Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2009)222 - Conclusion of the Agreement on Scientific and Technological Cooperation between the EC of the one part and Jordan, of the other part

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Subject: Proposal for a Council decision concerning the conclusion of a scientific and technical cooperation agreement between the European Community, on the one part, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on the other part

1. The Euro-Mediterranean Agreement establishing an association (hereinafter referred to as 'the association agreement') between the European Communities and their Member States, on the one side, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (hereinafter referred to as 'Jordan'), on the other, entered into force on 1 May 2002. Article 64 of this agreement identifies scientific and technological cooperation as an area of particular interest and potential, and provides, amongst other things, for the establishment of permanent links between the parties' scientific communities. Similarly, Article 62 mentions that regional cooperation will focus, amongst other things, on scientific and technological research.

2. In a letter dated 20 February 2007 the Jordanian Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Ms. Suhair Al-Ali, submitted a formal request to commence negotiations on an S&T cooperation agreement. In a letter dated 14 March 2007, Commissioner Potočnik replied positively to this request.

3. Thus, upon a proposal of the Commission, the Council authorised the Commission on 7 April, 2008 to negotiate on behalf of the European Community an S&T cooperation agreement with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and issued the relevant negotiating directives. The negotiations resulted in the attached draft agreement text initialed on 28 January 2009.

4. Jordan is an active partner, with important advantages, such as:

- a network of universities and higher education institutions well developed and well equipped research and technological applications centres, like the NCARTT (National Center for Agricultural Research and Technology Transfer) in the field of agronomy;

- a good integration in the international and regional scientific networks which participate to the Global Forum of Sustainable Development and to the International conventions of the Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement et le développement (CNUED) (biodiversity, desertification…);

5. Jordan has the capacity to act as a hub for the scientific cooperation with the other countries of the region (Syria, Lebanon, Palestinian Authority, Israel, Egypt and Turkey). At regional level, Jordan contributes actively to the works of the MoCo (Euro-Mediterranean Monitoring Committee for RTD co-operation) where it is represented by its’ “Higher Council for Science and Technology” (HCST). The HCST was established in 1987 to build a national science and technology base to contribute to the achievement of national developmental objectives, through increasing awareness of the significance of scientific research and development by providing the necessary funding for such activity and directing R&D activity toward developmental priorities.

6. Following the analysis of the national research system carried out by HCST jointly with the International Development Research Centre of Canada,was recommended that a national research system be created which would be able to draw and set up a policy for the Science, Technology and Innovation involving all the sectors, especially the SMEs. The priority domains presented as best prepared for international and regional co-operation were energy, sustainable development (water and natural resources management), health, agriculture and archaeology. As a result, the Jordanian Government adopted a strategic document for 2005-2010 to better integrate science and technology in its national programmes, to establish a scientific and technological basis mobilising multidisciplinary and inter-institutional networks, and to reinforce partnerships and synergies between the scientific community and the actors of innovation. The domains identified are in line with FP7 priorities, and a cooperation of Jordan research institutions in international scientific teams would certainly contribute to enhance the Jordanian national research system, as it will improve the S&T cooperation in the region.

7. The Agreement should be signed and applied on a provisional basis, pending the completion of the procedures for its formal conclusion.

In light of the above considerations the Commission requests the Council:

- To approve on behalf of the European Community the attached decision;

- To notify the Jordanian authorities that the European Community has completed the procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement.