic şi a unei Comisii unice ale Comunităţilor Europene.

Titularul acestui permis de liberă trecere se bucură de privilegiile şi imunităţile prevăzute de protocolul menţionat anterior.

Prezentul permis de liberă trecere este valabil pentru teritoriile menţionate la articolul 299 alineatele i şi i din Tratatul de instituire a Comunităţii Europene, precum şi pentru teritoriul statelor terţe cu care Comisia a încheiat acorduri în sensul articolului 7 alineatul i paragraful al doilea din Protocolul privind privilegiile şi imunităţile Comunităţilor Europene.

Permisul de liberă trecere conţine … pagini.

Toto laissez-passer je vydané na základe článku 7 ods. 4 Protokolu o privilégiách a imunitách Európskych spoločenstiev priloženého k Zmluve o založení jedinej Rady a jedinej Komisie Európskych spoločenstiev.

Držiteľ tohto laissez-passer disponuje privilégiami a imunitami stanovenými v tomto protokole.

Toto laissez-passer je platné pre územia uvedené v odsekoch 1 článku 299 Zmluvy o založení Európskeho spoločenstva, ako aj pre územia tretích štátov, s ktorými Komisia uzavrie dohodu v zmysle článku 7 ods. 1 druhého pododseku Protokolu o privilégiách a imunitách Európskych spoločenstiev.

Toto laisser-passer obsahuje ... strany.

Ta prepustnica se izdaja na podlagi določb člena 7 i Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Evropskih skupnosti, ki je priložen k Pogodbi o ustanovitvi enotnega Sveta in enotne Komisije Evropskih skupnosti.

Imetnik te prepustnice uživa privilegije in imunitete, določene v tem protokolu.

Ta prepustnica velja za ozemlja iz člena 299 i in i Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti in tudi za ozemlje tretjih držav, s katerimi bo Komisija sklenila sporazume v smislu drugega pododstavka člena 7 i Protokola o privilegijih in imunitetah Evropskih skupnosti.

Prepustnica vsebuje … strani.

Tämä kulkulupa on myönnetty Euroopan yhteisöjen yhteisen neuvoston ja yhteisen komission perustamisesta tehtyyn sopimukseen liitetyn Euroopan yhteisöjen erioikeuksista ja vapauksista tehdyn pöytäkirjan 7 artiklan 1 kohdan määräysten nojalla.

Kulkuluvan haltijalla on kyseisessä pöytäkirjassa määrätyt erioikeudet ja vapaudet.

Kulkulupa on voimassa Euroopan yhteisön perustamissopimuksen 299 artiklan 1 ja 4 kohdassa tarkoitetuilla alueilla ja sellaisten kolmansien valtioiden alueella, joiden kanssa komissio on tehnyt Euroopan yhteisöjen erioikeuksista ja vapauksista tehdyn pöytäkirjan 7 artiklan 1 kohdan toisessa alakohdassa tarkoitetun sopimuksen.

Tässä kulkuluvassa on … sivua.

Denna identitetshandling har utställts på grundval av bestämmelserna i artikel 7.1 i protokollet om Europeiska gemenskapernas immunitet och privilegier, som är fogat till fördraget om upprättandet av ett gemensamt råd och en gemensam kommission för Europeiska gemenskaperna.

Innehavaren av identitetshandlingen åtnjuter den immunitet och de privilegier som föreskrivs i det ovan nämnda protokollet.

Identitetshandlingen gäller för de territorier som avses i artikel 299.1 och 299.4 i fördraget om upprättandet av Europeiska gemenskapen och för de territorier som hör till de tredjeländer med vilka kommissionen har slutit sådana avtal som avses i artikel 7.1 andra stycket i protokollet om Europeiska gemenskapernas immunitet och privilegier.

Identitetshandlingen innehåller … sidor.

- Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 950/73 (OJ L 98, 12.4.1973, p.


- Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 3288/80 (OJ L 350, 23.12.1980, p. 17).

- Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 123/86 (OJ L 18, 24.1.1986, p.


- Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 1303/94 (OJ L 142, 7.6.1994, p.


- Regulation (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) No 838/95 (OJ L 85, 19.4.1995, p.
